
"Fool," he hisses. "I'm devastated."

Her lips part to a shattered exhale.


His hand trails across her cheek and fingers wave through her hair. His forehead rests against hers.

"Let me steal a moment, just one." he mutters. "I need to pick pieces of myself."

Seo had that tall, lean built of a Kang that even when he bows before her, Seol has to tip her head upwards to touch his forehead with hers. The movement displaces her winter hat; it catches the breeze and sweeps off – flapping the veil with it. Seol cares none. Instead, she raises a hand to cradle his face. Seo startles at the touch but her fingers threading into his hair holds him in place.

"Take a long moment," her words are a foggy, winter breath. "And let me hold you for a while." She wraps her other arm around his waist, bringing them closer yet. "You did nothing," she continues. "You are not at fault if this imperial princess wants to hold you." His breath ripples across her face and his shoulders hunch. Had she taken her eyes away from his she'd have seen the way his lips purse away a sigh, his jaw tightening against the urge to reach out to her. "And this princess doesn't want to let you go."

Apart from the rustling leaves and his breath mingling with hers nothing makes a sound. Seol feels her throat tightening with a knot of longing that she couldn't swallow. Her eyes sting with its burden.

"Thank you – Kang Seo," she says softly. "Thank you for being devastated. Or I wouldn't have dared to…" she bunches a handful of his outer robe, allowing the heat of his skin to scald against her palm.

"You shouldn't dare to." His words are rough edged and pressed against the side of her face. Seol shudders at the unfamiliar sensation. Bow cut fingers cradle her uninjured cheek with a tenderness that makes them tremble. "I shouldn't allow you to."

Still neither of them moves an inch away from where they stand, their breath quickening to match the flutter of their hearts.

"Stop me then."

"You know I cannot, mama," he breathes. "As you said, the imperial princess does as the imperial princess wills."

"This imperial princess's will is yours. You know that, don't you lord Kang?" She nudges his nose with hers and draws close enough to paint her words on his skin. Seo turns his face away, swallowing thickly, he draws himself away from her embrace. Seol allows her fingers to trail off. He catches hold of her hands before she had withdrawn them.

"I will bring you nothing but war, mama. War that you fear so much." He silences her protests with a single look. "Don't say you don't. I was there – with you." He brushes the back of her palm with his thumb, lashes drawn over his silver eyes to hide their longing. "It is one thing to face an arrow that you are certain will not injure you – but another to … You don't know what kind of a man I am. I have done things that will make your flesh crawl. While it would devastate me to let you go – I would not survive to watch you fear me, mama."

He pauses and touches her knuckles to his forehead, an honor that men of mountains did not often give away freely.

"You may will anything under the sun, but you cannot will yourself to be a Kang woman."

Stepping away he picks up the hat she had discarded and returns to offer her the same. When Seol does not move to accept it, he gently places it on her hair, fixing the veil properly. Thin muslin cannot soften the edge of her glare.

"Is that a challenge or an invitation, Kang Seo?"

"It is a fact, Gongjunim. I need a woman who could ride to war with me."

Seol folds her arms, huffing.

"Be very certain of what you say, Lord Kang – you cannot take back a word you give me."

He means to answer that, but is thwarted by the approaching soldier wearing Yoo reds.

"General Kang, scouts from Naju have returned and –" the man breaks off, watching Seol sheepishly. "Umm –"

'General Kang," Seol addresses Seo. "What are your scouts doing in Naju?"

Seo dismisses the soldier with his eyes before turning to her.

"Scouting," he says lightly. When he begins to walk, slinging his bow by his shoulder, Seol falls into step beside him, her eyes knowingly narrowed.

"Kang Seo," she says, as if the entire conversation before had been forgotten. "Tell me about the rebels. What are they against? Why did they attack us?"

"They did not intend to run into us I'm afraid," Seo explains. "They probably wanted to make a dent in Chongju coffers. You brought us into their path - mama." Something about his tone is playful, as if he enjoys riling her up. Seol does not let his words drive her into guilt.

"You think it was for good," she concludes and Seo's mouth twitches. "Why?"

"We wouldn't have learned what we did about them had you not made us have this encounter - mama," he admits. They had returned to the place where the soldiers had gathered. They were bringing and stocking supplies for the journey to commence. Seol watches them for a moment, realization beginning to dawn upon her.

"You men are not saddling up for the three day journey -" she says accusingly. "Kang Seo, do you intend to pack me off with Yoo guards to Shinju while you and your men go off to -" she rakes over his face with a dark look. "Naju? That's where you are going?"

"Gongjunim -"

"I'm not going."


"Don't you dare raise your voice on me," her eyes narrow and her chin tilts. "Young master Kang, Naju Ohs are no friends of yours. Unless you mean to trespass and conquer their lands - you will take me with you. The lady of Ohs has been a dear friend."

Seo doesn't say anything immediately.

"Think about it," Seol presses on, there is an intelligent gleam in her eyes. "If you intend to force entry you will need a little more than a nudging suspicion. If you accuse them and they prove their innocence - the feud between Kangs and Ohs will turn into an uncrossable chasm. No, you need to go on with friendship even if you don't mean to continue the sentiment for long. Let me write the young lady of Ohs. You may tag along when I visit her."

"I don't wish the envoy to accompany us," Seo confesses. His brows are frowned.

"Yul can take the Yoo guards and continue on with him. I don't need armies of two clans to accompany me on a tea party, do I? If you slip off, leaving your charge unguarded, it is no wonder that Master Li would be suspicious. But if the curious prince remains to accompany him and you choose to accompany me - the man would find nothing out of ordinary."

She grins, watching how Seo failed to work out an argument on that.

"I may not have scheming in my blood," she told him, removing the veiled hat so he may see her crooked lips dripping with sarcasm. "But my father sits in the most scheming position out there -" she waves for Min ha, who rushes to them with a hand warmer. "And young master Kang - it is not necessary for your woman to ride with you to participate in war. Some wars are won even before either party enters the field. Have a pleasant evening."
