Tacit - II

Ah Ah watches them from her place in the shadows, feeling a tinge of resentment at the princess she had known from childhood. Seol is oblivious to the cost of her actions to other people. An Ah could see how easily she stirs the General, a touch, a smile - so casually offered and the man who had not looked at her twice looks at Seol as if she hangs the moon in the sky - as if she holds a blade to his throat.

The promise she had made to her father seems to grow heavier as she watches. She had not considered the possibility of failure before but it looks like an inevitable eventuality now. To make her way towards Kang Seo - this imperial princess will have to be removed.

Seo is afraid of her, of tumbling into the abyss she leads him towards. Within her eyes her soul lies bare, offered unconditionally for taking. It is terrifying just how close he comes to giving in, just how quickly he forgets.