Trick on the sleeve - II

Naju refugees gathered around the merrily crackling fire take into their arrival with whooping joy. They had dug coal pits on the frozen ground and, blessing the snow that had ceased to fall, started cozy fires on them, roasting corn and meat on leaping flames.

Seo eases her back to her feet, silver eyes trailing over her face in concern.

"Better?" He inquires; a hand on her shoulder and another at her hip. "Steady?"

Seol purses her lips and nods shortly. The more she moves her head - the more the ground sways. She keeps a cautionary arm on Seo's elbow and inhales the winter air, the churning inside her stomach recedes somewhat.

"What is it - lady Kang?" One of the women from the fireside asks, her hands do not stop turning the sticks on which she roasts corn and her eyes twinkle with a teasingly knowing smile. "Are you feeling unwell?"

Seol jerks at the unfamiliar address and Seo's grip on her shoulder tightens. He dips his head to mutter against her ear.