Turn of the Game - II

Her heart takes on the patter of guilt mixed with accomplishment. It has to be the wickedest thing Seol had done till date, deliberately trapping An Ah into something that she herself had staged. But she does not regret it, knowing full well that the other girl had intended to use that vial of poison given chance. It was a game of opportunities where one that lets go of the chance loses.

For a moment longer she remains motionless, mildly enjoying the feel of Seo's arms clasping around her instinctively. He picks her up without much of a ceremony and her head settles comfortably into the crook of his neck. If she would allow herself a bit of fantasy she could imagine the quickening of his pulse was anger pounding through his blood.

There is indeed fury coloring his tone as he addresses the others who had assembled.

"What are you waiting for? Take her out of my sight."