
Seo wakes up to lady Ji's worried face, realizing belatedly that she had been shaking him. He recognizes the familiar surroundings of the physician's chambers and wonders offhandedly how he had ended up there. 

"What?" He asks drowsily, blinking at her. But then he takes notice of her agitation and sits up straight, wincing slightly at the pain that shoots across his abdomen. "Lady Ji?" He clutches a hand where it stings and finds a bandage around his torso. Belatedly he is reminded of the unhealable wound and things start to click. But his urgent worry is not his wounds, which, cursed as they are, would never truly leave the list of drawbacks, but he is more focused on the distress apparent in the face of the woman in front of him. 

"Young master, forgive me, I can't find the princess."

He must look as flabbergasted as he feels because Lady Ji repeats herself slowly. "Princess Seol is no longer inside the compound."