
Seol looks around herself, trying to suppress a shiver curling down her spine. Shadows are more pronounced now that night has progressed. Cold breeze carries the scent of winter, mixed with a hint of rust and rotting foliage under the snow. Her eyes take in Seo, his bow slung over his shoulder, a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Seol knows he has daggers hidden in his sleeves, tucked into his belt - one poisoned knife in his boot. Air around him hums with a power that has little to do with any of those weapons. The land seems to recognize and sync with those vibrations, rippling with awareness - ready for the enemy. She shudders again.

"What does he want with me?" Seol blows into her palms, curling her icy fingers to set her blood flowing.

Seo takes her hand in his and blows warm air into her palms. She shudders again, fingers curling with a pleasant tingle. An inch closer he could have kissed her palms, that thought warms her quicker than his ministrations.