Tithe of life

Seol is dreaming of starlight. At least that's what she thinks it is, the soft pulsing light that caresses her face. It reminds her of Seo and then something more than him. Something she knows, yet she doesn't. Something old and hers.

She wakes up with a gasp and an aching heart. An old and forgotten wound in her heart being prodded by the recent events. Seo was in pain. He was alone. He was cold. He needed her.


She wakes up to her mother's soft prayer, music of her mild voice singing. She pauses abruptly as Seol bolts upright. She reaches to hold her mother by her shoulders.

"Seo, where is he?"

Her heart clenches painfully at the look her mother returns in response. 

"Where is he?"

He is drawing weaker, something is draining his energy, his life. Seol would ponder how she realized that later. Once she reaches and saves him, once the ache in her heart subsides. She scrambles to her feet, leaving her silent mother.