
A cough rattles him just as they leave the freezing cellars. Instinctively Seol stretches out an arm to steady her lord father, while the soldiers help Yong to limp along. Her father pauses only for a moment, dabs at the blood trickling from his mouth with the hem of his sleeve and places a heavy hand on her shoulder, straightening himself. 

"Lord father," her voice breaks as her throat tightens. The emperor shakes his head at her. 

"It's just the residue of the poison," he says gruffly. "It is natural for the body to want to expel it."

His hand that she takes is shaking. Seol clutches at it, her eyes brimming. 

"Appa," she says thickly. "You are not well."

"And you are my daughter," he says heavily, a palm cradling her face. "My baby. By precious child, I will not stand while you are compelled to fight your own battles. This isn't how I want you to live."