Tyrant's Memories - II

Keirr remembers how his father's eyes had looked then, blurred in the acidic rain, burning with the realization of his own failure, he had looked crazed, a serpent provoked, ready to sting. He crouches low, so their eyes could meet and bears his teeth in true predator fashion. 

"It's going to be easier now, eliminating one would eliminate the other, would it not?"

He reels with the comprehension of it, of how the older man has played his hand in the anticipation of this moment. Waiting so he could turn their bond into their weakness. What had earlier been a fear, now flares up within him like a burst of fury. 

"Touch her," he growls low in his throat, meaning every word that he uttered. "Touch her and I'll burn your empire to the ground. To dust. I will ruin it all and make you watch everything burn."