Terrifying One - II

Old age had treated grand dowager Jeondeok well. Her eeriness had only grown with the time and so had her penchant for power. Instead of picking up slave children from slums to raise as shamans, the queen had turned to acutely seeking for old sources of power, gathering a noteworthy collection of cursed objects, soul containers and the like. The magic in her blood was a faint thing, she may not really produce a satisfactory enchantment, but her keen sense for recognizing power had granted her a lot more than one would have thought she was destined for. 

If anything, Ryu's had a keen sense for survival. They had after all toyed with both sides in the Traitor's war and lived to tell the tale, not barely surviving, but with enough and more authority to spare with. The armies of Ryu were thriving, the dowager still had a good grasp on her estates and in the shadows she still had her own set of schemes in motion.