Chapter 8: King's Landing. 115 AC

[A couple of days later]

I stood in front of a blurry mirror as servants surrounded me, dressing me up with a black and red Targaryen robe. It was cool I guess, it was Identical to the robe that my father usually wears, but then, I quickly realized something.

Where the fuck is my bronze armor?

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked the servants, which made them flinch.

Jeez, am I that scary?

"M-M'lord?" questioned the servant.

"Where's my bronze armor?" I asked them.

"You are going to a wedding m'lord… it is not proper to—"

"If you're a royce, then it is." I sighed. "Bring me the armor."

"R-Right away m'lord." The servants then scattered, retrieving the armor from the armory. I looked at myself in the mirror, god I look so different from my previous life, and I don't look normal at all… I mean, I'm 8 years old, but I look 14 for fuck's sake.

I hope I don't develop some big ass muscles… that'll be a problem… just be lean please…

The servants quickly came back with parts of my armor, and quickly equipped it, covering the chest area of the robe. So now, I have the runic armor, with black and red sleeves from the Targaryen robe.

Looks decent I guess.

"Thank you, you may go now." I said to the servants, all of them bowed, and exited the room. I walked towards the window, and my gaze turned towards the yard of the castle. I saw three dragons, A bronze, a silver, and a red one. The bronze was mine, Vermithor, the silver was Vermithor's, and the red one… is my father's…

From the distance, Caraxes seems smaller than the other two, but the veracity of it can't be underestimated. I could see the Blood Wyrm getting restless as he was surrounded by two big dragons.

If I had to guess, Vermithor is 70 to 80 percent bigger than Caraxes, which is a bit weird, considering Caraxes is Daemon's, and Daemon is my father.

Is like having a bigger dick than your father. Wait, what? Stop, don't think about that.

Oh well, time to go.

I walked towards the yard where the dragons and my father waited. Once Daemon saw me, he raised his brow a little.

"I thought I had commanded the servants to not give you the armor." Daemon commented.

"The armor stays." I insisted. "It's for protection."

"We're going to a wedding, not a bloody war." Daemon scoffed as he climbed on Caraxes.

"You'd be surprised how violent weddings can be." I chuckled.

"You're just a child, how would you know?"

"I don't." I said, caressing Vermithor's head, before patting his neck. I then climbed towards his back, positioning myself in a comfortable position on the saddle. I then turned towards Silverwing, who was watching me rather passively. "You know, remind me why we have to bring her again?"

"Vermithor and Silverwing are inseparable." said Daemon flatly. "It's why she followed you when you took Vermithor."

"No, you just want to show off." I scoffed.

"Silverwing isn't yours, she just follows Vermithor around." Daemon countered. "Don't get too arrogant now."

"Yeah, well, we need to find her a rider soon. Runestone definitely can't feed both of these beasts."

"They can hunt themselves."

"Good point, but still…"

"Let's talk later." Daemon cut me off. "We'll be late."

I just sighed. Caraxes then took off from the yard, heading towards King's Landing.

"Vermithor, [Soves]." I said, and Vermithor flapped his gigantic bronze wings, taking off towards the capital.

The entire flight, I was closing my eyes and spreading my arms as always. It's always a joy to feel the rush of air hitting my whole body. But then a peculiar smell hit me, it smells… of shit and piss… fucking hell, in this distance?

We were flying low on the sea, but even in this distance the smell still exists? Wow, that's quite something.

We approached King's Landing, the Red Keep is in our sight now. I could hear the loud roar of Caraxes besides Vermithor, and I could see the red dragon turn towards the direction of the Dragonpit, so I did the same.

Vermithor and Silverwing then turned towards Caraxes's destination, and officially, we entered King's Landing. I could see the shadow of Vermithor and Silverwing covering an entire section of an area, it was honestly quite terrifying and exciting at the same time. Vermithor and Silverwing reflected the sunlight above, glistening as the sun rays hit their scales. If I could see them from below, it would've looked majestic.

Imagine if Vermithor is unleashing its bronze fire towards the city… it will be a sight to behold…

Wait, that's dark, stop thinking that.

As we neared the Dragonpit, instead of entering the pit itself, I saw Caraxes suddenly making a sharp turn, and he was headed towards the Red Keep.

What the hell is he doing…

Vermithor and Silverwing landed atop of Dragonpit, watching Daemon's move. I could hear Valyrian shouts from inside the pit, I could see crowds of smallfolk started to gather outside of it, and all of them looked small…

Vermithor and Silverwing then unleashed a roar towards Caraxes, seemingly telling him to turn around, but he didn't listen. I just sighed instead, and told Vermithor to follow suit.

So he did just that, he took off again, breaking a couple of stones of the Dragonpit, and flew towards the Red Keep.

Now that I think about it, Aren't Vermithor and Silverwing stayed in the Red Keep most of the time instead of the Dragonpit? I think that's the case, I forgot some parts of the book…

[3rd POV]

King Viserys in the middle of the table with a wide smile on his face. Besides him were his daughter Rhaenyra, who was going to be married today, to Laenor Velaryon, securing an alliance with the lord of the tides.

As houses come and go from the front of his table, giving them flowery words to Rhaenyra and the king, Viserys passionately eats the chicken in front of him.

A particular house was suddenly called by the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.

"House Royce, with their Lady, Rhea Royce, the Protector of the Fingers and the Mountains of the Moon, and the master of Runestone."

Viserys turned his gaze towards the approaching house. They have only a couple of men and ladies, with Rhea Royce leading them. The family bowed in front of the king, before Rhea approached the King's table.

"Your grace." greeted Rhea.

"Lady Rhea." Viserys smiled. "I am happy that you are able to attend my daughter's wedding."

"It's my honor to attend your grace." said Rhea, she looked around the table, and saw no signs of her 'husband'. "Has the prince arrived yet?"

"He hasn't." the king forced a smile. "I heard he took Maegor to Dragonstone."

"Yes. he told me that he wants to teach Maegor the ways of house Targaryen." Rhea nodded.

Suddenly, a kingsguard approaches the king from the back. The kingsguard bowed a little so the king could hear what he was saying.

"Your grace. Prince Daemon has arrived with his Dragon in the red keep yard, along with two other dragons."

"Two?" Viserys frowned.

"The prince told us that it was Vermithor and Silverwing. He asks that the Dragonkeepers attend to the dragon in the red keep yard instead of the Dragonpit."

Viserys was even more confused. "Why are my grandfather's and grandmother's dragons following him?"

"It's… Maegor's… your grace…"

"What?" said the king rather loudly, making the other lords turn to him. The king just smiled at them, and continued to speak. "Which one is his? Surely he doesn't bond with two dragons."

"I do not know your grace." the kingsguard said. "Shall we tell them to go to the dragonpit?"

Viserys sighed. "No. Tell the Dragonkeepers to come to the Red Keep. I once heard Vermithor and Silverwing disliked the pit."

"As you command." the kingsguard bowed, and he left the king.

Rhea naturally heard the conversation. And she was half mad about Daemon letting her son tame a dragon in his young age, but half happy that her son managed to do it.

Viserys smiled at her. "It seems that my brother and your son had just arrived, Lady Rhea."

Rhea smiled. "Yes. if you'll excuse me, your grace."

"Do you not want to sit with us?" said the king, standing up.

"It's kind of you to offer. But as you may now… me and the prince isn't…"

"Ah, I see." the king sighed. "Very well. Enjoy the feast Lady Rhea."

"I will, your grace." Rhea bowed, before walking towards her kin's table, where all kinds of food were served.