Chapter 12: Then the Dragons Shall Know Their Bane. 115 AC

[1st POV]

I attended Vermithor as it was the last day that I will stay in the Red Keep. The wedding last night was a disaster. Laenor Velaryon kept crying all the time, he could barely even say his vows to Rhaenyra, and once all the farce had been done, instead of bedding cousin that night, he walked straight to the sept where Ser Joffrey was being tended.

Everyone was embarrassed, be it the Velaryons, the Targaryens, and Ser Criston can't be even placed in the same room as Laenor, otherwise, everyone is afraid that a… brawl might start.

Anyway, before all that, unsurprisingly I won the tournament. I got some golden dragons that I am strapping to Vermithor right now, and I'm rich now. I could do whatever I want, kind of… I still need to grow up before doing something more… drastic…

Once I'm done strapping the pouches of golden dragons on Vermithor's back, I hopped off again, where I saw the king… looking at me with a smile, along with Queen Alicent… and Aegon… and Heleana…


"Your grace." I bowed towards the family. "What brings you here? Did I do something?"

"Ah, am I not allowed to say farewell to my nephew?" the king asks joyfully.

"Your grace, you are too kind."

Viserys just laughed. "Truthfully, I'm here to give you something. Think of it as a keepsake from me. Your father asked me to give you this."

"My father?" I exclaimed. "That's rather uncharacteristic of him…"

"I know my brother hasn't always been there for you as a father," Viserys said softly. "But do know that he's trying."

I nodded. "I know, your grace. His lessons on life have been quite… enlightening…"

Viserys raised his brow, seemingly finding something wrong with my sentence. He just threw a half smile at me as he scratched his cheek. "I do hope he teaches you some good life lessons… and not to be like him…"

I just cleared my throat in awkwardness. "Something like that."

"Then good." Viserys nodded. He then turned towards his servant, and gestured to him to take a step.

The servant then walked towards me, bringing a small black box, made out of leather. The servant opened the box, and it revealed a beautiful black bow. It was carved rather meticulously, many dragon symbols scattered throughout the 'wood', and to be honest it looked like a piece of art rather than a weapon of war.

"I don't know what to say… your grace…" I murmured, taking the bow into my hand. It's… really light…

"It's made of Dragonbone." Viserys explained proudly. Wait. what? dragonbone? "Supposedly, an arrow shot by that bow can penetrate even the thickest of steel."

I tried to pull the string of the bow, holy shit, I can't even pull it.

Viserys just laughed awkwardly. "Maybe once you're older you'll be able to pull it."

"Does it have a name, your grace?" I asked, curious.

"You name it." answered Viserys.

"Oh, well…"

I thought about it for a while... what's a good name for a bow...

"How about Dragon's Bane?" someone said suddenly, interrupting my thoughts. I looked at who it was, and it was Helaena, seemingly proud of herself to think of that name, she had this cheeky grin on her face.

Viserys chuckled as he shook his daughter's head with his hand. "That's a rather ominous name, daughter. Your cousin will not kill any dragons, as it is our ally, not our enemy."

Hm… it's kinda… kinda tempting to name it that…

"They are our allies, your grace." I said, caressing Vermithor who is just chilling behind me. "But who knows. Some said Dragons brought forth the doom of Valyria."

King Viserys's expression turned solemn, and nodded. "Then a splendid name, it may be."

"I shall call it Dragon's Bane then." I said. I turned towards the princess, and bowed jokingly. "Thank you, princess."

Helaena just giggled on the spot, making Viserys amused at her attitude. I put the bow back on its box, and took the whole box before putting it on Vermithor.

I sat on Vermithor's saddle, before bowing one last time to the king. "Then may your reign be filled with happiness and prosperity, your grace. May we meet once again."

"Send my regards to Lady Rhea." the king said.

"I will." I nodded. [Vermithor! Soves!]

Vermithor gladly flapped his wings. The dust scattered towards the yard, making the royal family cover their faces to not get sand in their eyes. Once Vermithor took off, he turned around towards the north, and Silverwing followed, taking off from the yard as well.

As we flew above King's Landing, towards the Vale, Vermithor let out a loud roar, loud enough so the entire King's Landing could hear it. Then, we set a course for Runestone, my so-called home.

Around half a day we flew. It's refreshing to not smell any shit and piss in the air again, I quietly enjoy the wind passing through me, the wet clouds hitting my clothing, the pure sunlight irradiating from above.

As we passed the mountains of the Vale, I could see Runestone from a distance. Vermithor and Silverwing started to fly lower, just right above pastures, the green scenery that filled the entirety of The Vale hillside.

I could see herders below watching me and dragons travel, their sheeps scattering around when they heard the Dragon's roar.

Then, we arrived outside of Runestone. We circled around the place a couple of times, seeing Runestone from an angle I've never seen before. When I felt satisfied, we landed right outside of the holding. I took out all of my belongings from Vermithor, dropping all of it from his back, and caressed the beast's neck.

[Jikagon sōvegon se tegor. (Go roam the lands.)] I whispered to him. [Iksā dāez, daor belma kessa letagon ao. (You are free, no chains shall bind you.)]

Vermithor kept purring as I caressed his nose, and I continued. [Kesā gīmigon lo iksan isse jorrāelagon hen ao. Gaomagon daor arghugon vali. (You will know when I am in need of you, do not hunt men.)]

The two dragons then raised towards the sky, and roared as loud as they possibly could. It was so loud that the grounds around them shook, and it created shockwaves, pushing the grass around.

Vermithor and Silverwing then took off, leaving me with my belongings. As I turned around, I saw an entourage of men with horses approaching me, so I started to gather my belongings, and walked towards them, going back to the place that I was born in.