Chapter 14: Mother and Son. 120 AC

[Runestone, The Vale]

When Maegor entered the room where his mother rested, he was greeted by the sight of men with bronze armor, surrounding a woman that was bedridden. The men in the room moved their gaze towards Maegor, as if they had anticipated him.

He knew each of their faces. His mother's cousin, Gerold Royc and hisson Gunthor Royce, and the head of the Cadet Branch of the Gates of the moon, Waymar Royce.

Maegor just walked closer to the bed, his hand resting on the wooden frame of the bed. He stared at his mother, her face pale, cold sweat dripping from her face, but she still had her motherly smile once she saw her only son.

"Andar…" she said weakly. "Sit."

Maegor didn't sit, instead, he spoke. "Is it Daemon?"

His mother just chuckled. She didn't say anything, she instead repeated her command. "Sit."

The boy sat beside his mother's bed, the men around her seemingly making way for Maegor. Rhea turned to the men of her house, and spoke. "Leave us."

The men bowed, and quickly left the mother and son pair to their lonesome.

When the men left, the room was significantly more quiet. Only the occasional sound of bird chirping from the window and the shouts of the smallfolk minding their own business could be heard.

"You haven't answered my question, mother," said Maegor.

"It was an honest accident." his mother scoffed. "Your cunt of a father wouldn't dare to do such a thing."

"Then you don't know him well." Maegor sighed. "How are you?"

"You and I both know the situation we're in," said Rhea. "I'm dying, Andar."

"I could try to—"

"You cannot heal me, Andar." said Rhea, sighing. "No amount of rune writing could fix a broken back."

"We could try."

"I do not want to be your experiment, Andar." said his mother sternly. "Let me die in peace… It has been a not-so enjoyable life for me. The only light in my life was you…"

Maegor went quiet for a second. "And what of Runestone?"

"You tell me." his mother smiled.

Maegor raised his brow. "What?"

"I just discussed the question of succession with Gerold and the head of the cadet branch…" she murmured. "We've decided that we will leave the decision to you."

Maegor once again kept quiet, he looked like he was in deep thought, seemingly in his own world.

Suddenly, his mother held his hand, snapping him back to reality. "Andar. I'm sorry."

Maegor kept a poker face. "For what?"

"For making you stuck in this situation." said Rhea. "I was… too prideful, not realizing that I have hurt you."

"I don't understand what you mean."

"It is why you left Runestone for 2 years, correct?" Rhea stated. "Traveling all over Westeros. Trying to find something within you, changing names, identities… Gods… you're only on your 13th name day…"

"It was fun while it lasted." Maegor chuckled softly.

"I shouldn't have made that agreement when you were in my belly." said Rhea weakly. "You are free to choose whatever path you want. Whatever you think it's best for you, house Royce will support it."

Maegor stared at the hand that his mother was holding. "So you'll give Gerold the seat of Runestone?"

"Like I said, you tell me." said his mother. Rhea then stared at Maegor's left arm, seemingly caressing the runes that were tattooed to his skin. "What is this for?"

"It's for Dragon's Bane." Maegor said calmly. "I need the runes to pull the bow strings."

His mother scoffed. "That bow is honestly a menace. Everyone in Runestone can't pull it. I do not want to even know how the craftsman made it."

Maegor just laughed, before suddenly kissing his mother's forehead. "Thank you, mother."

"Don't thank me yet…" she said. "If you choose to abandon your birthright, then tough times lay ahead."

"You know that I am not much of a ruler, mother." said Maegor jokingly.

"That is one of the points that Gerold brought." his mother chuckled. "My duty as your mother is done. I've taught you the knowledge of House Royce, even though you're the only one that can use it, now it's up to you how you will use it."

His mother then kissed his cheeks, and hugged him tightly. After a couple of seconds of silence, Rhea released her son, and patted his shoulder.

"Now leave me be. All this succession talk annoys me." said Rhea. "And take a bath. You reek of sweat and smoke."

Maegor just shook his head in amusement. "Very well, mother."

[1st POV]

I sat on the dining table, right in the middle of everyone, the seat where my mother used to sit. Besides me were the Royces and their family, and the atmosphere was quite tense.

I just slurped my soup, watching every single one of their movements, they were seemingly waiting for something.

But then, Gerold, my mother's cousin, spoke.

"Andar, have you decided?" he said, breaking the ice of everyone. The entire table turned loud, with people whining about Gerold's way of asking.

"It is not proper to ask that at the dining table, Gerold." said Waymar, the head of the cadet branch. "You should discuss it later."

"No, it's alright Lord Waymar." I said, dismissing his complaint. I turned towards Gerold, and raised my brow, as if telling him to speak.

"I recommend that you step down from the line of succession," said Gerold. He wants Runestone.

"Andar, I recommend that you stay as the lord of Runestone. We need someone like you to lead our house." said Waymar. He definitely wants my Dragons.

"Lord Waymar, Andar is only a boy. He is not capable of ruling—"

"Then I will rule in his stead until he is of age—"

The two sides kept arguing over and over. It's starting to get on my nerves, I know I allowed him to speak, but this is too much… My mother is on her deathbed, yet these leeches kept arguing like children over who will sit on her seat.

"SILENCE!" I roared, slamming my left arm to the table.

The family stared at me, as they realized that the table was split into two, dropping the food to the floor.

I stood from my seat, ignoring the food that was all over the ground, and I just smiled at them. "The question of succession will be answered once my mother is buried in the crypt. You talk as if she had passed away, and I will not hear any of it."

I turned towards the exit of the room, but a voice stopped me.

"Where are you going?" It was Gerold.

"To the north." I said. "Why? You want to come? I could let you ride on Silverwing's back if you want, though you'll be probably be roasted alive before that can happen."

The family went silent again, making me hum. "Thought as much."