welcome to all the new student

babe's let head to our various room,

but why Linda?

emh that because am tired of staying here ,

isn't it better we go search for Maverick Catherina asked?

seriously Catherina ?are you the one saying these?

yep ,I am the one,

Jane said ,you acting like you don't know Maverick and Linda had issues before we went home for the break,

seriously! Catherina am really dissapointed you don't remember that,

babe calm down,I know you and Maverick your boyfriend had some issues before we went home ,but how was i supposed to know you haven't settled the issue with him?

you would have asked,

Catherina stood up from her chairs went to the back of linda's chair where she sat and cuddled her neck from the back and she whispered to her,

am sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you,am I forgiven?

Linda smiles,yes sweetie you are,come and sit down,

what the need of sitting down?let just go to our room,

ok let go.

Linda,Jane and Catherina walked in the same line together majestically,as they where walking at same line,Johnson Nevaeh bump into them and her phone fell down,

oh my gosh!am really sorry for what ,I didn't really mean to do that as she bent down to pick her phone,

Linda collected Navaeh phone from her hand,are you blind miss?

no am not,I was just rushing to get to where I was heading to,

Jane slaps her,

ouch!why did you slap me?

because you deserve it,how dare you collide with us like that?

I said it was a mistake,

who cares Catherina asked?

Linda said ,she even looks like a fresher,a new students,

what wrong if am a new student?

nothing wrong ,it now I understand that you don't know who we are in these school Linda said,

who are you girls?,like I mean you a human like every other person,

shout up!black skin girl,

what wrong with being black?

stop questioning us,you don't have respect,

ok I won't question you girls again,but please I need my phone now ,so I can take my leave,

haha the girls laughs,you call this as Linda raised up Navaeh phone with her two fingers , shaking it to and fro,you call this a phone ?

yes it a phone,

this is nothing but a calculator,


yep!she left the phone to fall intentionally ,

oh my God! my phone,

ouch sorry she pretends as she smiles,you can pick it up now as I take my leave ,

naveah picks up her phone,oh my God!the screen is broken,ha why did I meet such a girl,they are really bad influence who do they think they are?

I swear I must get back to them all,she walks away angrily .


a beautiful young girl opens the door,

hi am naveah and I think you are elsher?

yea,am elsher ,

ok I ,yea I was directed by the principal to this room 577 ,she said that we are going to be sharing this room after I made my payment,

oh!I now understand,you are the girl that going to be my roommate?

yes , exactly,

ok ,come in ,can I see your evidence of payment?

yes why not ,here it is,

ok you very welcome in,

drop your luggages here as she pointed the other wardrobe ,that yours and this is mine,

ok thank you,

hope you like the room?

yes ,why not,

but I feel you not comfortable here,

no ,is not that am not comfortable ,just you know am new here so it will take time for me to adjust to the new environment,

ok I understand ,

baby ,you can be very open to me ,I have no friend here so please let be very close to each other and be besties,

so soon?

yes baby ,or don't you like me?

I do just ,am surprised they are still nice people in this school,

why do you say that?

you know the first set of girls I came in contact with where very mean,they where behaving like they are mini God,



so what did they do,

they where actually three,I don't know their names but they where really horrible,one of them slap me ,threw my phone in the floor ,

but why?

because I mistakenly bump into them and I apologize,but they became more mean and even called me a black skin girl,

oh! now I understand but don't take it to person,I can't actually say this is who did this to you but am suspecting Linda and her friends,they are actually four in number,

but you said three so I can't really tell,sorry for the ordeal experience baby.

it not a biggie ,so how long have u been in this school?

three years,

wow!that been long ,

yea it have really been long,

you know am new here ,I know nothing about this school,so please you will be my guide?

yes what are friends for,

I don't know you full name,so please can I know your name,

ok am Miller elsher,

nice meeting you Miller elsher ,I am Johnson neveah by name,

it a pleasure meeting you Johnson neveah,

neveah smilles,I heard that today they will be welcoming all the new student in school today,

yes that true neveah,so it your day,so I will have to makes sure you putting on a nice outfit today and nice makeup,

seriously is today such a big day that you want me to dress so special?

yes ,babe you don't Know how people behave and dress in this school , everyone dress to the best fashion,there is too much competition in this school,

everyone wants to be famous,well know ,

ok I see ,

yea so you got to dress well and maybe you get the luck to date the school hottest guy,

smiles am not interested in dating any guy ,


nothing I came to this school to achieve greater length,

hmm!I see you not a lover guy,I wish they have eyes on me,


the hot ,sexy and famous guys in our school,

really ,they can ,

it really hard,they date accordingly to their taste,

so how in God's name do you Know you not their taste?

merely looking at them you will know what they want,they want girls like Linda and friends,

who is this Linda you talking about self?

don't worry soon you will know them,

ok then,

so babe I will make sure you on your best look today,

lol!you know those guys I saw today that where rude to me they look very ugly,so am just wondering to see the Linda and friends to Know how Angelic they look.

smiles!don't worry you will get to Know them soon just have a rest before the welcoming night party,so you can be agile enough.

neveah lays on the bed and took a rest,she was already exhausted for the running about she did today,she she slept like a baby.

it was already night ,the time for the welcoming party, neveah was still asleep, elsher woke her up ,come on babe wake up it time for the party and you still asleep,

oh !am still exhausted ,let me sleep alittle longer,

you must be kidding me ,you already late ,

yeah it is not a must that I will attend this you know,

yea,but you must attend it , remember am your best friend ,do you want me to be sad?

no!no!ok I will stand up,she sat on the bed stretching her body,

ok go shower up,

yea let me go freshen up she went to the bathroom.

Linda and her friends where busy dressing up for the night party,

Linda said look how beautiful I look on this outfit,

Jane complimented,you look exactly like the princess you are,

awnn!thanks so much,

Catherina said babe I also look beautiful ,

they all smiled we all look beautiful,

Barbara looking at them from head to toe,but why are you all preparing like it our day,

you know we are not fresher's ,we have been in this school for years ,so why all this preparation?

Linda replied her , Barbara we always have to look hot always,we are very famous and we don't ever need to be catch unfresh,so we have to prepare and go there,

ok Linda ,since you said so.

neveah was dressed up by elsher,and she also did her make up,she turned the chair around to the mirror take a good look at your self you look more beautiful than Linda,

the truth is that you really beautiful,you a black beauty you know,.

awnn! thanks

Linda and her friends have already left to the party looking hot and stunning,they arrived and took a VIP sit.

neveah arrived very late with elsher as she walks in her beauty got the attention of everyone ,she sat down where elsher sat.

Good evening beautiful students, I say a massive welcome to all the new students, you are all welcome, this very night was meant for you, but before we start, can we stand on our feet to say a short prayer?

Dear father in heaven we thank you for a day like this, we ask unto you to protect us like always, and we pray our night activity would be successful through Christ our Lord, Amen

the students all said Amen.

I am Mr. Boniface the school principal, I am going to elaborate on our school, the activities that go on here and our school rules.

New dawn high school train singers, dancers, models actress and actors and instrumentalists depending on where you belong, we train students to become more perfect in the area they specialize,

we wear sport wear only on Thursdays, when we are having sports, you might be wondering why we have sport day in our school, when it is an entertainment school,

well, the answer is because everyone needs to keep fit.

Mr. Boniface mentioned the school rules, then left them to have fun.