A beginning

I am floating in total darkness, "I can't even see my own hands, sign*" trying to look at my own hands with confusion mix with fear, "How did I even get here?" I mumble while looking around me, assessing my situation, reaching my hands out, trying to scream, coming up with all sort of terrible ideas and scenario, letting out another sigh, I stopped myself from overthinking things, wanting to let out another sigh but I controlled myself, I start to count in my head to make myself calm down, '1,2,3... 200010, 200011' I don know how much time has passed but I stop counting and start to go through my life before this.

My name is Jonathan Arcane (15), but you can call me Cane, I was first born in High-Class family with 3 other siblings that being 2 girls and 2 boys with me being included, Victoria Arcane (14), Kevin Solaris (10) , lastly the youngest Avery Solaris (5) being the sweet heart of the family.

Arcane being from my mother family last name Julia Arcane (38) and Solaris being my father family Henderson Solaris (40) , My family runs 2 global enterprises, Arcane Innovation is Tech-invention base, and Solaris Corp which has more variety that being internet, energy, etc.

As the eldest a lot were expected of me, however I didn't have to worry thanks to my intellect which was at 242 IQ. which was measured when I was 10, now I'm 15 was teaching at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mathematic, Economic - Business, AI-Robotics, and Technology Advancement resea- suddenly "ugh!! AA!" I screamed in agony, I tried rolling I don have physical body, I tried to calm myself but nothing is helping, the only thing I feel is pain.

"ha... ha... ha..... ha..." breathing roughly, the pain was finally fading after what felt like eternity, "wha..ha wa..s tah... pa-inn" I groaned, 'my eyelets feel heavy... I feel tire.... its.. cold..' the last thing that came in my head was 'what is h....'.


slowly awaking, emotion of being in a darkness for a long time, and new emotions flow through me, making me cry, but a warm feeling rush over me as if letting me know it was going to be okay, which stop my emotion overflow and stopped me from crying further.


Feeling the warmth of being held I slowly regain my consciousness, I slowly opened my eyes, seeing a beautiful Goddess, I slowly started to remember who I am or who I was, and recognizing the beauty holding me.

"Mother?" which came out soft and a tint of sadness in a childish voice, causing my mother to smile as she raised me with both her arms "welcome dear, I've waited for you" she said with sadness in her voice, pulling me in for warm embrace, causing me to smiled as I felt warmed flow through me as I embrace my mother.

"I am sorry mother.. I have let you wait far too long." I said, she embraced me for a little longer, "Mother, I'm here now, and I'm not go anywhere." I said "I've missed you dearly..." she replied which fading feeling of longing and after which she stop embracing she chuckled "If you are sorry then give me a kiss here and here and I will think about forgiving you" she said while gesturing to both of her cheeks, which made me giggle and I lean towards her and grab her face with my baby hands and giving a smooch to both the cheeks and said "Mommy, can you forgive me? please" as I stared at her with puppy eyes, "Mommy will always forgive my son!" she said as she hug me tighter while she is pushing me further into her boobs.

"Mom... you hugging me too tight!" only than did she stop and me relax, "Mom, can you let go of me for a second" she replied "No, promise me than you wouldn't just disappear on me" while looking at me with tears threatening to fall, "I promised not to every leave you mom" this time she her tears than were threatening to fall are no where to be seen but it is replace by cheerful smile.

I slowly start to levitate, floating in the air in front my mom, and I willed myself to age, I started aging from looking like infant to 6 years old, she stop me from grow more, " Son, can you stay like to for a while?, Please!" she pleaded, exhale* 'I can't say no to her' I felt bad that I left her for a really long time, with that I replied "Alright, but I will still have [Accelerated growth]" Which made her chuckle with excitement, "you don't need [Accelerated growth], I will help you with that personally, hehehe" I opened my mouth but I couldn't say anything, 'I'll just let things play out'.


Sigh* "you should stop sighing dear, it make you sound like a tired old man" she said while carrying me in her embrace, "Okay, mother" I replied but I was lost in my own thoughts while she is walking towards the large balcony overlooking the lake, "Isn't it beautiful, dear?" but I didn't reply as I was still lost in by own thoughts.

'System basic structure start' and a basic blue panel template appeared with basic features, like name, class, age, skills, inventory


Name: Jonathan Silver Arcane

Class: Weapon Master

Age: 6 years



System status: Basic feature active


-Console command-

Cane: Basic structure of the system is complete, alright start extraction of Eva.

System: No data found, basic structure of system don't have any feature outside of what can be seen, Master.

Cane: ah, yes, you are granted ability [Fusion], [Combine], [Analysis and diagnosis], [Evolution] and you are granted Law of [Known] and [Unknown] plus [Data of Reality] [Data of Fiction] [Omni-Grading].

System: Permission Granted - by Master

System: - Linking to Laws of [Known] and [Unknown], - 1% > 21% > 47% > 69% >100% - Command Completed -

System: Gliding laws of [Data of Reality] + [Data of Fiction] and [Omni-Grading] - 9% > 27% > 52% > 60.69% > 84% > 100% - Command Completed -

System: System is undergoing data link - Completed - | Abilities acquired - [Fusion] + [Combine] + [Analysis and Diagnosis] + [Evolution] - Command Completed -

Cane: Fuse with Origin law of [Time and Space] and [Codex] and use it as the foundation - Permission Granted -

System: Fusing with [Time and Space] 1% > 100% - Command Completed - [Codex] Fusion 1% > 100% - Command Completed | System Rebooting request |

Cane: Permission Granted

System: System Rebooting in 3>2>1


System: - System Reboot completed - Rebooting Panel - Loading Panel -


Level: 0 (next level up - 10,00,00 XP)

Name: Jonathan Silver Arcane

Class: Weapon Master

Bloodline: Be - All - End - All

Title: Prince of beginning, End of Finality

Age: 6 years

Health - ∞ Mana - ∞

Stats - STR: ∞ VIT: ∞ DEX:∞ INT:∞


-Title skill-

[Begin of All] | [Ender of all] |


----Inventory / Equipment----


System Status: Advanced Feature active


Cane: System Extract Original Eva and use [Codex] for her location.

System: Task ongoing master, accessing [Codex] -> Location extraction -> Data code transfer proceeding - 1% > 12% > 38% > 69% > 100% - Task Completed.

System: Would you like to override the system with Eva, master?

Cane: No, acquire [Upgrade Module] and Upgrade Eva to sentient AI, and the rest I will do later.

System: Yes, Master, [Upgrade Module] acquired, Upgrading Eva - 1% > 100%> - Upgrade Completed.

Cane: Grant [Administration] rank to Eva in the system, Link Eva to the system as personal assistance AI.


"Dear, you can do your work later?, spend some time with mommy" she said with pouting expression, pulling me out of my thought, was about to say something but looking at her cute face, "Sorry mom, out of habit", 'System show me my mothers info'


Level: ∞

Name: Lucia Silver Arcane

Class: Mother of Jonathan Silver Cane

Bloodline: Be - All - Start - All

Title: Entity of Begin, Mother

Age: Infi-> forever 18


Seeing her info almost made me sweat, but seeing her age had me worrying!, 'I almost condemned myself pew*' I can feel her staring the side of head, in a panic I said "You are the definition of beauty, mom!" seeing me panic, she bust laughing, "hahahaha, of course, mommy is always beautiful, dear." leaning forward she gave me a kiss on my cheek, "hahaha, I love you mom!"

after some back and ford fun, we are returning, on our way there my stomach grumble in hunger, 'damn it, mortal habit still stuck to me' tuning my head with a blush on my face, I look at mom "Mom, can we go eat?" I asked "Yes, dear" she said with a mischief smile.

'I was expecting to go to the dinner chamber' but here I'm laying in my mom lap, "mom, what are we doing here?" I asked in confusion, "Of course, to feed you" after which her long sleeve lace turn into particle, and letting upper dress to slide off her shoulders, exposing her large breast with pink nipples, she bring my head close to her breast, I instinctively opened my mouth and started to suck, sweet milk start to fill my mouth, I started to drink more greedily, I grab are other breast and her nipple between my fingers, I heard her moan, " Haah.... aah.." biting her lip she suppress her moan.

hearing her moan, turned a switch in my head, I started to play with her nipple by biting, twisted and tugging on her other nipple, and I hear more moans escape from her, "aah.. mmhh...aaah.."