Headquarters and Food Regulations

Alex was standing inside the crimson mansion hall and looking around he finally brought a house, wait it's also his office and headquarters for Portal Food Supplies! He already finished all the paperwork for this last week and is moving his stuff here today.

The mansion has 9 bedrooms, 2 large halls, one on the ground floor and one on the first floor, a huge back yard where the cave is, and a big kitchen on the ground floor. It also has a huge underground bunker. The bunker is said to be big enough to fit the entire 3 family and all of their belongings in case of an emergency.

The problem was that it was old and needed renovation for which Alex cared little about for now he just booked a cleaning company to clean it so it can be livable.

He set up his pc and belongings in the master bedroom on the first floor, he turned on the pc because he was about to do something amazing in the game. He was going to hire NPCs to work for him.

In land and life , the player can play the game however they like, however the majority of the people play it for combat while others like farming, fishing, becoming a blacksmith and stuff. That's where NPCs come in; players who like to fight monsters hire NPCs to take care of their base,shop,farm etc. while they enjoy killing monsters and leveling up. So today Alex was going to hire NPCs but he wanted to look after his farm so he won't have to manually grind every time. Also Alex intends to hire employees in real life as well after all he started a food production company and he has no employees?

He also needed to think of a way evade food inspection done by the government. Why? Because he doesn't produce them duh! He can't show them the portal, even tho it's the right thing to do after all the portal can create unlimited food which can easily help hunger people in Countries that are poor and stuff.

There was another thing to take note that Alex himself didn't know that if the food was actually safe it didn't have any bad effects now doesn't mean it won't after all it came from a portal created by nuclear container or something. Alex was not some great saint to do things with self-interest if he is going to save people in future it will to get self-fulfillment not because he is kind or thing.


From a company called portal food supplies: Lirlan and Meoper fruit - new fruits that remove fatigue and cure minor illnesses.

Even the tv news started to feature the fruits after the amazing response on the internet how can they not cover this topic,

Lirlan and Meoper fruit are two new fruits that have been gaining popularity for their ability to remove fatigue and cure minor illnesses. Dash Mart, the company that supplies these fruits, has been doing interviews to promote them. In one such interview, the company's representative explained how the fruits work and how they can be beneficial to people.said the reporter and started playing an interview that Mr.Eddy gave a few days ago. Mr.Eddy's mart made so much profit these few months that he started another mart in a different town too! And now he was also on T.v.

People who came to dash mart to buy Lirlan or Meoper always brought something else too and those who came after they were out of stock also brought something hence his overall profit of his mart increased.

Even though Mr.Eddy was offered millions to tell where he gets the supplier from or where portal food supplies is based he never answered those questions instead he told them to find me on their own.


Alex wanted a confidentiality contract with every client of his so that he won't be put in the spotlight at least not yet. Alex wanted to become more powerful and earn more money enough to stand against John's father then he can show himself on the forefront but till then he will stay hidden but yeah if someone leaked it he has no choice but to show up.

Anyway Alex ordered a web developer company to make him a website and there he added a recruitment announcement and also new products announcement, he made social media accounts for his company announced there too but no one saw them well not yet.

After a few hours PFS's official page had more than 100k followers, because Dash mart and other of his clients' official pages posted about his company's page and also recruitment requirements.


Tronc Inc. Headquarters

John's father was sitting on his chair and watching the news, felt a little frustrated because for the past few months his TroncKart supermarkets in the nearby regions were under performing while he knew the reason why that was the case, he couldn't do anything to fix it!. This some Dash Mart has been taking all their customers for the past few months, when he thought the hype about that goddamn Lirlan fruit will die down, a new fruit appeared which was more effective than the previous bringing another huge wave of customers to the Dash mart making TroncKart have losses.

John's father Alan didn't really care about the marts in that area because it was just one of the many businesses his company runs but he was more worried about Dash Mart spreading throughout the country if that happens his losses will surely increase but what got him frustrated was that the owner of the Dash Mart is not selling his company nor is he telling him where he gets his supplier from even when he offered him millions.

While getting frustrated he took out a Meoper from a drawer and ate it. He has to say even though this company was his competitor their product really got the job done just as advertised.