Food Inspection

As the day drew to a close, Alex sat down at his desk and tallied up the day's profits. He was pleased to see that his hard work and dedication had paid off, and his company had produced a significant amount of fruit - 960 kgs of Meoper and 1920 kgs of Lirlan. These figures translated into a daily profit of $35,520, a substantial amount of money that would help to further grow and expand the company.

However, after accounting for the expenses of transporting the fruits and paying for employee meals, Alex was left with $31,020. While this was still a substantial amount of money, Alex was aware that there were many other expenses to consider, such as rent, utilities, and supplies. He was determined to be smart and responsible with the company's finances, ensuring that every dollar was put to good use.

After checking his earnings for the day Alex expanded the farm again meaning it can produce about 1920kgs of Meoper and 3840kgs of Lirlan. With a happy smile Alex went to sleep.


Next day morning at around 11 am

Lucas and his team of food inspection officers arrived at the headquarters of Alex's company, Portal Food Supplies, they were determined to ensure that the company was following all the necessary safety regulations and standards. They were accompanied by a team of experts who would help them carry out their investigation, and they were ready to get started.

As they began their inspection, Lucas stumbled upon the cave in the backyard forest of the mansion. His curiosity was piqued, and he wanted to investigate further, but before he could do so, he was approached by Alex, the young CEO of the company.

Alex was only 18 years old, but he was confident and composed as he stepped forward to meet the food inspection officer. In his hand, he held a government-approved certificate that declared the cave to be officially closed and sealed. Lucas was intrigued, and he wanted to know more about this mysterious cave, but Alex was quick to reassure him that everything was in order.

Lucas took a closer look at the certificate and was impressed by the official seals and stamps. He realized that there was nothing more he could do and that the cave was indeed off-limits. Despite his disappointment, he decided to move on with the inspection, knowing that there was much more to be done.

As the day went on, Lucas and his team carried out their investigation and were pleased to find that Alex's company was indeed following all the necessary safety regulations and standards. The team was impressed by the well-maintained facilities, the high-quality equipment, and the professionalism of the employees.

In the end, Lucas and his team left the headquarters of Portfolio Food Supplies with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that they had done their job to the best of their abilities. Meanwhile,

Alex breathed a sigh of relief as the inspection team left the headquarters of Portal Food Supplies. He became worried because of the sudden visit from Lucas, the food inspection officer, but it seemed that everything had gone smoothly.

Alex was especially grateful for the certificate he had obtained when he applied to buy the mansion. The certificate stated that the cave in the backyard forest was officially sealed by the government, and it had come in handy during the inspection. When Lucas had shown an interest in investigating the cave.

As Alex settled back into his office, he couldn't help but feel relieved when Maxie, his assistant, walked in. "Mr. Bell," Maxie said, "we should consider partnering with more online food delivery services. We can't just rely on one and wait. We need to have backups in case CyberEats doesn't accept our deal."

Alex nodded, grateful for Maxie's experience and insight. As an 18-year-old, Alex knew that he still had a lot to learn when it came to running a company. That was why he had hired Maxie, who had years of experience in the industry and was able to provide him with valuable advice.

"I agree, Ms.Alfrod," Alex said. "I've been so focused on getting our products into the CyberEats stores that I hadn't thought about the importance of having backup options. Can you tell me more about the different online delivery services that we could consider?"

Maxie leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well, there's SrubHub, LocalEats, and DrDash, just to name a few. They all have large customer bases and can provide us with a lot of exposure. We should weigh the pros and cons of each one and see which one would be the best fit for us."

Alex leaned back in his chair, taking in what Maxie was saying. He was grateful for Maxie's guidance and expertise, and he knew that with his help, Portal Food Supplies would continue to thrive and grow.

"Thanks for the advice, Ms.Alfrod," Alex said with a smile. "Let's get to work on finding the best online delivery service for us." And with that, the two of them set to work, determined to take Portfolio Food Supplies .


Julia Lex sat at her desk, staring at the stack of papers in front of her. As the daughter of CyberEats CEO and Founder Edward Lex, she had inherited a legacy of success in the food industry. But that success was short-lived. When her father took a break from the company due to health issues, CyberEats started to decline. Meanwhile, a new competitor, LocalEats, was on the rise and quickly becoming the leading food company in the market.

Her Father had divorced her mother long ago, but he had given her a large sum of money as a settlement. With that money, Julia's mother had opened her own food company, LocalEats, which had become wildly successful.

Julia tried her best to keep up, but LocalEats was always one step ahead, offering new and innovative services that set them apart from the rest. Despite her efforts, CyberEats became known as a niche app, while LocalEats remained a popular and versatile option for customers.

But few days ago, everything changed. Julia had received an offer from Portal Food Supplies, a company that was rapidly gaining popularity, to partner with CyberEats. Excited at the opportunity, Julia rallied her employees and began preparing all the necessary documents to impress Portal Food Supplies.

She spent long hours going over every detail, making sure that everything was in order. She wanted to show Portal Food Supplies that CyberEats was a strong and reliable partner, capable of providing the best services and products to their customers.

Finally, the day of the meeting arrived. Julia dressed in her finest attire and put on her most confident face as she walked into the conference room to meet with the representatives from Portal Food Supplies.