
At Adira Games, employees were buzzing with excitement as they discussed the recent success of Portal Food Supplies. They noticed that all the fruits that PFS sold were named after items in their game, Life and Land. But, as the days went on, the discussion died down as the employees moved on to other topics. The idea of the PFS owner being a fan remained a fun thought after all because of him the game is still running even though it only has like 40 players active.


Ren Shirigawa rubbed his tired eyes as he looked over the delivery schedule for the week. He had been working nonstop since the demand for Portal Food Supplies products had skyrocketed, and it was starting to take a toll on him.

He walked to the break room, where he found Maxie, the CEO's assistant, grabbing a cup of coffee. Ren approached her, hoping to vent his frustrations.

"Hey Maxie, do you have a minute?" Ren asked.

Maxie smiled, "Of course Ren, what's on your mind?"

Ren sighed, "It's just this job, it's getting tougher every day. I have to coordinate deliveries to CyberEat's HQ, Dash Marts in different regions, and then to a seaport run by Tronc Corporation for overseas distribution. It's just too much for one person to handle."

Maxie nodded sympathetically, "I understand your frustration Ren, but I have some good news for you. Alex, the CEO, has taken a leave for a few days. He has to write his high school final exams."

Ren's eyes lit up, "Really? That's great news! Maybe I can finally catch up on some sleep."

Maxie smiled, "Yes, take advantage of this time to rest and recharge. Alex will be back soon and we'll come up with a solution to make your job easier."

Ren thanked Maxie and went back to his desk, feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders. He knew that with Alex at the helm, they would be able to tackle any challenges that came their way. And for now, he could finally get some well-deserved rest.


As Alex walked out of the exam hall, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. After months of hard work and dedication, he had finally accomplished one of his personal goals - to earn his high school certificate. As he walked down the bustling streets, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. He had always been driven by a desire to succeed, and this small victory felt like a step in the right direction.

To celebrate his achievement, Alex decided to treat himself to a delicious meal at a nearby restaurant. As he walked in, the smell of sizzling meat and spices filled his nostrils, making his mouth water. He was seated at a cozy table by the window, overlooking the busy street outside.

He ordered his meal, feeling content and relaxed. For the first time in months, he had a chance to unwind and enjoy himself. He savored every bite, relishing in the flavors and textures of the food. He chatted with the waiter, exchanging stories and laughing over jokes.

As the meal ended, Alex couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of peace. He knew that his responsibilities at Portal Food Supplies were far from over, but for now, he was content to bask in the warmth of this small victory. He took one last sip of his coffee, paid the bill and headed out, ready to take on whatever challenges came his way.

After leaving the restaurant, Alex decided to spend the rest of his day exploring the city. He walked through the park, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis. He watched children play on the swings, listened to street performers, and even visited a museum to admire some of the city's artistic heritage.

As the day went on, Alex's thoughts began to turn towards his future. He knew that he wanted to keep growing and developing as a businessperson, and he realized that getting a formal education would help him achieve that goal. He made up his mind to apply to business school, so that he could learn from some of the best minds in the industry and gain the skills and knowledge he needed to take his company to the next level.

Later that day, Alex found a quiet coffee shop where he could sit down and focus on his application. He carefully filled out the forms, highlighting his achievements and explaining his motivations. He spent hours tweaking and perfecting his essay, making sure that his writing was polished and professional.

Finally, with a sense of satisfaction, Alex hit the submit button. He leaned back in his chair, feeling proud of himself for taking this important step. He knew that getting into business school would be a challenging journey, but he was ready for the challenge. He had worked hard to get where he was, and he was determined to keep pushing forward, no matter what obstacles lay ahead.


Alan, the CEO of Tronc Corporation, sat at his desk, a wide smile spreading across his face as he read the report from his secretary. It detailed the recent sales of Portal Food Supplies (PFS) overseas and the profits Tronc had earned as a result. He was pleased to see that their partnership with PFS was proving to be a lucrative one, and he was eager to capitalize on this opportunity further.

He picked up his phone and called for a meeting with his board of directors. As he walked to the conference room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. This meeting was going to be a crucial one, as they were going to discuss how to push Dash Mart, their main competition, out of the way.

As he entered the conference room, he greeted his directors and took his seat at the head of the table. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have good news," he began. "Our partnership with Portal Food Supplies is proving to be a huge success. With the recent sales in 24 countries, we are making a significant profit."

Alan's board of directors listened intently as he detailed his plan to capitalize on this opportunity by expanding their reach to more countries. He explained that they could leverage the popularity of PFS's products "We can use this opportunity to increase our brand awareness and attract a new customer base," Alan stated.

He also discussed the challenges posed by Dash Mart and how they could overcome them.He also suggested that they increase their marketing efforts and offer promotions and discounts to customers.

At the end of the meeting, Alan's board of directors agreed with his proposal and authorized him to move forward with his plan. As he left the conference room, Alan felt a sense of satisfaction and excitement. He was eager to put his plan into action and continue growing Tronc Corporation into one of the big global powerhouse.

Alan was sitting in his office, going over the latest sales reports from Tronc Corporation when his phone rang. He answered it to hear the voice of his son, John, on the other end. "Hey dad, I just saw Alex at a restaurant, and I want some money to make him feel miserable," John said, with a sly tone in his voice.

Alan was taken aback. He couldn't believe that his son still held a grudge against Alex for what had happened at their high school. He sighed, rubbing his temples. He didn't have time for this. "Fine, send the money to your account," Alan said, before hanging up the phone.

He called his secretary and instructed her to send the requested funds to John. Alan was a petty man, and he was still not happy with Alex. That kid had shamed his son in front of everyone at their school, pushing him and beating him. To Alan, it was a trivial matter. He didn't care about the fact that Alex's father had died or what John had done to him.

As he sat back in his chair, Alan couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. He was the CEO of a large corporation, and he was allowing his personal feelings to interfere with his bussines funds. But then again, he thought, it was his company, and he could do whatever he pleased.

With a smirk on his face, Alan went back to his reports, ready to discuss with his board of directors on how to capitalize on the PFS sales overseas and push Dash Mart out of their competition. He was determined to make Tronc Corporation the most dominant player in the market, no matter what it took.