Again Loss/ LocalEat's

Alex sat in his room, staring at the electric crystal in his hand. He couldn't help but think about the looming threat of Tronc. The multi-billion dollar corporation was sending its employees to find out the source of his products and it was only a matter of time before they discovered the truth.

Alex knew that he needed to increase security, but that would only draw more attention and suspicion. He could pay his employees more to keep them from betraying him, but even then, there was no guarantee that someone wouldn't sell him out.

The portal was another problem. It only connected to one room at a time, meaning he couldn't easily bring in more products or resources. He needed a solution, and fast.

As Alex pondered his options, he realized that he was in a race against time. If Tronc found out about the cave and the portal, everything he had worked for would be in jeopardy. He needed to act, and act fast.

But then, Alex had an idea. He dialed the phone number for the Tronc Gaming Division and made an appointment with their head. He then started writing a proposal document, and in the evening, he called Maxie to his office. Maxie was now the CEO of Portal Food Supplies, while Alex was the owner of the Portal Group, which included both Portal Ltd and Portal Food Supplies.


Maxie sat in the boardroom of Tronc Gaming Division, surrounded by top executives and decision-makers of the company. She held in her hand a proposal document, prepared by Alex, which was going to change the future of both their companies. She could feel her nerves getting the best of her as she remembered Alex's words, "Do as I say."

Despite her reservations, she began to present the proposal. It was simple yet audacious. Alex wanted to sell all of the products from Portal Food Supplies at a 20% discount to Tronc Marts, in exchange for the integration of all storage rooms into one in the game Life and Land.

Maxie watched as the executives read through the proposal, their expressions a mix of disbelief and intrigue. They asked questions, raised concerns, and discussed the matter amongst themselves. But, in the end, they came to a decision. They accepted the proposal.

As she made her way back to the office, she couldn't help but think about Alex's obsession with the game was just growing but she can't do anything about it. What she didn't understand was what Alex made her do will bring there company to new heights.


Alan was surprised to hear that Portal Food Supplies was willing to sell their products for 20% off for just a small change in a game that nobody played. He couldn't believe it and laughed out loud. He had heard that the company was run by a smart businessman, but this move made him question it. He had been preparing to send his best people to poach employees from PFS, but after hearing about this deal, he thought that the person running the company was an idiot.

He shook his head in disbelief, wondering how anyone could make such a foolish decision. The potential profits were huge, and to give it away for such a small change in a game was beyond his understanding. Alan decided to take advantage of this opportunity, but he made a mental note to keep a close eye on the company and its leadership. Perhaps, there was more to this than meets the eye.


LocalEats HQ

Mariana sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on the reports in front of her. As the founder of LocalEats, she had always been proud of the impact her company had on the food industry. But lately, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The numbers were clear - LocalEats was losing ground to CyberEats, her ex-husband Edward Lex's company. The contract with Portal Food Supplies (PFS) had boosted CyberEats' sales, and Mariana couldn't help but wonder what she was doing wrong.

Just as she was lost in thought, the door to her office burst open and a bright, young figure entered. It was Pearl Lex, Mariana's daughter, who had just finished her undergraduate studies and was eager to join the family business.

"Mom, I've been thinking about what we talked about," Pearl said as she took a seat across from Mariana. "I want to join a business school so I can help you beat Dad's company."

Mariana smiled warmly at her daughter, proud of her drive and ambition. "That's great, Pearl," she said. "I could use all the help I can get. I want to make LocalEats the top food delivery service in the country."

Pearl nodded determinedly. "I won't let you down, Mom. I'll do whatever it takes to make LocalEats the best it can be."

Mariana felt a renewed sense of hope and energy as she looked at her daughter. With Pearl by her side, she was sure that LocalEats would be able to stand up to CyberEats and even surpass it. Together, they would make a winning team.

Mariana sighed heavily as she sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on the computer screen. "If only Julia wasn't such a bitch," she muttered to herself.

Pearl, looked at her mother with concern. "What's wrong, Mom?" she asked, Mariana turned to her daughter and frowned. "It's just that, if only Julia would't support her father, things could be so different," she said, her voice tinged with bitterness.

Pearl sighed and took a seat across from Mariana. "I know, Mom. It's not fair how Dad has spoiled her and given her everything she wants."

Mariana nodded, her thoughts returning to her ex-husband Edward and his favored daughter Julia. "And to think, she could have helped us beat CyberEats and her Father."

Pearl put a hand on Mariana's shoulder. "But don't worry, Mom. We have each other and Samuel. Oh And speaking of Samuel, he's waiting for you at the gate for your date," she said with a smile.

Mariana's mood brightened at the mention of her boyfriend. "Oh, that's right," she said, standing up from her chair. She leaned down to give Pearl a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you later tonight, okay?"

Pearl nodded, watching as her mother gathered her things and left the room. As she sat alone in the office, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her, her mother, and their company, LocalEats.