Portal Logistics

Maxie was a woman of great ambition and determination. She had uncovered the truth behind the products sold by Portal, and she knew that she had to act fast to protect the company's reputation. With a quick phone call to a real estate company in Africa, she purchased a sizable piece of land and instructed them to construct an indoor farm and a fake mining facility. It was all part of a plan to mislead people and make them believe that the products came from an undiscovered area in Africa.

But Maxie's ambitions didn't stop there. She knew that she needed to secure the company's future by investing in other ventures. She purchased shares in LocalEats, the company's partner, and in Tronc games, the maker of the popular Life and Land game. However, she was well aware of the challenges she faced in acquiring the game. Alan, the head of Tronc co., was doing everything in his power to keep the game away from Portal, hoping to take full advantage of the company's sentimentality and keep the game alive on his own terms. He didn't know it was not a sentimental thing but it was there source of products.

Maxie knew that she had to act quickly and decisively if she was going to secure the future of Portal. She was determined to succeed, and she would stop at nothing to make sure that her goals were realized.


Ren was a man who knew his strengths and weaknesses, and with the position and money he had acquired, he decided to put his expertise in logistics to use by starting a subsidiary for the company. He knew that Portal Logistics would play a vital role in transporting all of the Portal products to their partners, and he was determined to make it a success.

Despite the fact that Portal Food was not actually a food production company, they needed to maintain the image that they were a production company, and so the idea of a new subsidiary was a stroke of genius. Ren's experience in logistics would ensure that the company's products would be transported safely and efficiently to their partners.

With Maxie's help, Ren was able to purchase a building near the mansion that would serve as the headquarters for Portal Logistics. The building was spacious and well-equipped, with ample room for storage and logistics operations. Ren was thrilled with the opportunity to put his skills to use and make a meaningful contribution to the company's success.


Sophia approached Maxie with a proposal. She wanted to travel to Africa and shoot an advertisement for the company's products, using the fake mining and farming facilities that had been constructed there. Sophia believed that this would be a great way to showcase the company's commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing, and she was confident that the ad would be a hit.

Maxie was intrigued by the idea, and after some consideration, she gave Sophia the go-ahead to proceed with the project. She knew that Sophia had a knack for creative thinking and a passion for the company's success, and she trusted her to make the right decisions.

But Sophia wasn't content to stop there. She also proposed the idea of a new building for the marketing team, now that the company had become a billion-dollar enterprise. The current office space was beginning to feel cramped and outdated, and Sophia believed that a new building would be a great way to boost morale and productivity.


The success of Portal had reached new heights. The company was generating billions of dollars every month, thanks to the sales of their innovative products. The demand for their electric crystals was at an all-time high, as it was being used to manufacture batteries for the air travel industry. With this, the company had made an unprecedented amount of money, crossing the 3 billion dollar mark for the month alone.

Alex sat in his dorm room, scrolling through the financial reports, his eyes fixed on the numbers. He was amazed at how far the company had come, and how much they had achieved in such a short span of time. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. grinning from ear to ear.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp sting on his forehead as a slice of pizza hit him square in the face.

"Stop grinning, you look creepy," Pearl teased as she tossed the pizza crust aside.

Alex rubbed his forehead and chuckled. "Hey, you could have said that without hitting me. Why shouldn't I be happy? My company just made 3 billion!"

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Wow, now that's the kind of money we need to party all night! Let's get out of here and hit the town."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Don't you want to celebrate my company's success?"

Pearl snorted. "Please, I'll celebrate anything if it means a night out with my favorite people."

Alex laughed and closed his laptop. "Alright, you convinced me. Let's go out and celebrate like there's no tomorrow!"

As they made their way out of the dorm room, Pearl slung her arm around Alex's shoulders. "See, I knew you were a fun guy. Now let's go make some memories!"


Tronc Automobile HQ.

As the engineers with Rex (the fired executive from Sea) demonstrated the capabilities of their newly developed flight engine to Alan, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration. Here he was, the founder of Tronc .co, and yet he was lagging so far behind the competition. The PV-17, which was developed by both Sea .co and Portal, was a marvel of engineering, requiring only an hour of maintenance every six months. Meanwhile, Tronc's newly developed engine could barely go two months without needing a week-long servicing.

Despite his annoyance, Alan knew that he had to move forward with the launch of their new engine into mainstream usage. It was an opportunity too good to pass up, even if it wasn't as advanced as the PV-17. After all, Tronc .co needed to catch up to its rivals, and this was a step in the right direction.

"Alright, we'll launch it by next week," Alan declared to the engineers. "It's not perfect, but it's what we've got. We'll continue to improve upon it as we go."

The engineers nodded in agreement, knowing that there was much work to be done. They were aware of the pressure to keep up with Sea .co and Portal, and they knew that they had to do better if Tronc .co was going to stay competitive in the market.

As they left the meeting room, Alan couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister was brewing. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he had to keep a closer eye on the competition from now on. The race to dominate the flight industry was far from over, and Alan was determined to see Tronc .co come out on top.