CHAPTER 4: I can show you the way out

She wanders in the city and then stops at a street because her feet hurt, and she doesn't wear shoes. A girl saw her and ask if she ok but she was just silent. The girl brings Ashly to her place, she tells Ashly her name is San. She works at a bar. Ashly tells her name and starts to tell San how she gets here. Ashly asks where is this place and she said that they are in the southern state while her home is in the northern state. If she wants to go back, it takes 8 hours to go there and Andrew will track her first before she arrived home. San feels that if they report to the police Andrew can track her first. Tells her that Ashly can keep hiding in here, She feels so thankful that San is willing to help her. 2 days pass and Ashly tells San that she wants to get out of the house because she is afraid that something gonna happens to San. San rejects it and says             `I'm going to be ok, you just need to take care of yourself. You looked pale.'                  The day after, Ashly waiting for San back from work, after a couple of minutes she arrived but then she said           'Ashly, Run!!'.             Then San got shot, her blood splashed on Ashly's face and she saw Andrew standing in front of her. Ashly starts shivering, she can't even stand. Andrew covers her with his jacket and carries her to get into the car. He hugs her while wiping the blood from her face, Ashly still can stop shivering and tears slowly drop from her face. When they arrived at the house, Andrew carries her to a new room. He says                  `This room is bigger and more comfortable than your old room and that place just now. It has a glass sliding door so you can look at the ocean clearly and the bathroom is much bigger.'                Suddenly Ashly slaps his face, crying, and says `How can you act like nothing happen after killing someone, why don't you kill me? It's between us, and I don't even know who you are. I hate you, I hate you so much.'                    While hitting his chest. Andrew laugh a bit then throw her on the bed and said                   `It's between us now'               while tearing Ashly's cloth. Ashly tries to escape but Andrew was bigger and taller than her, with her weak condition she failed to escape..... she's got raped..... After that night, Ashly changed. She likes a living dead, dazing like there's nothing left in the world, she only sits on the bed and she doesn't eat or drink by herself. In the night she started crying and hit herself, sometimes she starts raving, and if it's get worsened she needs to be injected with anesthesia. Andrew never left her side, hugging her every night. One night, Andrew whisperer to Ashly while. hugging her              'I'm sorry.... please, I'm very sorry. Forgive me.'        Ashly replied with a low voice          'You have ruined me.'             there are a lot of bruises that have been done by herself. Andrew regrets what has he done. He hired one of his maids to take care of her. But her condition got worse, and she tried to jump from the third floor. So they need to lock her in the room so she can't try to do that again but opposite things happened, the maid tries to open the door but it can't be opened, Andrew goes outside and break the sliding door to get in. Ashly hold the door with the bed that's why the door was stuck, Andrew went to the bathroom and got panicked after seeing Ashly laying on the floor covered with blood. She broke the mirror and use it to cut her wrist. Thankfully, they had time to save her, Andrew holds Ashly's hand who is unconscious, and remembers what the doctor said             'she lost too much blood but it's surprising that she is still alive. after you bring her to this place did she eat enough food.' Andrew was shocked after seeing the doctor roll up Ashly's sleeve and show how skinny her hand is and point at the dark circle under Ashly's eyes says. ' She didn't have enough sleep, and another thing is she's pregnant, her pregnancy is 2 weeks old. If she stays like this not only her but the child will die too.'                   Andrew cried and repeatedly apologise. He just wants Ashly to remember who he is but it's don't turns out to be like what he wanted. It's been, 2 months but she is still like a living dead. The maid feel so sad seeing Ashly like that and said          `Miss, do you want to get out of here? I can help you.'            After a long time, Ashly starts to talk again. She replied                `You know what's going to happen to you if I run away, why do you want to help me?'               The maid said            `Yes, but it hurts to see you like this and I can give my life for you and the child to have freedom. Sir Andrew loves you and doesn't want to lose you but he doesn't know the right way because of his father'    then suddenly Chris comes. He said         `I can show you the way out,  that is the only thing I can help with. But Sir Andrew will bring you back here.'          That night Chris starts to turn off the security and they start to run away, then ride on a boat. They went to the train station, and the maid gave her money and left her alone because the maid wants to lead Andrew the wrong way. Ashly rides the cargo train and arrived in the northern state, she rides a taxi and now she is about 50 steps left to get into the house. But she saw Andrew from far away and start to shiver. She got traumatized and remembers when he killed San, and she passes out. Andrew wanted to go to her but Aunt Chin goes out when she wants to water the flower in front of the restaurant and got shocked seeing Ashly laying on the road. She screams and calls for help. Lan and Leo run out of the house. Aunt Chin cried and said             `Ashly wakes up, your back now. Please wake up.'               They brought her to the hospital and after a moment she woke up, there were a lot of people in the room. Her family,  her friends, polices and doctors surround her. Everybody starts crying and one by one hugs her. Sulli said              `Don't worry, the baby is healthy. We will help you raise them, it's a twin'          while wiping her tears. But it turns silent when Ashly said             `Who are you? Who am I?'               The doctor started the conclusion that she lost her memory effect from shock. Aunt Chin go to her and said        `We are your family, don't worry if you can't remember. We will help you.'      A few days later, she back to her home, and everybody start to celebrate. They help her to remember by telling them what kind of person she is, showing her family photo and how she met each one of them. They bring her sightseeing. They go to the park, shopping mall, and other places. It turns out to be chaos when they go into karaoke, everybody takes turns singing while Ashly just sits, claps her hand, and smiles. For outsiders, it looks like some kind of zoo but for Ashly she sees kindergarten kids playing. So hyperactive and funny. Even still she can't remember, she is comfortable with them and starts a new life without remembering the old. They show Dao's picture, tell how she met him, and tell that he tries to save her. Ashly looks at the picture and then said    `Thank you.'               then she looks at them and says        `Thank you, everyone.'             But then Ashly looks at Chua and asks her how they met, Leo starts to tell the story while Lan and Chua already cover their face. A lot of time already passed, and today is the wedding day of Sulli and Meng. Ashly's pregnancy is 6 months old now, and their life was so happy. Leo already ends school and helping at the restaurant while waiting for the results to come out. Lan continued his study while Chua starts working in an architecture company. One day Chua goes to the restaurant to have some muffins, she asks Ashly if she wants to go to buy baby items together because tomorrow she wants to go to the Mall. Ashly said no and continued with             `It's too early to buy it,            Chua continue and say            `Why not, before the baby comes out let's go to make some preparation. it's not early anymore sis.'               After thinking carefully she agrees to go to the mall with Chua and they ask Sulli to join them, and she agreed. They go to the mall with riding Sulli's car. They arrived at the mall and waited to ride an elevator. When they get into the elevator, it's too many people getting in it, and Ashly is separated from them and then standing at the corner. It gets crowded and people start to squeeze. But a man is standing in front of her while holding the elevator wall, try not to squeeze her. That's man is Andrew, he followed them. On the 4th floor, people start to come out of the elevator then Sulli takes Ashly's hand to come out of the elevator, and Andrew comes out too. Ashly who lost her memory thanked him, Andrew feels weird with a blank face. Then Chua comes and said          `Director?! Are you coming to buy something?'. Andrew reply and say          `.....Yes, there's something I want to buy.'         Sulli asks Chua who he is and she said Andrew is a new director in the company that she worked for because his father is one of the shareholders but he is in a coma because of a stroke, and he needs to replace him. Sulli thank him because he helps Ashly in the elevator just now. Andrew asks them where they want to go, and Chua says             `We want to buy clothes for the baby.'     After hearing that he pretends that he wants to buy baby clothes too, and he makes the excuse that he needs to buy a present for his friend who gonna be a father. He asks if he can join them, Sulli knows he was lying but her instinct says he not gonna do anything to them. Before she starts talking Ashly agrees to let him join them and says `Sure'.                Sulli noticed that Andrew's eyes only look at Ashly lovingly like he just falls in love. She feels weird that Chua's company director likes a pregnant type of woman but she acts as if nothing happened and reminds herself that she needs to be ready if something going to happen. They get into the baby shop, and Ashly and Sulli start to look at baby items and clothes. Andrew asks about Ashly to Chua, Chua asks him why he asking and he replied              `Nothing, she just looks beautiful and interesting, her husband is lucky.'              Chua was silent for a while then said              `She is my boyfriend's sister, something bad happens to her. She lost her parent and her little brother in a car accident and still smile warmly. And She got kidnap before, her dog died when trying to save her, and now pregnant. Her family found her fainted in front of their bakery after a long time missing and she lost her memory. She doesn't know who she is after wakes up. So, because of that police can't find who the criminal is.There is a scar on her wrist and the doctor tells us that the scar is from trying to commit suicide. I can't imagine what have the kidnapper done to her but she still can smile brightly. We don't want her to remember the past but we want to catch the culprit and give the price of what he or they've done to her .'            Andrew starts to apologize but then Chua said            `Sir, it's not you who needs to apologize but the person that kidnaps her.'           Andrew tries to look normal but he feels so hurt inside and the regret starts to grow bigger. After a moment, Sulli asks Andrew if he can stay with Ashly for a while in the baby shop because they want to buy a new make-up product that is on sale today. Andrew tells them not to worry and that he will meet them at the ground floor cafe after done buying the baby clothes. Sulli has confirmed that Andrew was into Ashly because of the way he look at her and Ashly was deference. Andrew gets back into the shop and found Ashly sitting on a chair. He went to her, and tell that Sulli and Chua went to buy something. She nodded her head while smiling. Then she says            `I need to sit for a while, carrying the twins is tiring.'          Andrew smiles and says `There's no need to worry just take as much as you can to rest.'            Andrew looks at Ashly and continues to say           'You going to have a happier life after this.'             Ashly feels weird but she only says thank you. They went to the cashier, Ashly was about to take out her wallet but Andrew already pay for it. Ashly wants to pay back, but he rejects and says          ` it ok, the baby clothes are not that expensive.'             Ashly tells him that he can come to the bakery and have free cheesecake, as repayment and he agrees. Ashly doesn't know happy Andrew feels in his heart.  They go down using the escalator, there are a lot of people using the elevator. Andrew helped carries the beg and hold Ashly's hand when they rode the escalator, he was afraid Ashly will fall. When they are on their way to the cafe. There was an event launch at the mall. Suddenly, there are 2 staff who approach them and ask if they want to take a picture. They are the perfect couple for that day concept, a happy family. Ashly wants to say no but Andrew agreed and stands close to her while holding her hand. Ashly just goes with it because he looked happy like a child. They got the polaroid, Andrew stares at the picture for a second with a smiling face. Ashly looks at him and casually says,         `So now, do you like it that much, if you like it you can keep it.'    Andrew thank her and tell that she looks beautiful in the picture, Ashly smiled softly and say thank you. When they were on their way to go back home, Chua starts to talk about Andrew to Ashly.            ` Sis, what do you think about Mister Andrew?'.           Ashly with a clueless face asks why. Sulli just listens and doesn't say anything. Chua continued said           ` He's a cold, delicate person when it comes to working but he's kind. He is handsome, a successful person, and single too. Don't you think so?'            Ashly reply and say            `He is a good guy, the girl who got his love is lucky. But I feel something weird about him.'              Chua bite her lip because she tells Andrew about Ashly but she starts to act normally and says `Sis that's why I'm asking about you, don't you think you kinda like him.'                  Ashly chuckles said                                                `Why it's even related to me, I'm a pregnant woman. He has a better choice than this round-belly woman and he looks young.'        Chua replies `He's only 3 years younger than you. Why not, he asked about you just now. He said you are beautiful and interesting, I think he fell for you. A good person is for a good person and you are a very very very good person. More than that, love doesn't count in age, standard, and look.'                Ashly says           `You know how to talk, don't you?I think I don't get married or I'll marry a person who is older than me, grandpa I guess.'           Sulli burst out of laughter and say         `I want to call you gramma if you marry an old man.'           Chua interrupts say.            'But sister Sulli you have wrinkles under your eyes too'.            Ashly laughs while Sulli replies with an arrogant smile at Chua say            'this wrinkle shows how professional I'm, don't you see my money? Ah, I forget you already swallow the food that I buy for you. Look at your big cheek.'       Chua fought back and say.    'This cheek is expensive, Lan like it. But I know your weakness.'           Chua point at the mirror to see at the back and Sulli sees Ashly. then Ashly starts talking with a cute voice,              'Hehehe, aummm you're afraid now?'             Sulli tries to calm down but Chua can't hold Ashly's cuteness and hits the dashboard.  Sulli starts saying           'this one is really dangerous, I want to let go of the steering and take pictures but you know we gonna be doomed if I do that.'             They start laughing after hearing that. When they back to Ashly's house, Chua tells everyone what happens in the car, and everybody is ready with their phone to take pictures and videos while asking Ashly to do it again. Ashly feels so embarrassed but she still does it. Everyone goes crazy after watching she does it while Ashly laughs with a brighter red face.