Transmigration and wishes

John was wondering the void looking at the vastness of space thinking about what he was going to do in the void all by himself without no one to talk to or see. He was a soul wondering the void and because of that his spirit was getting stronger with each passing moment that he spent in the void his mind was also expanding beyond the human limitations trying to comprehend the laws of vastness of space and because of this he was getting stronger and stronger every day and as he was comprehending the laws he taped into the universal mana that made up the void along everything else. While John was focused in messing around in the void a white light suddenly appeared lighting up the entire place and from that light came an old man which gave of an unmeasurable aura of power. The being then spoke to John.

"Greetings human how did you end up floating in the void" said the unknown being.

John not knowing how to respond because of the aura the being was giving of he managed to just say a few words.

"Hello sir and who are you?" asked John curious

"I am the god of omniverse the one who is responsible for judging the souls that pass on to the afterlife" said the being now known as god.

"If you are god then why was I stuck in the void this whole time" asked John

"You are a special case John I specifically brought you here because you are getting a choice to either go to the afterlife or transmigrate with four wishes in a world of your choosing" said god.

John thinking about the gods offer and the pros and cons he finally decided in his answer so he turned to god and said " I want to be transmigrated my lord to the world of Planetos during the events of house of the dragon" said John

God listening to him smiled and said

" Very well my boy now state your wishes" he said.

John listening to god he stated his wishes:"

1.I want the invincible system but I want it to be free for anything I want

2.I want to be able to travel the multiverse and bring whoever I wish with me.

3. I want my magic to use ether-nano instead of whatever the people in planetos use.

4. I want whatever I create with my magic to be permanent.

"Very well my boy your wishes will be granted now state when and where do you wish to be born" said god.

Seeing as his wishes were fulfilled he started thinking when he should be transmigrated , after a while he turned to god and said " I want to be transmigrated one year before the events in the step-stones so I would have time to build my background and I also want to be the same age as Rhenyra "said John.

"Very well my boy, now what will be your name in your new life" god said

"In honour of my favourite character of all time I chose my name to be Edward Newgate and I don't want any lineage or favour in that world" said John

"A fitting name for a person with your kind heart and I am sure even without a background you will change most of the events "said god.

"Thank you for this opportunity my lord"said the now named Edward.

As he spoke those last words a bright light engulfed him and he disappeared from the void to start his new journey and as god send him on his way he finally said something to himself.

"I hope you will bring prosperity to that world my boy just as you have done in your old world, you have made it possible for your world to have a peaceful and prosperous future, good luck my boy" said god and he vanished from the void.

Edward on the other hand woke up and found himself in the middle of the forest with some rags for clothes and he also saw that his body was in the worst possible condition which he would rectify, the first thing he did was create a serum which will revitalise his body and turn it into the body of a warrior, he focused on his magic and soon after a bottle appeared on his hand which he took the lid of it and emptied all of it which as soon as he did his body began to change his bones felt like they were made of steer and his muscles felt like they were being forged anew, once everything finished he created a full body mirror and saw himself.

Now if he were to compete in any sport or event it wouldn't be fair to his opposition because from his looks he could tell that he was hot but he also had a warriors look, his hair was short(like Escanors hair) and black in colour his eyes were a deep blue colour and his face was sharp which made him more intimidating, his body on the other hand after the serum was ripped his neck, arms, body and legs were pure muscle and leaner also which was the perfect combination of speed and power( kind of like Ban from the seven deadly sins built).

Once he finished admiring himself he created a bath with water and jumped inside he also created what he needed for a bath and as he took one he felt relaxed, after a while he got out from the bath and made it disappear along with everything else he decided to create a badass armour/outfit and who better than the outfit of the most badass character Madara Uchiha.

He put on the armour and also he created two katanas with sheaths one with a red handle and the other with a red handle the scabbards on the other hand were made of wood and they were both dark in colour, after he checked himself that he had everything and he was ready he began walking towards kings landing.