I am happy with him...

And again I ignored his question...

Mom again called me but this time I didn't attend. before knowing my parents answer about living with Jamshi,, I wanted to make my own decisions.. and then I remembered.......

How much he loves me,, he always come to me whenever he is sad.. He feels safe around me... thing is not that he wants to marry me,, and I shouldn't abident him in his worst time.. and I am not such mean person... I should be with him,and even though next eight More years I am gonna be here...my job is here, I only have to live in his house.. although he is 14 years old.. I just have to give him company.... so he doesn't feel sad and take any dangerous step.

l do remember when we needed money 2 years ago, for Dad's stomach surgery that I didn't mentioned first. I asked Mr Johnson to help me,

He did helped me... and now I think I should repay him...

And after little time I called mom ..

Hello Hwa why didn't you attend my call...?

Mom I was in kitchen and my phone was in room.. sorry for that.... what you thought about what I asked.....did you read it??.Mom

Yes we both did Hwa,, but we wanted you to take decision yourself... what is yours ??

Mom I think I should accept this opportunity,, look I will be head of the company for years and my job will be permanent... and he is already 14. and can take care of his own also, I don't need to feed him or dress him... just have to live with him...

Alright Hwa , later don't regret on your decision.. its your idea,.

Yes mom I am pretty sure that I will't regret...

and I will live with Jamshi now....

And Jamshi heard me while saying that to mom . and ran out from my room, like I didn't see him...

call later mom.. bye and tell dad to not worry about me ....

Then I went to see Jamshi...

Jamshi look I am sorry I can't live with you like this.. I need to go. my parents don't allow me to live with you.... they said you are naughty boy... you will make my life like hell....

Stop lying Hwa. you are really bad at lying....

I know you are going to live with me... And I am glad to have you... and am not naughty.... thanks Hwa.

And I went back to my room.

Jamshi to himself..

now you have to control your feeling Jamshi.. you lose your both parents and you need Hwa..if you express your feeling to her, then she will leave you.. you have to wait till right time comes...ok Jamshi behave yourself now be a good and strong boy..... you have to live alone with Hwa..

Jamshi Jamshi come down let's have dinner....

I'm coming Hwa...

it's been two weeks after your dad died... Hwa and I want to go to meet him....

Ok then tomorrow after school let's go to meet him...

now my routine is... I go to office in the morning and back in afternoon, rest of work by home....I also help Jamshi in studying... like math and sometimes science...I am doing well as boss because I had already known about this job.. and I am doing great...every morning a wake up and firstly see Jamshi's face..he smiles less these days of course he lost his parents at young age... but he is such a strong....he didn't maintain any thing like he did before, for marrying me... and I am living happily with him... my income is great now I send some money to mom dad and keep remaining with me... and Jamshi is happy with me to ... this year he is going to be 15 and I remember that once Mr Johnson mentioned,he will buy him bicycle...so I also think to gift him one....

Hwa Hwa wake up..

why Jamshi/??

Someone is here to meet you..

who is that..?

Go see by yourself...

I woke up and went to see who was here to meet me.?

what I see, I was so surprised...

comment if you like this story.....:)..