l love her .

Mom ,dad. what a surprise! ...

I ran to hug them.. and I started crying...I did really missed you...

Ohh dear , we also missed you so we came along to see you....but one thing,, jamshi called us .

Oh thanks jamshi.

Not a big deal mam.

and we had breakfast together. we laughed allot after a long time. even though jamshi seems so happy. .

Jamshi came to me and asked me something that.

Hwa will your parents like to live with us?. because I want them to stay.

No jamshi they can't, they have their own home where they live, and mom still goes to her job. they have their own living there. so I don't think they would like to live with us. And jamshi I don't even wanna ask them, you they let me to live here with you. Please understand.Ok

Ok Hwa until they are here,I will make them sure that you are safe and living good here.

Thanks Jamshi , but you don't need to. they already know. know that I am happy here so you don't need to.

Ok as you say.

Mom was listening conservation.

She called me. Hwa. come here my love.

Yes mom coming .

What was he saying?

Nothing just as .

Still tell me.

He told me to ask you to live with us.

And what did you said.?.

That you can't .. but you know what he told me.


That he will make sure that you are satisfy I am living with him... Mom I don't know why but he loves me a lot and I don't want to hurt him.

Alright dear let's go to have dinner, your father is waiting.

Thanks for cooking Mom , I really missed your hands food.

We had dinner together and later tea ..


Yes father.

We just came to see you. and so we have. and. now we want to go back. because your sister-in-law is well, and your brother is alone , he called me to come back early. and so we want to go back.

Really hwa' s father. son Thomas ( my brother's name) called you.

yes he did and we have go tomorrow, and I already booked flight.

Really Father you are going tomorrow. We still haven't spent much time together.

Sorry daughter but what can we do? Thomas is all alone there .

Ok father as you say .

we had dinner and I helped mom to pack. I was sad and didn't went to my room and slept with mom . and forgot to tell Jamshi .

Jamshi:Where is Hwa why isn't she still back. I think I should go and check. she was there anywhere. I asked maid .

Have you seen Hwa , where is she?

She is sleeping with her mom . she asked her mom to sleep with her.

Ok thanks. but why are you still awake go to sleep.

Ok sir.

I sit on the couch. and hwa's father was also awake, he saw me and also joined me.

Jamshi why are you still awake?

Uncle I was waiting for Hwa but she didn't came so . and now I ahead to sleep.

Jamshi you can call me father.

But you are hwa's father..

And I gave you permission to call me father. now you can.

Ok father. .

Uncle, oh I mean father. can I ask you something?

Yes anything you want.

Do you think that Hwa is not safe with me. ?

No , but sometimes I do. and I call her and ask is there any problem. But she always answer that she is doing ok. . When ever she sounds bad I ask. sometimes she is ill, she says I am ok Jamshi I taking care of me ... she says you have changed. Have you?

I don't know father, to be honest I don't wanna lose Hwa , like my parents. . I don't know why but now I am telling you even though you are her father. I think I can't live without her. and " I love her" . I used to tell her before, now I don't. maybe I am afraid that she might leave me.

Father please, will you let her to be with me.

l promise I will take care of her more than me . I will try to keep her happy. Now I am 15 and grown-up so please trust me.