Is he crazy?

On other hand. Hwa is standing in front of the mirror and gazing herself continuesly. OmGGG what did I just did! my life is totally rained , how I'm gonna live now. Because she do know that she also loves him. and now she also does't want leave him. But how I am gonna react . ok ok I'll tell him to not take it seriously , it was just a normal kiss. aaaaaaaaa but it was not normal. mama what is do aaaaa !

both stayed at their room till dinner.

Maid 1 , to Maid 2 , you go tell Sir to come down and have dinner and also call Miss Seahwa on your way back ok . No no. maid 2 to maid 1 .do you know today first time they fought and I am afraid maybe they shout at me. No they won't go ahead meal is getting cold just go.

ok ok I am going..

knock ``knock~``. Yes

Sir dinner is ready. Ok is Hwa in dining room. he asked.

No sir I was just going to tell her after you.

Ok then go tell her. Jamshi gets up from his bed straight to the bathroom he washes his hands. but today there is another smile on his face. because of what happened earlier. he went to dinning room believing that Hwa will be also there .

On other hand,, knock```knock .Yes who is there?

Miss Seahwa dinner is ready. is Jamshi also there? yes Mam I just told him to come for dinner.

Sorry,, but I am not hungry now I will eat later. and don't worry I will myself heat the food.

Ok mam as you say.

Jamshi was waiting for Hwa in dining table. when maid came back. he asked, is she coming? No sir she said she was not hungry. she'll eat later.

As maid completed her sentence he stood up tell her when she is here for to eat. they should also call him. And went back to his room.

I don't know what happened between them while asking for dinner they both first asked about each other. then answered me .maid whispered to other one. As you know sir loves Miss Seahwa a lot and she refuses that he is younger than her so can she accept him. But you know love is love it doesn't see age. ha that's true. Stop talking let's take food back put them in freezer. Yes let's do that.

It's 1am . Hwa came down for to eat, of course she was hungry , didn't eat because of Jamshi. she was just afraid how to face him now.

when she was heating to food. a maid came out and asked to heat whole food, why I'll just eat little it's late already why she heat the whole.

Mam , sir didn't eat earlier so he asked me to call him when you came for to eat. so now I'm gonna call him for late dinner. ok mam ..

No need you go to sleep I will go call him. ok mam as you say. maid went back to her room..

Is he crazy why didn't he eat. Hwa went straight to his room. she do forgot for a while what happened in afternoon.

Knock,, knock. jamshi came straight opened the door without answer he thought that would be maid. she started on why you didn't have dinner. you know how late it is now. because you didn't eat. She stopped and had no more words to speak. ok just come down and have dinner.

then they both were having dinner. but there is smile on his face. but hwa had her dinner and took his plate and washed it. Are you done, if you are done eating then please wash your plate. She is trying her best to ignore him. when she started to go back to her room. he holds her hand. are you ignoring me Hwa , yes I am. please leave my hand. no tell me why . because because just forget about what happened between us. it was just a normal kiss. don't take it seriously. .

tears again falls down from Jamshi's eye.

as it hurts in my hand. hhhho sorry sorry he started to worry about her hand . do it still hurts wait I will bring ice bag to apply. )No need jamshi, you are behaving like something big happened, it is just a hand which you only hold tightly. and you act like I am bleed_ jamshi cover her mouth didn't let her say something like that.

Don't say like this.after his touch. Hwa's heart is running fast. leave it. don't forget to wash your plate. Like always she never let him to complete his conversation and in middle she always lefts.

here jamshi also washed his plate and went to bed. Good night my love he only whispered in air.

Author note:-

I hope you enjoy

love you all

And Thanks.