HWA in good hands.

Miss Seahwa. your mom is admitted to room now, you can meet her. yes thanks doctor.

Mom , nurse when she will wake up.

She will wake up when the reaction of medicine is done. ok

Hwa is holding her mom's hand. jamshi is standing right here too. Hwa look she is doing better now don't worry. tears in her eyes. always make jamshi cry too. Hwa don't cry now. please.

But why are you crying jamshi. I don't know why maybe because of air. haha stop joking. because I can't see you crying. her mom is awake but pretending to sleep hearing their conversation.

Come here don't you cry silly.

Silly who.



because of cry.

Oh I thought because of loving....


Yes I cried because I love you.

Stop it now she smiled.

Yes Yes that smile I wanted..

ahhh Hwa are you here her mom said. Yes Mom I am here with you. how are you feeling mom .

I'm feeling better...ohh jamshi is also here. Yes Mom I also came to see you. thanks for coming.

And thanks for taking care of Hwa ... ohh mom don't say like this. I should be thankful to you...

Where is your father? I told him to go home and get some rest. he was here since you are here. so I told him to go home and take bath. I have called him he'll be here soon.

I will go and ask nurse for to give you to eat something.thanks jamshi.

Hwa how are you doing? I'm doing well. but you was sick and you didn't told me. I was not but suddenly I didn't know what happened to me I was healthy. mom please take care of yourself.

Ohhh my honey you are awake, I was dead worried about you. he kissed her. I thought you was gonna get freedom, her mom said.

Honey don't say like this. I love you.

love you too. they kissed again

Ahmahm I am still here. oh I'm sorry I forgot. they all laughed..

knock knock. a nurse came along with Jamshi.

You have to according to diet now. you can only eat light food which will be provided by hospital.

She can eat fruits , yes you can give her.

Thanks nurse.

I already bought some fruits .I will cut them jamshi said. Oh I am glad that Hwa is in good hands.

Mom don't say like this. there is nothing like this.

there is everything thing like this. don't you love me. Jamshi stop it. they all laughed teasing Hwa.


Ring Ring. Hwa it's your phone. oh yes mom .

Hello. hello maim what about the documents should I give them to Mr ling ..

No don't give him I will give him when I am back. you tell him that I have those documents and I will give him. ok Maim .

Lee you should take care of office for me ... is everything going fine.

Yes Maim everything is ok. if something happens tell me immediately okay .

yes Maim I will tell you everything .

thanks Mr lee

how is your mom doing is okay now I hope she get well soon. thanks Mr Lee for asking she is doing well and she will be discharge tomorrow.

okay bye see you soon do as I said.

Haw who was he? my assistant mom. is everything okay at. office. yes mom everything is fine.

Hwa you should go back to home I'll be with my wife. and tomorrow we will be home too.

as you say dad.

Author note:

Hope you enjoy it.

love you 💙.