Chapter 6

Me and Brody say goodbye to Caden from the front door at our house and head inside at about six in the evening, Brody didn't want to leave because him and Caden were having so much fun so I said "ten more minutes" at least for an hour.

I bet after all that playing he is exhausted, but he is of course young and full of energy.

"Can we see Caden again? Can we? can we? can we?" He is right up in my face and I am so happy that he warmed up to him really quickly but its slightly irritating.

I tell Brody to pick a movie and watch, I am halfway through cooking dinner for both of us when I hear the door open and hear mum coming in and hear her avoid the kitchen and right up the stairs. I figure she is tired and I fix her up a plate at the table.

Once I put dinner on the table for all three of us mum comes in all dressed up, she put on makeup for the first time since dad left, which she never does.

I just stare at her, its like a whole new mum in front of me. "what are you staring at?" she asks like it's the most confusing thing she has ever seen.

I just block it out and yell for Brody that dinner is ready and go back to the table and sit down, then I hear my mum putting her high heel shoes I guess this is a sign of her finally moving on.

"I would love to have dinner with you but Lorraine invited me out and I never have a night off and I was hoping you could look after Brody while I am gone"

Not like I don't do it already.

I roll my eyes from where I am sitting and look to her to give her a smile and then she gave one back and she walked towards the door.

"Enjoying it?" I ask Brody who is aggressively chewing his food trying to get it down in one bite, he nods very enthusiastically.

We both laugh and then hear knocking at the door, we both stop laughing and look at each other. I check the time and see that it is seven thirty, pretty dark as well. This is just how horror movies play out.

"keep eating I'll go see who is at the door" I doubt he is listening since he is so focused on eating.

I get to the door and I turn on the outside light and I see a silhouette of a man through the fuzzy window glass. I reach to open the door really slowly and as I open it is am relieved I realise it is a familiar face.

"Caden?" he turns round and instantly answers me.

"I thought you weren't going to answer the door, what took so long"

"I thought you were a murderer" We both laugh together.

"What are you doing here?" I say with a smile.

"Oh, you left this in my car when I dropped you and Brody off this earlier" He holds the CD he bought for me at the store.

I reach out and take hold of the CD and our hands brush and it felt amazing. "well I'm going to go" he slightly stalls almost wanting me to stop him.

"Wait!" I clear my throat "me and Brody are having dinner and our mum left for the night and since she is not here would you like to join us? You don't have to if you don't want I was just wonder-"

"Yes" he smiles at my awkwardness. I move out of the way and he walks through and takes his shoes off, I lead him through and take his jacket from him and put it on the back of the seat he was now sitting on in front of the untouched plate of food in front of him.

"Caden! You're here!" That immediately puts a smile on his face hearing Brody say that.

I sit down and start eating while the boys talk about football things, I enjoy listening to them, and I am proud for both of them for being more confident.

The dinner goes by smoothly and me and Caden kept exchanging looks and when I got nervous and look away and he would laugh under his breath.

I pick up the plates once we are done and wash them up while the boys are in the living room watching tv. I join them about twenty minutes later after I am done cleaning up.

It nears nine pm and we are all sitting on the couch with me in the middle and Caden on my right and the little troublemaker on my left leaning into me and I look over and see him fast asleep. I delicately move him to lay down on the other side with his head and body all on the sofa just like a bed. Caden leans over and grabs a blanket from beside him and hovers over me and puts it on Brody to keep him warm.

As he sits up his face is incredibly close to mine and I keep staring at him seeing how his eyes are the perfect shade of forest green, his hair that looks soft as silk, he slowly turns his head and moves his body closer to mine.

He is staring at me so intensely, most of the time when he looks at me like this I look away, not this time. It was like a new feeling had emerged between us, I don't know if I should be afraid or excited, either way I never wanted this moment to end.

He is getting closer and closer to my face, I feel his chest breathing quickly against mine. I think I can feel his heartbeat, the same speed as mine which is growing erratic. We both stare at each other, almost reading each other's thoughts and staring into each other's souls.

I try to look away but when I do I accidently look at his lips and I look back to his eyes instantly, he does the same, he looks at my lips leaning close and as he does he licks his lips and I automatically copy the action.

I am so caught up in us almost kissing I never realised his hand had gripped onto mine and he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand, the cold metal of his rings brushing against my skin made it more hot in here than it already is.

Just as our lips are about to touch, our eyes close in sync and I can feel the slightest touch on my lips when suddenly we both hear a yawn and somebody stirring beside me while mumbling sleepily "Caden", we both snap out of the moment we just almost shared and realised what we were about to do and we move away like we both just touched fire, his hand slipped out of mine and it felt cold and I only wished for the heat to happen again.

Caden looked uncomfortable for a few moments until I speak up, "I think Brody wants you to put him into bed. I-I mean if you want to"

"I'll do it"

He quickly gets up and moves around me leaving as much space as possible. I am slightly hurt that he thinks of this as a mistake. He picks my brother off the couch and he slowly walks upstairs with his in his arms.

I switch the tv off and while Caden is up there putting Brody to bed I revisit what just happened and what would have happened if Brody didn't wake up. I touch my lips and I think of the way he looked at me with his inviting eyes. It was like in that split second of a moment I saw the real him, no guard, no hiding. Just him and I in the moment.

By the time I finish daydreaming he is back downstairs and he avoids all eye contact while getting his jacket off the chair from where I put it earlier, he slowly moves his body to the front door passing me at the counter in the kitchen and he doesn't look back and just keeps moving, he opens the door and stands there for a few moments and then walks away shutting it behind him. Leaving me confused and watching his every move until I couldn't see him anymore.

What just happened?
