Chapter 14

The last few days have been blissful; I never wanted this feeling to end, but because good things aren't meant to last, Monday is back, ladies and gentlemen. I have another science lesson with the nicest teacher today, Mr. Coleman.

I swear I'm going to die before I even get in there. I spoke to Clara over the weekend just to see how she was doing and if there was anything new with her and Caitlin. She said, Not really, but something was different about her voice, like she was hiding something. I need to get to know Caitlin more to see what she does to get Clara so excited for her.

Speaking of heart eyes, Caden and I have been texting all weekend, and I think heart eyes are the only thing to describe how I feel and look at him. We finally let each other know how we both felt about one another on Thursday night when we kissed.

"What are you smiling about?" I jump, and I almost drop my book for my lesson on the floor. I whip around like a flash and see the boy I am thinking about and now I see him, he isn't a boy at all. Leaning against the wall outside my lesson with crossed arms and a smile. I know instantly he caught me daydreaming about him, and he knows it too. I steer the subject to avoid answering the question; he just laughs.

The bell rings, and I wonder why he is still here since his class has probably gone in already. Before I get a chance to ask him, he just smiles and walks into my classroom. I just stand there confused, so I just walk in, and that is when I get a clear view of the layout. Miss Budd, another science teacher, is joining us for some reason. I don't think much of it and go to sit down, and I notice there is a space next to Caden, and obviously he smiles and pulls the chair out for me. What a gentleman!

As we all finish sitting down, we are on a rectangular table, with me and Caden facing forward and the others facing inward, opposite each other. I notice who else is at our table. There is Millie to my right; she is a quiet girl. I have talked to her a few times, and all I know is that she is incredibly smart. She could help me with this, as science isn't my strong point. I look opposite her, and I inwardly groan; of course it's Megan. Anything to get near Caden. Everyone knows how much she has tried to get Caden to go out with her, but he doesn't care, or at least I don't think he does.

She's not even trying to hide the fact that she is staring at him! 

The teachers start talking, and I don't think anyone is really listening—something about a new student. I'm honestly not too bothered; I'm trying not to claw Megan's eyes out. Is that too violent?

"Settle down, everyone! Please listen to me!"

Everyone suddenly goes dead silent. When Sir is angry, you can hear him yell from a mile away, and none of us like getting on his bad side.

"Right..." he lets out a breath like he just blew the little piggie's house down. "As I was saying, we have a new student coming to this class this year; this is Jason Gates." A boy with glasses and dark blond hair steps forward, clearly embarrassed by the attention brought to him.

"Son, why don't you sit over there in the empty spot next to Megan?" At the mention of her name, she instantly forgets Caden and waves her Barbie hands, stealing the show. I roll my eyes extra loud. As Jason sits down, Megan puts on her good girl act and introduces us to him. "As you know, I am Megan, and this boy here is the famous Caden." I look at him, and he rolls his eyes unbothered by her choice of words, whereas I am a bit wary. Should I be worried?

She points next to him at me. "That girl there is Layla next to him." Is this girl... no I mean is this bitch serious?

"It's Lacey actually," I smile at him. Jason gives me one back. I notice Caden improving his posture and sitting up more straight than before and drapes an arm across the back of my chair. Because he was slouched, he wasn't as big as when he is sitting up. I see Jason's eyes widen a fraction before going back to normal.

Is he threatened by Caden?

Then Megan moves on to introduce Millie, and she just smiles and puts her hand up to wave. He just looks at her, then says "Hi"

I go back to write what is on the board and I suddenly get aware of everyone around us and hear whispers.

"Why is Caden sitting with her?"

"Caden never sits with anyone, let alone talks to someone."

"Are they an item?" I listen to the conversation some students are having.

"Even if they are, he can do so much better than that blondie with the braids in her hair." I touch my braid and run my fingers down it. My hair is parted down the middle, with two single braids on each side. I feel really self-conscious and don't know if I can stay in the lesson without showing symptoms of my anxiety, so I raise my hand and ask to get some air.

I can tell sir knows something is up with me, so he lets me go without asking why; that's a first. As I walk to the front of the classroom to head out the door, I can hear the whispers that they are saying not so quietly. My tears are on the verge of falling.

"Sit down, Mr. James," He sounds angry. I turn to look back at Caden in a way to say, Don't follow me, but knowing him, he will go against the rules anyway. So I leave without another word.

As I walk to God knows where, Caden's face flashes in my mind. When I turned around, he was standing up all worried, his focus only on me, his jaw flexing trying to keep his thoughts to himself, and I could tell he was ready to fight and that he wasn't going to stop arguing until I told him why I was leaving.

I keep walking until I am in front of a familiar place. The tree we usually sit under I usually sit on his right, so this time I decide to sit where he sits.

I just sit there with my eyes shut, trying to block out the world. I heard the bell ring not long after; wow, the lesson went quick. Either that or I zoned out for a whole hour.

I don't bother opening my eyes; five minutes later, I feel the sky darken, but when I open my eyes, I realise it was the shadow of Caden. He looks worried and angry at the same time.

"Are you okay? If not, I can go and get your friend Claire." I do a pathetic laugh as he sits next to me where I always sit. I don't bother to correct him. I look over to Clara and see she is alone with Caitlin. I miss my best friend, but I am glad to see her happy.

"I'm alright. I just needed some air."

He doesn't look like he believes me. So he just keeps staring at me. I hate when people stare at me. Before I am about to turn to say I don't like it, I feel a pair of lips on my cheek and then the side of my head. I don't know what else to do but hide my face in his shoulder and chest.

He wraps his hand around me and touches my hair. We just sit in silence, and he plays with my hair, and I play with his ripped black jeans, pulling the thread as he talks, and to say I was annoyed is an understatement.

"So... after you had your moment and left, as much as I wanted to go after you, the fucking teacher gave me a pissed-off look, so I didn't question him, and I don't need any more detentions. But that's not what I wanted to tell you; we have a group project with our people on the table with us."

At first, I didn't think it was that bad; Millie is a sweetheart, and then there is the new boy. I think Jason, if I remember correctly, he seems nice. Obviously, there is myself and then Caden, and because he is in my group, that's a bonus. Then all that's left is, Wait, Megan!

Bitchy Megan to be precise.

I jump up and stare at Caden. He doesn't seem shocked by my reaction because he must have noticed that the bitch and I don't get on, hell even a blind person could notice!

"Why can't I just work with someone else? Why do we have to be stuck with Satan's daughter?" I'm still shaken up by my little anxiety episode; Caden can sense it too and just looks down at me. He just holds his arms out again, and I start to calm down, so I get back into a seat position in front of him, and he wraps his arms around me.

Caden always takes the stress away, and I hope this never ends. As we are against each other, he keeps whispering sweet things in my ear.

"You will be okay."

"Don't stress too much," he says, tightening his hold on me. I decide to make a big move and turn slightly so my face is in line with his. I press my lips against his for only a mere second and pull away.

Caden has an annoyed look on his face when I pull back. I am about to ask why he looks angry, but he takes my words and kisses me for a longer time than I kissed him for.

"That's more like it; your kiss was too short." He rests his head against mine, and we both smile, and all my worries suddenly vanished.

"I cannot express enough how much I hate working with the definition of dog shit." My voice is full of anger talking to Clara; we are now walking to the park after the day ended. She is so lucky she isn't in my class.

"What is she doing? I always knew you hated her, mainly because of Drake and her but why do you sound more annoyed now than other times?" She heads over to the swings and starts pushing herself higher.

Clara thought it was best to go to the park, as she said, and I quote, "you look like you're about to kill someone." Well, she wasn't wrong. I guess it's slightly helping, but I am still not cool with anything Megan does.

Megan is driving me crazy. It's been three days since I found out we are doing a group project, and it drives me up the wall every time we are in the library. Why did Caden have to be so good-looking?

"I'm hoping things will calm down now because I think it's clear everyone knows that me and Megan clash; we both disagree, and whenever Caden puts his arm on the table, it just means to her that it's another chance to touch him." I pause for a breath as I am talking quickly. I hope Clara can keep up. I make my way to the other swing and sit down and start pushing slowly.

"I try and hide my anger; as usual, Caden can tell, but then I am calmed down by Caden's other hand rubbing my leg under the table as he shoves Megan's hand off."

"That's sweet of him to notice your emotions. I really like you two together, you know?" I look at her happy, my anger draining.

"Thanks, enough about me." I let out a breath. "What about you and a certain someone, huh?" Clara instantly blushes.

"I want to tell you something, and I don't want you to freak out." I'm getting worried now; she has stopped swinging all together.

"Why do you think I would freak out?"

"I'm just scared of your reaction, and I don't know how you will react."

"Okay, I am listening." I hold her hand, and it's slightly shaking. I soothed my thumb over her hand to make her calm down.

"I'm... gay." Her eyes are shut as if about to cry. I am so proud of her for coming out to me.

I jump up, pull her off the swing, and hug her with everything I have.

"I was wondering when you would realise." She just looks at me, wiping a tear that fell confused.

"Realise what?"

"I don't want you to be mad at me, but I had a sneaking suspicion you were gay when we first started hanging out; whenever I pointed out a hot guy with his girl, you would always skim over him and gawk at his girlfriend." She looked embarrassed.

"Why didn't you say anything to me? I always liked looking at girls more than guys, but I thought I didn't know why; it was only when I first started talking to Caitlin I found out I was gay."

"I didn't say anything because I wanted you to come to me when you were ready and if you were certain. I love you, and you are my best friend. I am not going to force an accusation that could offend you if I am wrong."

By the end of this, we are both crying in the middle of the children's park.

"So since you've just come out to me, am I right to assume you are dating Caitlin?" Clara just laughs and nods very happily.

"I've missed you," she says, and she hugs me again.

"I've missed you too."