Chapter 16

That's weird; I've been home for hours and Caden still hasn't shown up. He said he would, or am I thinking of the wrong day? ... No, I could have sworn it was today when he asked if he could come round. I've texted him, but nothing. I wonder if something is wrong. Since mom is home early today, she can look after Brody for once.

I decide I am going to head to his house and make sure everything is okay. I gather my things and write a note to put on the fridge saying that I am meeting up with Caden. My phone goes off, and I see it's a text from Clara.

Clara: Hey! Caitlin loved the present. Thank you so much!

Me: Anytime! Tell her happy belated birthday from me.

I get on the bus and head to the dark side of town, but I am not leaving until I know he is okay. I fiddle with my ring as I am starting to get more scared. Am I doing the right thing? Probably not.

I get off the bus, its pretty much pitch black. Perfect!

I see Caden's house in sight. I also see some graffiti here and there. I feel like my senses are that much stronger because I am more aware of what is around me. I can feel my heart pounding in my head. I head up his driveway, and I am praying he isn't angry that I am here to see him.

Okay, I can do this. Just press the doorbell. Come on. My hand hovers over the bell, overthinking everything. Ugh! Why now do I want to back out? Ding Dong!

Please, can his dad not answer the..

"Who are you?"


He looks like he hasn't slept in years; his eyes are bloodshot, and his hand is crusty, which I am assuming is from holding a bottle of alcohol since that is the only thing I smell coming off him.

"um... Is Caden in?"

"that shit? He is upstairs; be wise and leave him while you have the chance, sweetheart." He took a second to analyse me. Eyes looking me up and down.

I feel very uncomfortable. But not as uncomfortable as what is coming out of his mouth next. "Aren't you a pretty one, so why are you around my idiot of a son?" his smile when he says that makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I would reply by being very defensive about Caden if my hands weren't shaking inside my hoodie pocket.

"Lacey?" Never in my life have I been so happy to hear Caden's voice save me from this awkward moment.

I look at him, and I can tell he too hasn't slept. He looks between me and his dad, reaches for my arm, and drags me to his side.

"We are going upstairs," he says, leading me away from his father.

"Okay, but kids, remember to keep the door open; I don't want you to make a mistake like I did when I got your mother pregnant with you." At that, his dad laughs like it is the funniest thing in the world. I am appalled and so upset that this is what Caden has to go through. I look at him, and I can see this is common, as he doesn't even flinch at the insult.

As we are walking through the living room, I start to take in his home. It isn't the most friendly of places, but it is cosy in some ways. I can tell Caden cleans this place well, considering his dad can't get off his ass and help keep his house a home. I look at the walls, and there are squares where I am assuming a photo was, maybe of Rose and Caden with their mother.

We make it to his room, and I am shocked at how nice it looks. It is still a teenager's room because I see clothes on the floor and schoolwork on the desk and bed. I take a seat on his bed and watch him just lean back on his desk.

I notice he has been working on the project without the rest of us.

"Why are you here, Lacey?"

"What do you mean? Why am I here? I was worried about you."

"Yeah, but why did you come here alone? Don't you realise how dangerous this place is at night? Something could have happened to you." At this point, his voice is slightly raised, he is off his desk, and I have risen from the bed, so we are standing face to face.

"And what if something did happen to me? Would you even care?" He looks like I've just asked the most ridiculous question possible.

"Of course I would care; I still care about you, but..." He stops himself and looks away, like he can't even bear to look at me.

"Why won't you look at me for longer than ten seconds? What is going on? You know you can trust me?"

"Oh really! I can trust you?" He laughs tauntingly; it sends shivers down my spine.

"What is so funny, and of course you can trust me? Have I given you a reason to think otherwise?"

"I don't know; tell me, where were you yesterday, huh?"

"What does that have to do with anything? I told you I was helping Jason with something." Caden looks more angry now, but I am far from backing down.

"You didn't look like you were helping each other."

"What's that supposed to mean?" My voice goes quiet. And I see some brightness lighting up his face by his phone, and he shoves it in my face, and I see me and Jason hugging outside the café when we were leaving.

"Is this the reason you haven't been around today? Are you serious? You know nothing is going on with him and me; you want to know why?" My voice is getting irritated, and I am starting to raise my voice because of how angry I am.

"I am helping him get Millie to notice him as he has a crush on her. He wanted my help because he has noticed how me and you are with each other and he wants to experience it. And if all it takes is one fucking photo to make you think I would ever be the kind of girl to cheat or do something behind your back, then maybe you are the one I can't trust when you don't even trust me! This really hurts, and I can't bear it. I am cut off by his lips.

I almost melted into it. Almost! His hands on my face pulled me to him. I slightly open my eyes, push my hands against his chest, and shove him off me.

"You can't do that! You can't just kiss me and think that that will make it all better!"

"why not? I was in the wrong. I get that now, but... He tries to justify himself, and we are now both yelling at each other.

"There is no but; you just showed me that you would believe something someone sent you or said to you over talking to me about it."

"I thought we had something; I thought you liked me for me; maybe it was all just in my head."

He doesn't say anything for a while. I notice his eyes start to get teary. He has no right to cry; he didn't trust me. How dare he be upset when I should be the one hurt here, not him!

I start to turn to leave because if he can't even trust me, and I used to trust him, How is this going to work out for us anymore?

He grabs my wrist, and I look at him, waiting for him to say something—anything! He grabs onto me, hugging me and holding me like I will turn invisible. He slides down my body, first kissing my cheek, neck, and shoulder, and his face is in line with my stomach. I can clearly see and feel the tears on my skin from where he kissed me. Suttle words of "I'm sorry"

He is kneeling, hugging my waist, and pushing his head into my stomach like a scared child to their mother. He is sobbing now, and I can feel his breath speeding up. I move his arms around me, but he doesn't want to let go.

I kneel down to his level and look into his eyes. I wipe his tears and kiss his cheeks where the tears have burned on his face. I then kiss his forehead, and once his breathing has calmed down, I start to stand up and leave.

But this time he doesn't stop me.

I get off the bus and run home with tears running down my face. I can't believe he believed a stupid photo over talking to me. Am I overreacting?

I have my keys in my hand, but I am shaking like crazy. My tears are blurring my vision. I give up on trying to open the door and just fall to the ground realising its an anxiety attack. I cant breathe! I feel someone's arms around me, and I fall into them, not caring who they are, my knees buckle and I let it all out I've been holding in.

"It's okay; you are going to be okay." It's my mother's voice, and I've never been so happy to hear it.

I keep sobbing and making her uniform wet from my eyes. I hear little footsteps coming up to me.

"Lala?" I look up, and Brody is staring at me with full worry. Mum lets me go, and I open my arms, and not even when they are spread all the way, Brody runs into them. He hugs me so tight, and I do the same.

I start to calm down, and by this point, all three of us are hugging on the doorstep.

"Why don't we all get in our pajamas and watch a movie?" Me and Brody both nod. We haven't had a movie night in God knows how long. It's nice to be doing something as a family.

Once we have had dinner, me and Brody get ready to watch the movie. He and I are in our coziest pajamas. We all huddle together on the couch and stay like that until the movie How to Train Your Dragon ends. We both love that movie so much that we probably know it word for word because we have seen it so many times.