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Biebie woke up feeling pains around her private area likely gotten sore vagina, she went in to use the shower and then wore one of Lil daddy's clothes this is making it twice they had done it yet it feels like the first he's pretty good at it.

she went over to the kitchen to prepare what to eat which she doesn't know how to cook good news is Lil daddy stocked his fridge with food he's not only a good cook but a food lover, she went through what she wanted boom she saw Chinese leftovers not like he prepared it maybe some of the takeouts they'd eat. Her phone beeps as a notification of her mom's text come in.

"Still at Toby's place sleepover" she pass screw it without responding, then her sister's text came in.

"You lied to mom about Toby's sleepover well I know you're seeing someone better use protection else you're gonna take care of that baby alone" she sucked her teeth at that one her older sister can't be more shy prey, she's going to change her phone password, not quite taking her mind off the fact her sister snooped into her phone another of her text came in.

"Sis I'm sorry I read his WhatsApp message, do you have to get a Travis Scott clone well he looks better than Travis no offense to Kylie Jenner I think mom will like him he's cute, I suck at getting a man does he has any of his cute friends I don't mind dating all of them-

A laugh escape her lips when she got distracted from the noise outside it's Lil daddy beating one of his boys, he matches his face after punching him severally, one of them hand him the money he counted it impatiently then spat, he took him up and pushed him into the pool, looks like he was warning them.

Biebie is scared of the incident that just took place will he one day lay his fingers on her like that if things go wrong, he went back to his phone Toby texted asking her when she was coming she replied soon.

"You're up love, good morning" he kissed her neck, her body warmed up from his kisses she kissed him on the lips back.

"Morning" she muttered, he went ahead to take out eggs and bread.

"I will prepare you breakfast and you can change into any of my sweatpants to school no need to repeat your clothes of yesterday" Biebie smiled she liked them the first time she had seen them, she watched him crack the eggs and mixed them smoothly, he went over to on the gas.

Biebie might look like she's busy on her phone yet she got all her eyes and attention on him. He seriously made her breakfast, she cleared her throat getting his attention he quickly looks up at her with a smile.

"I saw you..... he paused focusing on what's she about to say, she paused not having the confidence to question him about what he did out there, she knew him, what he's capable of doing, Toby isn't the one who had told him mystery about him, people like him don't do relationships sooner he's going to stash her away so don't get caught up like he's your man or a dude she's planning the future with.

"Are you okay?" he asked resuming the stuff he was doing, Biebie said it was nothing going out of the kitchen he called her back.

"I didn't mean for you to see what happened out there, he messed with my money if I don't handle him that way my other boys will think I'm weak, I swear I won't let you witness that shit-

"Hey!!! Is okay perhaps if I was in bed I wouldn't have seen is entirely my fault" he left the kitchen counter to where she was standing at the entrance.

"Is not your fault" he kissed her softly she kissed back as well.

"Go shower before you're done your food is ready, I asked Toby to get your car washed so I'm dropping you at school-

"I thought he was coming to pick me up" Biebie retorted gesturing her hand in the air.

"Toby has other stuff to handle, I don't want you going home your car not clean, give me the honor to take you to school".

She liked it, she wore his orange sweatpants it suits her perfectly like it was her size he complimented her taking his key from the drawer as he lead the way.

Lil daddy's apartment is very much furnished with a white couch situated side by side and a lamp at each edge, he had great taste when it comes to decor summing it all his interiors were all white.


The knock is so loud Lil daddy asked the girl he brought with him from the club to get the door he's too way tired to even stand on his feet, his apartment is big enough, so large that divided each of the sections where giant GMP doors, right in the bedroom you could see through to the living room yet someone who is in the living room wouldn't see you, the kitchen right around the corner you can notice someone cooking or taking out a soda from the fridge.

Biebie face darkens seeing a girl dressed up in one of his tee shirts.

"Who are you and how can I help you" Biebie just moved in without telling her a word, upon the demand from her she walked her like that, Lil daddy recognizing her voice stood on his heel ASAP.

"You need to leave" Lil daddy said snatching a short from his wardrobe.

"Yeah you need to leave," the girl said after Lil daddy but he told her he meant her not Biebie, he took out a couple of notes from his drawer and accompanied it with her purse handing them to her, and she snatch them from him looking at Biebie from the dead corner of her eyes,

"And don't look at her that way again, that will get you a cab-

"Are you not dropping me off" he shut the door in her face, and he quickly apologized to Biebie further explaining she didn't mean anything to him.

"I don't care daddy, and here" she threw the cash at him he quickly catch it, he didn't count it just threw it into his drawer.

"Are you not going to count it-

He said he trusted her, and she insisted just so peace will reign he took the money out and counted it, and Biebie headed to leave but he stop her.

"I heard, the police are all suspecting you, you can lay low in my place for a while-

"How did I get your money complete? that Is enough for you to know I can take care of myself-

"Bee you don't have to take this out on me I care about you, ever since.....

He paused the look on her face become darken she's offended always offended, she had warned him never to bring her parent's death up not only did it damage her, but her revenge had also taken control over her that everything is on hold till the man that killed her parent and the person who gave the order is dead she's not going to rest.

"I'm sorry-

"You're always apologizing Lil, listen what happened between us was a moment of Vulnerability it means nothing to me I don't care how many girls you have sex with stop making it look like we got something going on-

"I need another supply and for the police fuck them I don't need your protection-

"If you get caught I'm going to be in deep shit that's why I'm asking you to stay low I can use the living room and I won't touch you-

"I won't get caught, and pls I can't sleep on the bed that has women crawling in and out of it, make sure my supplies come in tonight I need to get to school before the second period" she walked out without even taking a glance at him, flung the door open and slammed it shut loudly.

Biebie get into the class only to confirm she has missed out on several lessons, yesterday while she was on the run with the police they had given two tests and a revision on three subjects, and she called out principal Felicia wants to see her well by now she should be either suspended or expelled, refusing to see the principal and the therapist she had secured for her reported she hadn't shown up.

The door of the principal is always opened she saw her bending over and looking for files with her medicated glass as usual hung on her nose.

she noticed her come in and asked her to sit, Biebie pull her backpack off putting it in another seat closer to the one she sat, she didn't notice her style today like she had done that day in the assembly, nothing interested her anymore.

No doubt principal Felicia is hot and dresses incredibly most of the teachers the female once's precisely jealous her how beautiful and elegant she is, even her as well saw her as an inspiration when it came to fashion and charisma.

"How are you Biebie," she asked intertwining her fingers and placing them on the table her nails were black acrylic today based on her fair skin the black came out shining and bold in appearance.

good for her she sigh underneath her breath she don't bloody care if it was then she ran off to take off whatever color she had on her fingers nails and did the exact black that was not certain of her anymore.

"Great hopefully if you don't question my sanity-

"Speaking of that, the therapist hasn't seen you ever since I made a meeting for you two" she caught her smiling flipping what look like her file, she knew she was taking it easy with her because she feels Biebie needs help and the goddamn therapist is the way to her redemption.

secondly, she will be guilty conscience having the youngest daughter of her best friend suspended or expelled from school because she's mixed up with weed sellers and weed consumers.

three she's going to take it gently with Biebie with assurance if she could give her one more chance to prove to the school board that she's the same girl who always wears expensive platforms, made her hair just like she did hers, make sure her cloths were the best fit, her nails always on fleek with every week booking her nail tech just to get her nails done like principal Felicia, a girl her parent believed in because of how brilliant she is, getting straights As planning on either Harvard or Yale to further college, not a goddamn weed seller.

  If only she understand things had changed knowing fully well the day her parent died that dream died with them, she's not going to give in, of course, she's intending to drop out and not be able to do school and business at once, so is either she suspends her now and gives her the one thing she wants and that's to be expelled.

"I don't need a therapist maybe you should go instead, I don't know why you think something is wrong with me-

"I understand you Biebie-

"You don't stop lying to yourself" Mrs. Felicia is not surprised by her tone, ever since her parent died everything has changed with Biebie the good soft girl turn into savage, rude and sassy.

"I renew your fees so next term you should be in school, your exam is around the corner and you know is the shortest term ever so I expect punctuality" Biebie didn't show gratitude instead she picked up her bag and left, and she called her back.

"Her door is always open if you change your mind if you need anything just one call away-

"I hate to repeat myself many times I don't need anything from you, I'm fine to see you when I see you" she nods in agreement as she watches her leave.

she throws the file back on the table, she has one more chance and if Biebie is involved in anything the school is up against then she has no choice but to expel her permanently which means she won't be able to get into any high school.