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           Song: (lilbaby Everything)

Principal Felicia was right always put yourself first not only is she unable to graduate high school, she choose looking for her sister over going to school both her life and lil daddy is in danger according to Kiera knowing about her deal with Toyinka words are going to spread on the street, she can't go back to principal Felicia is too late she thought, disrespectful, never returned her calls or texted back like she's at fault for bringing the best out of her.

That feelings arose again bringing flashes of the past imagination hating it for ever feeling something good would happen after finding her sister, Why is everything turning out bad her life is over,  she didn't think twice walking through that door.

She took out the lighter setting all the letters principal Felicia sent to their mailbox on fire no use of it.

      Gorge walked in the others that were smoking took it out including Kiera who is the reason the meeting  is held after several attempt getting his attention.

"You wanted to see me so badly Kiera here I am better make it worth it" taking his spot in front of them,

"I'm sure the little Kylie Jenner killed Soyinka I confirmed it-

"With evidence I guess" her boss cut in she hesitated unlike Kiera the fast talker.

"I confronted her about it I could see the fear in her eyes can't even deny it" Gorge burst out laughing even the rest  of the gang joined laughing as well, Kiera scoffs frustratedly.

"What do I care if a seventeen years old girl killed a grown ass man like Soyinka, I understand he's your friend and both of you might be inlove with each other I don't know but you're trying to stand up for him... standing up for a dead man Im Sorry to say is none of my business -

"Even about lil daddy" she cut in sadly,

"I have my own scores with lil daddy I'm not taking it out on a girl who is screwing him simply because you think she killed him without no evidence......

Gorge catch a quick breath wipes his mustache before resuming looking around everyone.

"even if there was one you really think I will get involved fighting for Soyinka we talk about this.... is a no!!!!!" Gorge said hoping she will accept her fate and move on.

"Lil daddy boys already taken over the territory all over the place like they owned it isn't that enough reason they got rid of him......last night we hardly make any sales because of them plus lil daddy bitch said you're lacking" the boys murmured looking at each other then at Kiera.

"Is the truth she said that-

Kiera repeatedly to cleared the doubt on their faces pointing out.

"You would say anything just so we go to war" one of the guys interjected.

"She ain't wrong about that, lil daddy is my competitor once I'm not selling I'm definitely lacking, is your loss Soyinka is dead not ours I'm not going to forget the fact he claimed to be on my sides yet took eight percent from lil daddy boys I'm amazed a girl took him out a seventeen years old we are talking about he deserves it and I'm sorry Kiera"

"I can't believe you-

Kiera snapped frustratedly.

"Why not,  I'm not going to war with lil daddy over Soyinka, his boys are over the place doesn't mean I have to go to war let a sleeping dog lie he's dead Kiera....... he's not my problem okay the earlier you get this the better for us I'm not going to war" gorge dismissed the meeting.

"How are we going to make ends meet we barely sells even in the neighborhood isn't that enough for you to do something about it, every corner someone turned is lil daddy face on every streak pack like he owned the whole territory... everyone believes we are broke what happens before they give you name like broke dope seller-

"Have been called many things this one won't hurt that much.... I don't care about whatever they call me because it doesn't matter to me, y'all stay tight and off lil daddy girl, the police already dropped Soyinka case no one cares" he walked out of the room.

   Kiera with so much anger decide to take law into her hands poisoning the minds of others a quite handsome of gorge guys fell in line the once that agreed to go with her happened to be her own inner circle friends in gorge circle.

Fixating a day to raid Biebie home, ever since Kiera confronted Biebie she took proper precautions to stay safe not in anyway coincidentally be in the same club with her, same eatery she mostly order her food pay on delivery or eat burgar world most of the time have no idea how long she will keep avoiding Kiera knowing fully well if she told lil daddy he will take care of it and she doesn't like how lil daddy handles his business.

if she keep turning to people over every slight inconvenience how is she going to grow up the only soul she told is officer Lawrence about her fear of what this cat Kiera will do, he told her to put his number in her emergency contact as soon as she witness anything fishy he's one call away rescuing her.

   Just as Biebie had thought Kiera  raided her home how she know which one was Biebie room baffles her, stabbing what she thought it was Biebie in bed severely not knowing she is a step ahead of her yelled to his gang that she's not here, instructing them to search the entire house and make sure they bring her head on her late mom platter.

Biebie so scared hearing words like this one against how many can't keep count but the voices could tell they should be at least eight in number how will she survive that.

   luckily Biebie wasn't found one of them said maybe she escaped, Kiera decide to check the warehouse on the other hand Biebie almost escaping Keira grabbed her giving her double slaps across her face she whimper, she didn't hesitate to bring out the pocket knife and stab Biebie in her ribs twice Biebie fought to her last strength didn't give in so easily else Kiera would've slaughtered her like a chicken.

Hearing the siren from far away she spat at Biebie who was bleeding uncontrollably with a smile on her face although she received few punches from Biebie but can't be compared to the injury she gave her conceited the fact she is not going to make it.

Anyway she will bleed and die before the medics arrived, mr Lawrence rushed her to the clinic as soon as he got there, Biebie almost half down pleads with Lawrence not to informed her boyfriend wheezing from pain, the stab is so deep he uses his scarf to stop it from bleeding more than it has.



Biebie survived her injury healed pretty fast she wasn't alone although Toby who is now dating Caroline took care of her, officer Lawrence said is fine she stays with him for now her home is dangerous for her if Kiera finds out she's still alive.

Caroline offer to help because her parent are always away why not the two girls get to know each other and do girly stuffs.

Two days living with Caroline went smoothly having her Agenda, ever since she's been in the hospital strategizing on how to get back at Kiera if not this night no other.

stalking how she always come back home to crash at her parent garage around 2am when the whole street is calm and quiet. Biebie didn't tell Toby it was a murder she lied all she wants to do is have a truce with her so all this conflict can die down, Toby is impressed so he decided to go with her.

They saw Kiera humming with a bottle of whisky half drunk they guessed, Biebie so nervous carrying out this execution fathoming this moment how easy it seems in her imagination watching Kiera closely makes it more difficult for her to carry out what she has in mind.

She can't murder Kiera in cold blood maybe threaten her and pull a truce the two can kick off from there hoping she doesn't retaliate flashes how terrified she is of her makes her blood turned cold having goosebumps immediately, Kiera was bend on killing her on the spot.

now she can't, she pull out a pocket knife Toby asked what's that for she quietly explained last time she almost killed her the picket knife is fir defense in case Kiera tries to hurt her again, Soon enough they got hold of Kiera she stinks of booze.

Kiera didn't know Biebie is at her back she only saw Toby.

"Hey!!! Burger boy Little Kylie Jenner decoy last time I almost sent your bitch to meet her late parent well she got into her senses turn out lucky enough last time, I assure next time will be her funeral" Biebie face darken while she was in the car having second thoughts about either to murder Kiera or not having flashes maybe come into an understanding.

All Kiera wants to do is kill her instantly she slit her throat cutting her artillery immediately not able to withstands Kiera plotting against her for the second time here is her chance so she made use of it without a blink.

Toby freaked out watching Kiera slowly slipped from her hand choking on her blood gasping for air an easy and quick death, she's merciful unlike Kiera who planned to torture her to death.

"We have to go Toby" she said Toby still froze last time someone died he wasn't this scared, Biebie dragged him out of the scene asking if he's okay.

"I am not okay" Toby screamed, Biebie open the car and pushed him in jogging around the car to get in the driver seat.

"Calm down okay-

"You fucking killed her" Toby reminded her.

"She tried to kill me Toby-

"You're alive somehow Kiera would've been reasonable-

"Toby don't make me feel bad about this, you know what happen heard what she said back there is over alright-

"What about the body" Toby sniffles holding himself not to cry.

"The police will find her is not ours to worry about now-

"You don't leave your victim on the streets is easy to trace the suspect".

"Everyone knows Kiera is a trouble her death wouldn't raise suspect they'd believe is one of her enemies or she basically crossed someone she wouldn't have crossed-

Biebie hands shivers while she tries to start the ignition, the keys fell down thrice having Toby looking out the car window of someone is watching, Kiera bleeding on the ground.


   The news went viral how a nineteen years old get murdered infront of her parent garage blogs carried it on all social media platform Biebie doesn't have a phone so Toby read the article from his Instagram, she's quiet haven't  say a word Toby told her not to feel bad about herself she's the one that started the whole thing.

"I don't feel bad at all" the soyinka incident is different from this.


  Kiera's's boss wasn't happy taking the blame for Kiera's death he regretted ever being so hard on her toward Soyinka's death, Soyinka wasn't important to him but Kiera was.

Kiera inner circle came forward with the truth how they raided Biebie home with intention to kill her somehow Biebie survived, Kiera main inner circle friend explained Biebie and Kiera always have this beef going on right from school not much luck was on their side the police showed up so they had to escape.

"She calls her Kylie Jenner but her actual name is Biebie, is a fun name they usually call her based on how iconic her looks is, fashion slayers , stylish she is and spoiled-

"You're not reporting a news asshole I'm sure she killed Kiera we shouldn't forget she raided lil daddy's girl first....boss we know Kiera had been on Soyinka case and she  does things without thinking thoroughly now we are the victims of her own stupidity-

"Soyinka is involve with lil daddy boys his death definitely is the curse of his selfishness I don't know why Kiera didn't see this now it cost her life-

"We have to go to war we can't let her die like that... she's lying on the street like a dog we know the bitch that did it what's stopping us" gorge asked them to be silence everyone saying their own perspective.

"Kiera said little Kylie Jenner owed Soyinka thirty percent just so she can sell in his club we didn't know what went down I'm sure he underestimated her so as Kiera and now look...Jesus I told her to let it go why couldn't she just listen-

Gorge said out in pain he truly loved Kiera like a sister despite how much trouble she cost on the street, almost the entire territory were complaining how stubborn she is that doesn't make gorge love her any less the truth is he's not going to sit back and watch Kiera die like a dog on the street.

"Bring me the girl whatever they call her Kylie Jenner or little Biebie I don't bloody care-

"Boss she's lil daddy girl all we can do is demand compensation do you actually think lil daddy is just going to hand her over....let continue the funeral and move on she call this upon herself-

One them reminded them who she's involved with.

"You're not in any position to speak for the boss...Kiera is our friend we can't let that go who cares the guy she's involved with this is Kiera"

"Lil daddy has nothing to do with us if he learns we touch his girl or lay a finger on her this will be a bloodbath pls I beg you boss let's bury Kiera and move on with our life respectively" gorge see light in what the last man said, he assured him she will not be harm just for questioning.

"I know lil daddy doesn't know of the attack which I went with Kiera and I regretted the course of my action, assuming she told lil daddy we will all be in the run we cannot win this fight Kiera attempted on her first" gorge admit he will not let anyone talk anymore except the help of finding her.


    Biebie can't stand the relationship going on with Toby and Caroline they look happy which is important but this two people that formerly hates each other get together becoming something sweet after how she instigates him against her an excuse Toby isn't her equal was it out of jealousy or she can't stand her.

Biebie make a face when Toby and Caroline tongue kiss who ever thought these two will get together in a romantic way, Caroline always put down Toby like a little child, how on earth will Toby want to be with someone who acts like his mom this is too much for her to take she excuse herself to the lobby listening to music is so gross watching them.