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It was so late dad as usual wasn't around either mum slept off waiting for her precious daughter Biebie or in the master room almost half asleep honestly she always know when Rose sneaks in the house way too stubborn and grew up so fast.

The living room lights all switch off just the blue bulb and red bulb glows the house.

"Pull your shoes for Jesus sake those platforms sickening me" Biebie mouth hung open in surprise they are hers why making a big deal out of it.

she wasn't scared of their parent she does what she like and give zero shits about anyone. Biebie did pretty well decide to support her good cause sing word to word to the Afro song they played in the car mere looking at the lyrics.

Rosemary almost on the stairs when the bright light lit up both of them Yelp into realization mom was fully awake.

"Go to your room Biebie tomorrow is school" just like that Biebie took the stairs going up Rose intend on going but mom stopped her she sigh this road is not new to her lecture on coming home late and drinking while driving.

"Ohh because I don't have school I see" Rose cut in holding her shoes in her hand.

"Quiet Rose you're nothing but a bad influence" that came out harsh so Biebie exclaimed mom even if they came home late Rosemary is out there saving lives.

"I said go to your room" Biebie walked fast into her room and slammed it hard.

"Why do you always bend on doing you from the time is so late-,

"I know is late mom I was having fun it just happened your favorite daughter tagged along today else we wouldn't be having this conversation"

"Both of you are my daughters"

"Why I'm I the only standing here receiving lecture about coming home late if you want to scold me for staying out late cool don't scold me because you think Biebie stay out late because of me she enjoyed it a two people involved-

"You're the oldest why let your sister drink whisky she's underage is not just about you what if the cops or something bad-

"God!!! I am twenty I can take care of myself your problems is you worry too much and is not about me is only Biebie-

"Is that all you have to say that I worry too much this is my house I get to say when anyone gets back and go out" silence for a while.

"Right!!! I'm leaving as early as the cock crows"

"That's the problem" mom yelled after her as she kept walking slowly still holding her shoes.

"You have shown me severally how you do not want me around so I'm leaving" Biebie listened closely before she went to bed when no one was talking or yelling the truth is Rose is a Jesus leaving never around family except holidays she hated it.


Biebie read the text over and over again this can't be the plan is to kill her sister here she is coming to her own death the pleasure is hers. She informed Gorge boys they will be suitable for the assassination just talk about the devil watch him appear texting them the warehouse with instruction once she get out of the warehouse go ahead and shoot. Black the color theme a black leather jumpsuit and a Prada platform day to kill and mourn at the same time.

Went with a maybach without any of lil daddy boys instead took along Gorge boys technically is her recruits she is more like their boss than lil daddy matter of fact lil daddy has nothing to do with them he only focuses on his guys honestly trust in their loyalty than anything, second time seeing her sister she looks more beautiful with makeup this time around exactly who she is. So intense Biebie sat opposite her sister Rosemary signal for one her guard whispers to him before giving her younger sister attention.

Two short glass of whiskey Biebie refused to drink even if Rose made an impression that is not what she thinks still yet Biebie demanded a whole bottle of whisky and a new set of glass.

Her request served she filled her glass ignoring the glared her sister is giving sip a long shot before putting the glass down.

"Still cheap" she bragged with a smirk Rosemary filled her glass as well did not care less.

"You were always their daughter" Rose said filling her glass putting the bottle down on the table without drinking.

"Get over yourself and stop whining like a kid can't believe you're twenty two still mad at dad & dad is not my fault you grew up so fast" Rosemary sips just a little still holding her glass Biebie is a heavy drinker so she was going for the second possibly nervous about her whole plan for the fact lil daddy pointed out to her Rose is her family kind of creep under her skin it was the truth.

"Your mouth" Rosemary retorted in a disgust manner.

"Always sharp like a blade is not growing up so far smart people don't lived their early life contemplating on what good college to attend is about putting in effort achieving your goal" Biebie burst into laughter

"So your count yourself smart what a pathetic self made resolution yet you work for someone not just somebody the person responsible for the death of our parent you called that smart... or effort how come you didn't put in effort to get good grades dad paid someone to write your examinations for you-

"You brag so much about A's you can't even graduate high school what a shame at least I have high school cert what do you have" Biebie became mute all over a sudden Rosemary cackle sipping her drink more. Biebie stood up angrily throwing the short glass at the wall guards came in ensuring it doesn't escalate. Biebie put her hands up in air signifying she's not starting up a fight.

"You're a fool Rosemary I hate to beak it to you" she paused staring at her soberly.

"Shut up for once and sit down..... leave us" Rosemary authoritatively said, no guards around this is the best time to kill her metals sitting around snatch one clutched it on her head good-news is she already called an order once she leaves the warehouse put everything to ashes.

"I'm no longer that sister you used to control you have five minutes to say whatever fuck you need to say I have plans" Biebie said angrily piercing into her eyes daggering Rosemary with her looks.

"Why come then if you have so much to do" Rosemary kept it classy still not on her feet running her fingers around the short glass.

"To kill you or something why not" Rosemary took it as an ordinary narrative without knowing Biebie had just spoken the truth the entire reason she'd agreed to see the sister she hates after making her feel obsolete about herself what is more rewarding than sending her to hell.

"Everything I did was to protect you" Biebie burst into laughter yet tears came out from her eyes Rosemary on the other hand look so unbothered in a blink of an eye she snatched a stick luring around but Rosemary is smarter she stopped her halfway in midair. Rosemary riveted, Biebie felt so mortified based on her actions alongside how she wanted to find her so bad, with her audacity to opened her stupid mouth to tell her she did whatever to protect her because she have no idea what protection is.

Even when their parent were alive Rosemary has been nothing but disrespectful to them self centered, Rosemary only cares about Rosemary possibly because she's her older sister most of the time she bailed on her.

Make up to her with designers all she could do is come home, attend brunch and listen to mom once mom or dad try to talk sense into her she either leaves or respond back rudely.

"You have no idea what I went through He make it seems I work for him" took the stick from her going back to sit down.

"What are you talking about Rosemary" Biebie took a step back when she pulls off her top Rosemary gotten new tattoos additional to the once's she gotten when mom and dad were alive.

"I close it up with the help of a cosmetic surgeon I still have the scars in my heart I used to have a eagle tattoo right on her after I did the surgery i tat flowers instead" Biebie eyes welled up in tears she was wrong it wasn't additional tattoos.

"What happened to you" her temper decreased into a low vexatious tone.

"He forcefully sleep with me I know dad didn't steal from him with my body from one of his closet employees his name is Leo he might thought we have something going on the truth is I can't forget he put those bullets on my parent brains" she wore back her top.

"I already knew them why do you have to prostitute yourself to get information-

"Language Biebie.... if i would've come to you then he kill you I told officer Lawrence detective friend to stop the investigation I know he took care of you, I was so upset when principal Felicia told me you left school everything I did was just in vain-

"No is not in vain I have to hustle to pay officer Lawrence the government closed the case the only way to move was a private investigation-

"I had a plan all you should've done is focus on school-

"Fuck it how will I know you anyways hated school because of maths and chemistry how come you became interested I know you love money more than your very own soul-

"Yes I love money so much, now you didn't graduate what do you gained-

"I killed people two people it breaks me uptil this date one was intentional the other accident I have my struggles too it wasn't solid on my side. I have to eat you don't expect me to depend on principal Felicia-

"What!!" Rosemary lips tremble.

"Before you judge me what information did you get from Leo" Rosemary didn't answer right away she stutter trying to speak.

"I don't feel bad Rosemary they try to kill me-

"Because of lil daddy he's not good for you-

"You're mistaken he loves me and he's the only one that protects me on the street, what information did you get" Rosemary sibs quietly I understand the feelings my whole life known her as a stoic person.

"Dad didn't steal from the cartel they kill him because he wanted to leave the system-

"I knew dad was innocent so bad you have to prostitute yourself for that information I could've told you-

"Jesus!!! Biebie I have tracker implant on me do we kill them or not" my heart pounds I was stunned like I saw Beyoncé walked upto me did I just hear her right.

"You want to take them down" I asked to be sure.

"Why do you think I am here I have Leo removed my tracker into a robot, he's planning on killing lil daddy as well I can't let him harm you we have to tell him-

"I don't trust you, you think I am so fool that will lead my guys into a trap" Rosemary smiled called his guards them rushed in, she asked them to be unarmed they did as she instructed, picked one of the gun Biebie thought she wants to kill her surprisingly Rosemary shot all of his guys down.

"Do I have your trust now" Biebie hugged her sister tightly while they hugged gunshots is heard across the warehouse, the gunshots came more close part of the warehouse hits by bullet.

Biebie took the phone her hand shaking asking her sister to keep her head down but she insists on firing back, Biebie is not ready to loose guys when the war hasn't started yet and Rosemary don't stand a chance.

"Babe you there pls tell them to stand down they are going kill me and my sister-

"I told yoi" lil daddy said back

"Cut the crap babe and passed the information" he quickly made a call asking gorge to stand down but he said the only person he will listen to is Biebie she put him to the task until is done he's not backing down.

Rose point a gun at her sister directly to her head.

"You plan on killing me" she asked Biebie put her hand in the air squatting on the floor.

"That was before I got here pls get down we have to get out of here trust me Rosemary this was my call like you see I'm calling off"

"No!!! I came down here so we can take our enemy down all you did was put shooters on me-

"Are you going to kill me or what, you started the whole thing I have no idea you were on my side please get down Rosemary this are flying bullet-

"Ungrateful bitch-

A bullet hit her twice she stumble on her feet and fell Biebie quickly get hold of her tearing her top apart when she realized she's bleeding.

"Oh my god!! Stay with me please stay with me" Biebie began to weep loudly the gunshot still going on thankfully lil daddy came in through the back, Biebie speak to Gorge on the phone to asked his guys to step down.