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Song(Halsey without me)

Biebie packed her hair into a ponytail applied her mascara, brushed her eyebrows opening the top drawer of her dresser taking out a red lipstick applying it on her lips she pressed her lips together then rubbed it against each other as she blew herself a kiss. Screwing the cover to tighten it before putting it back lil daddy was out with the guys putting products in a trunk that looks like a laundry delivery trunk which has nothing but weed preserved in the fridge measured in blocks with meters.

Strutting in her ombré heel comprises of black and red, tight high waist jeans tugged in black long sleeve shirt with a red long leather coat that stops her ankle grabbing her red leather Hermès hand bag one of her birthday gifts from lil daddy her first time wearing it.

She walked into the living room took the key to her first owned car Mercedes Benz G wagon from the start Biebie has a crush and a thing for the brand possibly all her fleet cars will be Mercedes heading to her formal home which now belongs to gorge.

"Lil told me about what's going on how can I help you gorge-

"I'm taking care of it Biebie you don't have to worry about me is just some low lives gangs who has nothing to do but wreck my dealings"

"Well that's easy for you to say my boyfriend have money issue and you do not  want to go down that road with him so here is the thing why not make them your ally" gorge shook his head negatively from where he's seated.

"I am not splitting my profits may I remind you have got officer Lawrence right on my ass now them" he pointed at a blank space aggressively.

"This your problem gorge you don't want to get mixed with them costing a riot-

"They killed my guys first Biebie not only that took away my products a loss on my side all I want to do is swipe them off from the face of the earth-

"Making issue worst these people are just mad at you with the look of things how about you set a meeting and I speak with them will that help" Biebie is surprised by his sudden change of facial expression.

"Is my territory I can't let you...my guys look upto me if I keep running for help over issues happening right Under my nose yeah all I know is war look where it gets Kiera to her grave I am going to make a difference" Biebie have no idea what going on if war wasn't one of his idea then is okay.

"I tried making a decision on my own and I end up in a very hot mess somehow send few loved once's to their graves  what ever you get cooking up against the eastern gang I pray tell should be a good idea without blood shedding-

"Is okay mrs lil we are all murderers I am sure happen circumstantial I will keep you posted mrs lil" she finished her drink side hug gorge and left grabbing her purse.

"I will talk to him about the shipment I am sure next shipment supplies things must've been handled... and a little information that might help with your leftovers in times like this we have to get each other's back so lil boys sells out before midnight so I am thinking you should take this few for the night and only... gorge I am not asking you to make it one of your after midnight hotspot lil boys have zero patients make sure you sort thing out at the east so you can peacefully trade your shit" gorge appreciate it for the information at least he's not losing  so much so he asked few of guys to make a sale at uphills for the night in other to get shipment as soon as possible.


Gorge called for the meeting as he planned shockingly no one showed up it upsets him triggering that part of him that does not compromise. He kicked the can lying on the ground heavily cursing underneath his breath pressing his forehead.

"There you are" a guy said from the dark gorge boys were armed so they glocked instantly, gorge allow him come forward appearing in front of the bonfire burning flames in thick orange color.

"Where are the rest of you guys or let me guess they send just you-

"No I came willingly who knows if is a trap last time you were in our warehouse taking shipment before you left to the greener pasture now you lived in a fancy house like the person you despise" he said both his hands up, gorge asked his guys to stand down making sure their eyes securing every angle in case of an ambush they were ready and not to forget gorge upgraded his guns to the best.

"You know how I struggle to sell those dopes you will agree with me I make the right decision if you was in my shoe-

"I will do the same... name is sparky" he sat down gorge went over to the trunk coming with a whisky with Chinese takeouts, he hand him one filling each of their glass. He devoured the food fast eating.

"Slow down buddy before you choke in case you want more plenty is back there in my trunk... why are you the only one that show up" he asked thud his chopstick equal before digging in.

"I am no part of their madness I know when lil daddy product was every where literally in every corner you turn with his face on the pack streak you never harassed his guys rather struggle to make sure east side product kept moving.... majority of us are homesless based on low sale we can barely pay for rent, feed and now we sleeps in the trailer as soon as is dusk we disappeared" lil daddy signal one of his guys he went over to the trunk to get more Chinese food, gorge hand him another plate of meal with a paper bag filled with chicken wings.

"It must be insane eating this everyday I wonder how my life be-

"Why are you telling me all this sparky or you're stalling me" he said pointed at him with his chopstick.

"Is all a coverup to scare you into starting trouble to get rid of your docile with lil daddy so he can stop your supplies we all know he doesn't go to war, find the person responsible for costing him trouble then recycle him-

"And how psych he is" both of them laughed at the same time.

"Is your  territory so is your business I don't want to die when you come shooting us which was the thing we were waiting for inviting us over a bonfire means peace and is a waste of time at least not for me-

"That means they don't care about death because business will be bad for me if I start a war so my loss police taking over my hotspot-

"Right!!! We saw them camp few nights we knew is going to be temporary no officer will spend his time securing a site that's not under investigation as long as they were concern causing trouble will always be on the table" gorge nods his head repeatedly spark eating half of the chicken wings.

"Why telling me this information-

"Is not free I expect you to pay me for my glee-

"Your leader how I can I talk to him-

"He won't, so pissed at you for over throwing him in the business especially now you're lil daddy partner he hates you-

"What about an offer and you sparky you're too young to be on the street how about going back to finish your high school instead of glee payment-

"Who cares about school and don't underestimate me because here is a list, I shot a cop, robbed the richest man in my street I hack accounts as well as pickpocket ....tried to steal the cooler of food from a famous Yoruba buka in my street the owner burst me since then I can go back to town her son in the army that's why I spend much time in the trailer because she knows me and my mom and she's sick thinking about how I can't even help her then bringing that embarrassment upon her kills me"

He stopped eating cleaned himself up before looking upto muted gorge practically not happy because he wasn't taking directly to his boss, yes he's eighteen who won't be able to grad high school or pay his mom sick bills the truth is he wasn't ready to involve in the madness going on.

"I can wash your car there are stuffs I can do for you going back to those trailers ain't one of them and for the record they thought Is trap ok sure handful of us are tired with the stealing and shit going on sooner cops will be on us-

"How many are you guys" he shrugged.

"I dunno if they are willing to go but my boss said you never share profits so I guess not lot of them will want to show up my advantage is  I am useful"

"Useful people progress in life, tell your friends if they can be useful my lawn is open for them, for my friends that they kill compensation will be paid that's how we do around here if no then face my wraith... and boy you can keep the rest of the food it was for them anyways I will be seeing you" gorge and his guys left the bonfire sparky  took along the food going to meet his friend asking them if they will be useful to gorge if so they are free to joined him.


Gorge guys came back home in the morning all sold out strangers every corner of the house eating breakfast it didn't end well with the rage they took few of them out, barrage of punches on each other when sparky screamed for help before they kill each other, Gorge rushed down downstairs yelling at them to stop too late they were bleeding especially the eastern gangs were badly punctured. The problem is they can't just swoop in enjoying the luxury of their labor is Gorge house these dude risks their lives everyday and night to meet up a deal including pledging their loyalty.

"My gees aren't cool with y'all-

"So we should go back to the trailer-

"Hell yeah!!!" Two of gorge guys said at the same time pushing the east gang on the chest that was right behind him he about to retaliate when gorge stopped him.

"They are useful-

"We are good we don't need additional trailer crashers who killed two of my friends living under the same roof with us" he smash the plate out of one of the east gang who was still holding his plate of breakfast shattered on the floor.

"Enough!!! Alright we all black & white gang that means we are brothers-

"Boss brothers don't kill each other they make sure of that" gorge guys were really pissed.

"Are we going to talk about this or adjourn this conversation" no one objected ready to listen gorge took his time before he resumed.

"We stick together through thick and thin storms and waves we lost one of our own Kiera I wish I had listen to her then do the right thing but it happen too fast, we survive by proving ourselves-

"So you took us from the trailer to read the law of Moses to us then control us-

"Shut your mouth what do you even have to offer the trailer I guess" laughter echo from behind the trailer guy shut his mouth.

"We are not going to bully ourselves at least you're not in the trailer that's a great step, we feed our family, supported our wives or girlfriends, we cloth ourselves peace is the most important thing to me hopefully I can say that to the rest of you guys most importantly fighting is forbidden that's why we are here in the first place" he paused walked and stood in the center all eyes fixed on him.

"It was just yesterday we shared two bedroom and a backyard look at this" he pointed every corner of the house before start by talking again.

"None of these fell from the sky we make sacrifices, we are loyal, pledge our loyalty just so you know the door is open if you want to leave right now is the best time to else remain silence and do the work" he waited for any of them that wants to leave pointing at the door none of them step an inch.

"We love ourselves, fight for ourselves, we do not rob banks or people or steal cars we only deal with weed so if you can't make a living off it I advise you walk out that door because down here is work, we are useful" he walked in circle looking at each of them.

"If you're not here then you're at the farm idle hands are not welcome nor snitching if in any way I sus betrayal the fate is death just know I will track you down" no one budge all mute listening.

"Sparky the home phone is for laundry you make sure laundry is taken out 9:am pickup is the next morning exact time hope you can do that-

Sparky nod positively.

"The rest know what to do hopefully we all live in peace the house is big enough for us I'm not stoping anyone not to crash back in the trailer is still a nice place I did crashed in trailer my first time on the street.... sparky over here" he tapped him as both of them left.