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Song (pushin P ft Gunna ft future ft Yung thug)

Lil daddy preparing a romantic dinner for himself and his girlfriend whereas Biebie is out to make inquiries about their ball designer outfit, she went out for a tour with the biggest celebrity designer in town over lunch in the city.

Lil daddy loves food and is a good chef who loves preparing his food, before the ball he wants to make sure they spicy up their relationship a little more not only has Biebie been stressing out about Leo she has been really worried about her sister with what is going on right now, she doubt Rosemary is okay plus her sudden pregnancy which she decides to keep it away from Lil daddy till after the ball.

Letting Lil's daddy know she's pregnant will send him on a high pitch which will lead to her not taking part in taking down the cartel, the last thing Biebie wants to do is not take part in the revenge of her parent which is just days away. He's so overprotective over little things she can handle she will make sure her reason is valid when is time for her to open up.

Lil daddy set the table with fine white tablecloths, pink flowers side by side, a lavender scent candles illuminating the dining area in the garden. Taking a glance at his decoration felt a butterfly in his stomach.

He put the bowl of four different kinds of dishes with a little round strawberry-flavoured cake in the centre, he planned on surprising his girlfriend tonight after she meets with the designer.

Lil daddy went over to the bedroom did change the bed, that is Biebie's job to put the bedroom in order, change the bedsheet, take out the trash cans and so on which she plan on doing the next day, he wanted the garden to the bedroom so he decides to do the chores himself.

He pick up the trashcan heading over to the kitchen over turning it into the trash bag for recycles when he came across clinical sheets and test tubes, he picked them up going through them, he checked the dates not only has Biebie been running several tests with clinical test tubes she went to the doctor to confirm if her worst fears were true.

He took his time going through it all believing the result his girlfriend is pregnant over two weeks ago and she has not bothered to tell him, he put all the trash back inside the trashcan exactly as it was taking it back to the bedroom.

Lil daddy felt extremely betrayed what was she thinking not letting him know she was pregnant, what is her plan for the baby, he couldn't fathom everything immediately guiding his thought not to ruin this beautiful day.

Biebie has a habit of doing whatever she likes without thinking to share or express it with the person she claims to love over two weeks with the baby they talk about everything yet she thinks is not okay to talk about how she's having a baby, their baby he airs quoted, she's fully aware how much Lil wants to be a father.

Biebie came in holding a few stacks of magazines with her black Yves saint Laurent purse, black scarlet gown and black stilettos before she left home this morning her hair was styled into a tight hair bun but is loosen he noticed quickly plus how stressed she is.

"Hey babe" she kissed him after dumping everything on the couch, went over to pull her shoes snapping her toes together,

"How was your day and how did it go," Lil daddy asked, Biebie looked up at him catching a deep breath.

"Have champagne, went through iconic clothing in their archives..... everything Is bomb I brought pictures with me as well on the suits I choose for you a black and white theme" Biebie rustled through the magazine she was holding taking out the very sketchbook the designer did for Lil daddy iconic look for the ball to him, he took it and ran a quick check on it.

"Do you love it...we can stop by tomorrow for you to see for yourself-

"These are great and I love it" Lil daddy went over to sit close to her, he looked at her down to her stomach which Biebie noticed quickly smiling at him awkwardly.

"I have a meeting tomorrow with the baron from the south-west he wants to talk business do you mind accompanying me," Biebie tugged her hair against her ear swallowing slowly, she look nervous as well, she haven't kept something from Lil ever like this and is hurting.

"I have plans, tomorrow babe, you have to go alone no doubt you will make a good impression-

She kissed him softly on the lips Lil daddy is not in haste for her to tell him the truth about their Angel baby hopefully it does not take long, they are way too long together for them to keep secrets living under the same roof.

"I will spend my tomorrow with a little self-care I have to look clean, and check in for our clothes while you are away breaking deals.... is there something you want me to do at the farm while you are away babe-

"No... wanna see what I did to the garden anyways dinner is ready how about you take a quick shower I will be waiting in the garden for you-

"Iconic dinner... sure" she kissed him again but for a little longer.

"I love you, babe-

"I love you too," Lil daddy said back taking hold of her hand and giving it a little squeeze before letting her go. Biebie Walked into the bedroom with a new refreshing atmosphere because the candles were burning out scents that could drive you into a romantic sleep.


Lil daddy's face lit up without casting off his eyes from Biebie in the long sleeve transparent lace two pieces with a Bottega slide, he stood up pulling out a chair for her she kissed him and sat on it, she allowed him to do the honour by pouring a non-alcohol wine drink whereas Biebie went ahead to dish her food.

"Babe when did we start drinking non-alcoholic wine besides I am a whisky freak" Biebie from the onset found out she was pregnant and cut off from whisky. Lil and Biebie click their glass in cheers without answering her questions.

"Hmm....yummy gawd babe you should open a restaurant this is so good-

"Thanks, babe, you might want to check others out as well over there is chicken soup with rice, over there is sauce goat with white yams..... then lastly we go for dessert-

Biebie lean over and kissed him.

"I'm lucky to have you babe look at all these delicacies" Biebie tasted more of the different dishes, Lil daddy took out a paper towel and cleaned up the stains on her lips, she looked up at him with a broad genuine smile.

"The humidity in the air warns me of emotions that approach.... God babe the bedroom is breathtaking, makes me want to go straight to bed"

"Are you cold I can warm you up.....are you afraid of sex?" Lil daddy asked picking up the baked turkey with his bare fingers and eating it and licking his fingers.

"No-no" Biebie blushed using her cutlery to butcher the chicken into tiny pieces grabbing a fork and stabbing it into her mouth slowly chewing it.

"Pray tell my love..... tell me what's your darkest secret" Biebie paused in her process of chewing holding her fork in midair and thrusting it to her lips.

"A secret....?

"Yes," Lil daddy cut in sharply nodding his head and going for another baked turkey whenever he eats this much either he's high on his products.

"What makes you think I do have a secret I mean what can I possibly hide..... nothing, now over to you, your turn anything you want to confess" Lil stared sternly at her from the dead corner of his eyes, does Biebie even realized how much he loved her willingness to do anything for her only to hide the most precious thing that would've made him the happiest man in the world, does she even respect him at all hoping she will come clean with the truth tonight, what makes Lil upset Is why on earth is he hiding it.

"Is everything okay your look is scaring me is there anything you want us to talk about.....or do you smoke weed again" she picked up her glass of wine sipping a large liquid and almost emptying the glass.

"You look dazzling in that outfit makes me want to have sex tonight right here right now on this chair" he changed the phrase but his facial expression said otherwise because whenever Lil talked about sex his face meant it more than his word and his look seem like a detour.

"With our bodyguards watching us..... aren't you the one that told me how loud my track sound is even behind those closed aluminium doors... whatever who cares this is our house so let's do it-

"Kidding" he snapped putting so much effort in his smile which wasn't normal then dropped his turkey cleaning his hands off.

"You didn't ask about the baron and you do not want to attend the meeting with me do you know they are like royalty some ancient gangs who formed criminality into a monarchy-

"Sound interesting I never heard about gang barons except in 1800 the king lieutenant or advisor-

"A different thing altogether" Lil snapped cutting Biebie off then continue.

"Before my father died I was just a little boy honestly I still remember his tales vividly about the baron they were the Vikings of our time never satisfied, always wanting more care less about how to acquire it doesn't matter if it belongs to another bloodline as far as the barons were concern raiding has been the utmost factor in their lives which cost them half surplus of their territories to read the original mafia family"

"So much history to dwell on why I'm I just hearing this now I thought the mafia was the only criminal myth in existence-

"Thanks to me you know now, and their territories are like England with kings, primes ministers so on, whereas the mafia is just like the American democracy and republic policy....all the profit is made for the barons who are their king-

"Seriously so what do they want with you is not like we are going to share with them our profits we are private sole business owners.....gorge is our partner because his loyalty lies on our side-

"They know better according to one of the recently cost feuds, the barons rebelled against all the mafia territories after the costly war and the Red defeat there were forced into exile from their territories refusing to make amends-

"Do they know our plan against the mafia family if so how many know-

"I'm not sure the only person who knows of our plan is Leo who by now has exposed our asses which makes us a prime suspect and a threat to the mafia family. Is no longer a rumour Red is out of supplies and drugs are the principal wealth of his family now his enemies are all crawling from their evil dens"

"I don't trust the barons if we take out red which I am sure we will no way are we giving the barons their ex territories if they think your influence has anything to do with Red then they are bloody wrong"

"Speaking my language which is I will attend the meeting and listen to whatever shit they have to say the least I can do is drop-ship if they want products.... so coming or your mind not change"

"Nah I rather stay home and do chores and babe ensure you stay safe if they are Viking descendants as you say that makes them prey so say less and listen more".

Lil Daddy finished up their romantic dinner before heading to the bedroom, Lil daddy decide to give her till before the ball of Biebie doesn't come clean about her pregnancy which means otherwise, he was not hiking to ruin their romantic nights.

"The food was delicious can we make it together next time-

"Yeah....sure for now just stay calm and kissed me" Biebie pull off her two pieces with the help of Lil daddy they lurked into each other, the same spark age felt the first night they made love still have the same high voltage of electrifying so connected synced in the same direction when it comes to stroke.

Lil daddy was so high on weed extremely into his girlfriend feeling the softness of her body, his lips on the soft areas on her body harnessing her. Lil daddy slowly stroked her side by side in his thought about the baby they are going to have, for now, Biebie wants to keep it in the shadow and it upsets him.

"What's wrong babe" Biebie felt him slowly weaken, he kissed her so deeply before burying his face in her neck, and he muttered to her.

"I love you so much Biebie" Biebie wrapped his face in her palm lifting it from her neck.

"I love you too"...