Chapter 6: Wang Jin Lied

As she spoke, she handed her two pages. Bai Ling thanked her and sat down to read the script. Today's audition didn't seem to be too complicated. It was revolved around a fight. What they were looking for was the actress's balance ability and physical coordination.

The story was about a woman who was hiding in a tree and just found out that her friend she grew up with was the one who killed her whole family. She jumped down from the tree and started to fight with the supporting actor. The supporting actor didn't come today, so it was a fight choreographer that was taking his place.The three-meter platform was simulated to be the tree. There was a sudden uproar in the crowd, and then all at once, there was a stillness. Bai slowly raised her head.

A man came in from the gate. He was in a black suit. He was tall and had a fresh face. He had an impression on his face as though he was saying, "Do not get close to me." After a moment's silence, everyone around him, excitedly said, "Oh, my God! How handsome he is!"

"Who is he?"

"I don't know."

"Is he the new actor?"the crowd murmured among themselves

"Oh, my God! He is better than King Hay!"

"His power and presence are so intriguing."

"I couldn't see his eyes." Myra thought to herself.

Wang Jin's eyebrows rose slightly, and his eyes grew colder. Wang Jin approached as if he was infected by his apathy, everyone swallowed in and shut their mouth. As Wang Jin passed, everyone stepped back involuntarily, and the dense crowd split into two streams and made a way for him.

Bai Ling was worried, embarrassed and shy, she looked up at the quiet crowd, and when she saw Wang Jin approaching her, her eyes widened, and she stared at him. Why was he here? Wasn't he on business? When and why did he come here? Why did he come to the audition? Was he was coming for her, was he? As soon as she looked up, she lowered her head at once. She even tried to bury herself in the crowd. According to Wang Jin's character, he wouldn't be too concerned to pretend not to know her but his arrogance was easy in him till the extent he can disgrace her in public.

What if people found out about their former relationship and her disgrace? There were many people here. If she was written up in the gossip magazines, what would she become, and what would the public think, and she didn't want to end her acting career. She thought about it again. If he was trying to find her, why didn't he call her directly?

He didn't have to come here. He must have been here for trouble and tried to find something to do to her. He would leave soon, she thought. Bai Ling slowly raised her face and peeped at Wang Jin with the rest of her sight. Wang Jin walked to the center of the room, and the assistant director stood up. The other three people stepped out and greeted Wang Jin. They extended their hands to shake hands with Wang Jin. "Mr. Wang, It's been a long time since we have seen you last."

Wang Jin faintly said, "Yes." The director smiled and said, "Mr Wang, you are so busy, what brings you to the _dream of x_ today?"

"Nothing!" He responded coldly then turned to Bai Ling and shouted "Miss Bai Ling!" The crowd were shocked at instance. Bai Ling a new actress?, It was only Ray, Fei Fei and she knew he was her ex-husband. Wang Jin ran toward her like he wants to tear her apart, Bai Ling could not help it but to pick her bag and run. After Thirty minutes of running Bai Ling was tired and then gave up by falling in a port hole full of muddy water.

Bai Ling woke up at same spot where she fainted a brown envelope beside her hand then she cursed herself for running for nothing? Or was he trying to play prank on me?, She asked herself then opened the letter.

The letter was from grandpa Wang it says she should come to his party. Now Bai Ling checked her purse and saw nothing but her three dollars that Ray gave her for feeding at noon. She had no money with her, her b**ch wicked ex-husband made her run uncontrollably like something serious was wrong. Her phone battery was down. Bai Ling stood up from the port hole, her dress were stained from the mud water but luckily the rain water wash through her dress removing the stains of the mud as she walked past the highways, People starred at her uncontrollably. What on earth was she doing splashing through the rain and stubbing her toes on paving stones? That were the people thought as she ran toward Sarah, grandpa Wei house keeper. "Good evening Mrs Wang?"Sarah greeted

"Oh dear Sarah am not married yet."Bai Ling exclaimed without worrying about anyone else


"Shhhh that all I have to say, I am not married." Sarah opened the gate as they went in. Sarah who was thoughtful lend her a dried towel. Bai Ling dried herself off, realising only then that the men who stared were looking not at her dress, but through it! "Oh well." she sighed, feeling tired already. She walked past the party to grandpa Wang Wei room and stopped to hear his conversation with his grandson Wang Jin on phone. Grandpa Wang Wei high the volume to hear what is son was saying clearly."


"Wang Jin, how dare you send Miss Bai back!! She is the girl I've chosen for you! Even if you wanted to send her back, you should have let her stay for the night and send her back tomorrow!" Maybe by then she would have recieved your attention!" He didn't say that out loud. Wang Jin then sighed helplessly

"Grandfather, When I find someone, I'll bring her to you but for now, don't send any lady to me. It won't work".he responded

"Wang Jin, I'm getting old! I want a great grandchild, your grandmother wants a great grandchild too! You...The line was cut off, Grandfather Wang put down the phone then picked it back up and put it in his ear.

"Hello?? Hello!! This unfillal brat dared terminated the call!" Grandfather Wang tried to dialed the number again but the mechanical voice that accompanies a call that is switched off was heard.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is switched off, Please try again later, thank you"

Grandfather Wang Wei threw his phone on the bed in anger.

"That brat switched off his phone! Why did I have a grandchild like him!!"grandad exclaimed. At this moment grandma Wang came in, she saw Grandfather Wang boiling in anger.

"Come on, look at your good grandchild! He dared send back Miss Bai Ling back to her house! This child can't even give us face and send her back tomorrow!" Old grandma wang chuckled in amusement. She pinched Grandfather on his laps and sat beside him.

"Old grandpa, you shouldn't force girls on my Jin , whenever he wants to get married, he will get married." Grandma Wang Said

Grandfather Wang got agitated again when he heard her statement. "He might not get married in his life!" Old Madam Wang's eye darkned when he said that. She bonked Grandfather Wang on his head and large comical exaggerated tears fell from his eyes.

"How dare you curse your grandson! Do you know what you just said?? He will never get married in his life?? How dare you!!" Grandfather Wang cowered when his wife's legendary tigress anger rears its head. Back in the days, many people insulted Grandfather Wang for being dominated, They weren't rich but the family was happy, he told them that he didn't care if he is dominated, as long as his wife always got what she wanted. But now he was wealthly blessed with children and companies with so many more.

Old Madam Wang really is a good wife, she stood by him throughout the dark years and never for once insulted him about being poor. Instead she strived to support him. It can be said that Old Madam Wang was one of the main pillars of the business.