The Past Is The One That Lead Me Here

"It's all start when i was 7, people are nice to me that time until..."

Bully1: *punch Zul's arm*

Zul: Ow! *start to tear out*

Bully1: D..did you just cry??

Bully2: Yeah it's just a punch! dont be so weak! *punch his another arm*

Zul: OW!

Bully3: Oh my god, i hate weak people.. like look how weak he is

Bully1: Hey, give me your lunch money

Zul: O-ok... *give it*

Bully1: It's that all?

Zul: No, i still have more but i want to eat-


Zul: ?! *give him all of my money*

"They know, that i'm weak... So they start to bully me, they beat me, they take my money, they steal my food, they throw my stuff at trash, there is also one time where they almost kill me, when i was 11"

At Street...

Zul: Guys.. i dont think that this is good

Bully1: Do it now

Zul: Why?? I..I dont want to die

Bully2: If you survive.. we give you 1000 bucks

Zul: Where you even get that money from?!

Bully3: My dad

Bully1: JUST GO! *push him*

Zul: ?!

"When i step on the road, the truck beside me and it was 0.5 meter away from me, at that time i thought i was about to die but"

???: *hold him and pull him*

Zul: ?!

Those Bully: ?!

Zul: Brother?!

"It was my big brother Zul Ikhmal, he one of the strongest delinquent in our town and i really want to be strong like him"

Ikhmal: You ok?!


Strength: SS+

Speed: SSS+

Battle IQ: SS+

Durability: SS+


Ikhmal: I saw you push him from the 10 meter away from here

"Acording to my analysis, that truck was drive with speed of 70 km/h since that is the speed requirement in that street to not be too slow in that street, and that truck was literally beside me that was 0.5 meter away which is really close, my big brother just pick me out of nowhere and in an instant i was save by my brother that was 10 meter away, so doesn't it mean that my brother is.."

Zul: (Can it be that he was around transonic or supersonic?)

Ikhmal: If this happend again, i kill all of you

Those Bully: A-alright! *leave*

Ikhmal: Why didn't you tell me about this?

Zul: I-idk i just like to be friend with them

Ikhmal: They are not your friends Zul, there is no friend who did something like that

Zul: I.. i get it..

Ikhmal: Come on, who gonna protect you when you change to other school? when you 13 im going to be 18

Zul: It's fine, my friends can protect me

Ikhmal: How long? how long you want to depend on them? what happend if they are not with you?

Zul: ...

Ikhmal: *kneel and hold his shoulder* Listen, you have potenial, just try and see how strong you are, you're good at making a analysis and able to see how strong people are just by seeing it, i want you to make a test on yourself

Zul: ...

"I always do 10 Push Up, 10 Sits Up, 10 Squats and 100 Meter run if i get bully just to punish myself because of how weak am i, but for now i will do a test on myself"

Zul: Start with lifting strength *lift 45 KG with one arm* hmm.. i dont think is normal for age like me to lift 45 KG with one arm.. i should do gripping strength test, *grip a 100 KG gripper* hmm.. weird..

"I never know i was this strong in term of strength, but i will give a A grade to my strength, but before that..."

Zul: HAA!! *strong punch a 30 KG Dummy*

Dummy: *fling 6 meter away*

Zul: Hmm.. Yep

"I knew it will be A grade for my age, but i think it wasn't enough so i give it A-, and now it's time for my speed test"

Zul: *run and look at my phone" (Looks like i reach about 44 km/h in travel speed, a peak human speed)

"So then i give a A on my speed, and move on my durability test"

Zul: Alright Aman, Nizam, just punch my forearm and i will try to endure it

Aman: Is it fine?


Strength: B

Speed: B+

Battle IQ: B


Nizam: Just do *strong punch his arm*

Zul: *endure it*

Aman: *strong punch his arm*

Zul: .. (I can endure it..)

"It means that my durability can be A+ because i know that my durability always be higher than my strength"

Ikhmal: You want to learn basic of Boxing and Muay Thai??

Zul: Yes i am

Ikhmal: Well..

"So then my big brother Ikhmal teach me a basic of boxing and muay thai that can help me in battle if i ever get into, so for my current stats when i was 11 are"


Strength: A-

Speed: A

Battle IQ: A+

Durability: A+

"I was totally shocked when i realized that i was physically stronger than my bullies, but i still scared on them, but now it's different"

Back to current time

Zul: *run to home* (I beat those delinquent by myself! i can't believe it! i mean i'm about to be 13 and change to another school so)

Aman: Yo Zul!

Zul: *stop* ??

Aman: Where you going??

Zul: Oh hi

"This is Aman, he is my best friend since we was 5, but sadly he go to another school, and he is also strong"

Zul: I just come back from school as you can see

Aman: Ohh~ so wanna take a ride on my bicycle?

Zul: Oh no need i try to be more faster

Aman: Did you think you can be more fast than my bicycle?

Zul: Ehhh... maybe?

Aman: Come on bro why you always make poker face

Zul: I don't even know

Aman: You know what, let's just race.. in





Zul: *run*

Aman: *ride my bicycle*

Zul: (a year has passed and my stats has increased, now my speed is A+ and i can run about 50-60km/h)


Zul: I know


Zul: Because i don't want to

Aman: Ah, i see...

"So then i reached the end and win the race"

Aman: You're so fast! hope i can be fast like you

Zul: Yes of course, if i was able to do it then it's possible for you to do it too

Aman: Can't wait to be strong!

Zul: Hm.. Me too

"So then i go back home and go to sleep, but then when i wake up"

Zul: *wake up* ?!

Zul's mom: wake up Zul! you will be late to school!

Zul: It's all just a dream.. i just remembered everything i going through.. *look at calender* i'm 15 now..