Breathing Technique (1)

"It's has been a week since the fight between Ordinary Boys and Mafia-S ended, and Zul was thinking to continue training"

*At Forest*

Zul: *take a breath* ... I'm ready

Atok: Good

"That is Atok, the master of Breathing Technique that i about to learn, he already over 60 years old"

Zul: Please *bow my head* teach me a Breathing Technique

Atok: ... You already learn it

Zul: ?!

Atok: Don't you realize it?

Zul: Realize what?

Atok: Everytime you fight, you always take a deep breath

Zul: ??

Atok: So you know what it means?

Zul: Hmm, yeah i do

"Deep Breathing is one of Breathing Technique to enhance physical stats, reduce heart rate (stamina), enhance endurance, and improves blood pressure"

Atok: So, the requirement for you to learn the next Breathing Technique you need to lift a a tree until the root out of the ground

Zul: (I-is that even possible)

Atok: Who knows?? if you able to lift it out, let's start with small tree, did you see that banana tree?

Zul: Yeah i see

Atok: Try to lift it

Zul: Alright *go to banana tree and hold it* Do i need to lift it with my breathing technique?

Atok: Yes

Zul: But what's the point?

Atok: To train your muscular strength

Zul: A-alright *take a deep breath* ... *lift it out of the ground* ?! (I MADE IT?!)

Atok: See, i know you can do it, now try to destroy it into 2

Zul: Alright then *chop it and it cut into 2*

Atok: Hmm (He got a good strength even with average body looking) Alright, next is try with that oak tree

Zul: Alright *charge and strong kick the tree and it destroyed*


Zul: ?! Wait am i supposed to lift it?!

Atok: Yeah!

Zul: I-I'm so sorry! *go to another Oak Tree and lift it out of the ground and stomp it and it destroyed*

Atok: ?! (H-how?!)

Zul: (It's getting heavier)

Atok: H-how about you try to lift that 50 meter tree

Zul: ... (H-how am i supposed to lift this thing??)

Atok: What's wrong? can't lift it?

Zul: ... I try *hold it and try to lift it* !!! *take a deep breath* HAAAA!!!!! *make the whole tree shake* I.. I can't... it's too heavy

Atok: As i expected, you actually capable to evolve your Breathing Technique

Zul: There is more?

Atok: Yeah, a Recover Breathing, a breathing where you can recover a fatigue of yourself and enhance your healing

Zul: Hmm how to use it?

Atok: I will teach you how to use it, if you defeat 3 of my students...

Zul: Your students?

Atok: Yeah, they're my top students, Badrul, Tharmen and Chang

Zul: (I should becareful, i still not meet them yet)

Atok: *take out my phone and call them*

Zul: Hmm...

Atok: Yeah, 3 of you come to training area now

Zul: (I kinda nervous... but i need to stay calm...)

Atok: *close my phone* Now we wait

Zul: Hmm

"After 20 minutes, they arrived"

Badrul, Tharmen and Chang: *bow our head* we're here master

Atok: Good, now this is my student Zul, he capable to use a Recover Breathing, but in order to learn it he need to at least beat all of you

Tharmen: Nice to meet you Zul, I'm Tharmen

Badrul: I'm Badrul nice to meet you

Chang: Just Chang...

Zul: (The way he welcome me kinda different, there must be something) Y-yeah nice to meet you guys too *bow my head*

Chang: *smile* (Hmph)

Badrul: No need to bow your head! we're also a students

Tharmen: Yeah!

Zul: Oh Alright-

Chang: *push his head to the ground*

Zul: ?!

Chang: Bow your head, we're your seniors

Tharmen: Ah...

Badrul: Hey... we should not underestimate his strength

Chang: I didn't say anything? we're his seniors, he should bow his head

Tharmen: Ah..

Badrul: Hm..

Zul: (none of them want to speak)

Atok: *pull Zul* Alright, We going to do 1 vs 1, who wanna go first?

Tharmen: Well since im number 3, i should go first

Zul: Oh alright

Tharmen: *walk forward and ready*

Zul: *do a boxing stance*

Tharmen: Hmm...

Zul: (I'm not gonna use Silat in this fight...)


Tharmen: *take a deep breath and dash forward*

Zul: ?!

Tharmen: *strong punch him*

Zul: *weave*

Tharmen: *elbow his face*

Zul: *weave* HAA!! *hook his ribs*

Tharmen: *it hit my ribs* ?! *kick him*

Zul: *knockback* (Deep Breathing technique are good for fighting... i can see through his stats and compare to my stats, mine was higher...)



Strength: A+

Speed: A+

Battle IQ: A+

Durability: A+

Zul: (Deep Breathing technique can enhance a endurance and reduct a damage, but i don't think i should use a Deep Breathing technique for now, since my stats are between S)

Tharmen: *dash to him and punch him many times*

Zul: *dodge all of his punches* (I need to becareful, i sure that's not all that he got-) ?! *block my head*

Tharmen: *already kick his head*

Zul: *block it* (SUBSONIC SPEED) *knock 7 meter away* (I let my guard down, i know Breathing Technique is something else-)

Tharmen: *already at front of him* Come on man! fight back! *punch him many times*

Zul: *block it* ?! (HE GETTING FASTER) HAA! *turn around and do a roundhouse kick*

Tharmen: *at his back and block it* ?! You can see my speed?!

Zul: You mostly use a sudden attack, with that speed vanish behind the target was a good idea but not agaisnt me

Tharmen: Hmph, you're smart

Zul: Well, i don't think so

Tharmen: You can analyze all my attacks while fighting me, i sure you holding back agaisnt me

Zul: I don't know

Tharmen: You hiding your potenial, as your opponent *taunt* show me what you got

Zul: ... Alright then *dash to him*

Tharmen: ?! (HE'S FAST!) HAA!! *strong punch his face*

Zul: *dodge* Did you forgot to use your Deep Breathing?

Tharmen: ... (I'm fucked up, i lose focus and-)

Zul: *already kick his head to the ground*

Tharmen: *my head smashed to the ground and lose a consciousness* ... (T-that was fast)

Zul: (I'm getting faster for sure, but i didn't do any speed training, i can outspeed Tharmen who have a subsonic speed which mean can make me High Subsonic or Low Transonic) *take out a book and write*

Chang: Tch.. i hate this dude, did he disrespect us?

Badrul: I don't think so

Zul: *help Tharmen to stand up* You still can fight?

Tharmen: N-no, my sight was blurry as hell..

Zul: (For sure, i kicked his vein at the head that connect to his brain)

Atok: Alright, Badrul you up

Badrul: Yessir! *stand up and walk forward*

Zul: ... (Their stats are equally balance, i sure that Badrul have a AA+ stats)

Badrul: So.. can we start now?

Zul: *do a Karate stance* Sure

Badrul: Ha... how many fighting styles you have?

Zul: I don't have one, i just fighting using my own styles

Badrul: Hmph *smile* interesting *take a deep breath and dash forward*

Zul: ?! (As i expected he is more faster!)

Badrul: *low kick his shin*

Zul: *pull my leg away*

Badrul: *slide kick his other leg while he pulling his leg*

Zul: *dash backward* ?!

Badrul: I thought you going to jump

Zul: If i jump, it was a free hit for sure

Badrul: You good at fighting *dash to him and kick him many times*

Zul: *block* (He keep using kicks)

Badrul: HAA!! *roundhouse kick his head*

Zul: *dash toward him and mid-kick his chest*

Badrul: ?! *knockback and fall to the ground*

Zul: *dash to him and stomp him*

Badrul: *rolling and quickly stand up and take a deep breath* HAA!! *dash forward and already at front of him*

Zul: ?!? (WHAT THE HELL?!)

Badrul: *charge a punch and strong punch his cheek*

Zul: *block but his fist hit my cheek* ?! *fling to the tree that was 20 meter away and it breaks*

Atok: ?!

Tharmen: DANG

Chang: Hmph...

Badrul: For now, i'm going all out

Zul: *blood come out from my mouth* ... *stand up* That punch was hurt...

Badrul: ?!

Chang: ?! (He still standing up?!)

Zul: ... *take a deep breath and vanish behind him*

Badrul: ?!

Zul: *hook his head*

Badrul: *fling to the tree and it destroyed and fling to other tree*

Zul: Hmph

Badrul: *my head bleed and stand up* ... *take a deep breath* .. I still can FIGHT! *dash to him and strong punch his cheek*

Zul: *it hit my cheek* ... *punch his cheek*

Badrul: ?! *blood come out from my mouth and knock out*

Tharmen: ?! *walk forward and carry Badrul*

Atok: (He was strong, i sure that he can develop more than this...)

Zul: (As i expected, his stats are equally balance)



Strength: AA+

Speed: AA+

Battle IQ: AA+

Durability: AA+

Zul: (So it means that his stats is...) *look at Chang*

Chang: *stand up* ... *start to laugh* Haha.. HAHA.. HAHAHAHAHA

Zul: (what the fuck)


Zul: I already know it

Chang: Hmph, so now, no need to hold back, and fight me using all of your strength

Zul: *close my eyes* (Stay calm...) *take a breath*

Atok: The battle has started!

Chang: *take a deep breath* DIE!!! *vanish to him and punch his face many times*

Zul: *take a deep breath and block my head*

Chang: SHOULD NOT BLOCK YOUR HEAD ONLY! *hook his ribs*

Zul: *deflect it away and kick him*

Chang: *catch his feet and kick his other leg*

Zul: *fall to the ground*

Chang: *strong punch his stomach to the ground and the ground cracking*

Zul: ...

Chang: *hold his neck and lift him up and punch his face* HAHAHAHA!!

Zul: *block it* ...

Chang: *throw him to the tree and it breaks*

Zul: ...

Chang: *lift a banana tree and swing it on him*

Zul: *weave*

Chang: HAA!! *kick him*

Zul: *fling to the tree and it breaks*

Chang: *dash to him and punch his face*

Zul: *catch his fist and push him to the tree*

Chang: *knock to the tree* Is that all you got?! *dash to him and hold his neck and lift him*

Zul: (Judo)

Chang: *smash him to the ground* HAHAHAH *punch his face many times*

Zul: *block it*

Chang: Come on! what happended with all of your strength?!

Tharmen: D-did Zul going to lose?

Atok: No, he didn't

Tharmen: ?!

Atok: He just don't want to fight back, as you can see he doesn't land any attack yet

Tharmen: Hmm.. what did he plan?...

Chang: Did you feel it?!

Zul: Feel what?

Chang: The pain!

Zul: ... To be honest, Badrul does more damage than you

Chang: ?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?! *strong punch his face*

Zul: *hold his fist and hold his neck*

Chang: ?!

Zul: *kick him to the ground and sit at top of him*

Chang: (WHAT?!)

Zul: *punch his face*

Chang: *my nose bleed* ONLY A WEAKLING DO LIKE THIS!

Zul: (What the hell..) *stand up* Ok, if you say so

Chang: Hmph *take a deep breath and dash to him and strong punch his face*

Zul: *catch his forearm and push his elbow to the ground*


Zul: Dude you talk to much, stop trash talking and fight, and i didn't even use all of my strength the whole time, i can get strong depend on my intentions, if i want to get serious, i will get serious, if i want to kill you, i will kill you

Chang: T-TCH!

Zul: *hold his arm and push him to the ground*


Zul: Shut up

Chang: ?!

Zul: Did you even know what i'm going through? i didn't born with potenial, my strength come from my hard work, long time ago i was bullied many times, and so then i made a rules, if i get bullied, i will do a push up, sits up, squats and running, so then, i got bullied for everyday, and i repeat doing all of these work out, but thanks to those bullies, i can show them who am i now *release him away*

Chang: ... *stand up*

Zul: If you want me to be serious, then i show you what i can do

Chang: ... Alright then *take a deep breath* I show you what i capable to do to



Strength: AAA+

Speed: AAA+

Battle IQ: AAA+

Durability: AAA+

Zul: Sure

Chang: *vanish at front of him and hold him* HAA!! *lift him and smash him to the ground*

Zul: *hold his arm and spin*

Chang: ?!

Zul: *land at behind him and pull his forearm*


Zul: *kick his back and pull both of his forearm* Break both of your arm

Chang: ?! *my bones start to dislocate* FFUCKKK!! LET MY ARM GO!! *lift him and smash him to the ground*

Zul: *step on his shoulder and pull his forearm*

Chang: FFFUCKK!! *my arm break* SHITT *kneel* MY ARMMMM

Tharmen: ?! IS IT ALRIGHT?!

Atok: He deserve it anyway

Tharmen: What?!

Atok: To become my students, respect each other and remain calm, don't ever try to show that you are strongest at here...

Tharmen: Ah..

Chang: *scream*

Tharmen: ?!

Chang: *both of my legs breaks* AHHHHH

Zul: Should i break all of your joints?


Zul: Alright then

Atok: Hmm..

"Did Zul really go all out there? or is he just holding back?, no one knows because the way he fighting depend on his intentions"