Not a morning person

"THIS IS MY LAST WARNING DIANA"shouted my mom from downstairs."MOM I SAID JUST 5 MINUTES"i shouted back which caused my mother to barge in the room running.She snatched away my comfy blanket away giving me a death glare.She was about to start with her healthy-waking-up-early lecture when  I immediately sat up on my bed. "Alright alright I got it I'll wake up now. Happy!? "She stared at me for a while before sighing.She sat at the edge of the bed."Diana it's high time you should stop being so careless"Oh yeah here we go again.

"Aish mom I'm the smartest kid of yours do not worry"i said with a wink. She shaked her head being so done with my stupidity.

Of course we were about to leave for our infamous family farmhouse this morning for my cousin's wedding,Sarah. I haven't been very close to my relatives very but I was very close to Sarah.We use to spend almost all the time together when we were children but eventually we had to separate our ways as I and my family were moving to another state.We did stayed in touch for a little while even after moving but then she got busy with her school and I got busy with my own. It has been long since I've met her or any of them. So I was also a little nervous to meet them all after such a long time which was also the reason I was planning on not going.Human interactions have never been my thing.

"We are going to leave in an hour so you better hurry up or we will leave you here alone"said my mom sternly. As much as i would love to stay away from chaos I just can't stay alone especially at night. I mean i like being left alone but not feeling alone. So I nodded frantically earning a smirk from my mother.

She left my room and I reluctantly walked up to my bathroom to freshen up. Usually I would take my time dancing and singing along with the music in the bathroom but since I was running late so I decided to make it short and came out after 45 minutes.

After that I ran like a headless chicken here and there trying to get ready. Our bags were already being put inside the car.

I ran out the door my mouth full with cheese sandwich which I grabbed by the kitchen counter. On one hand I had my bag and the other was trying to tie my hair into a messy bun.

"Woah guys here comes the queen"said my sister Thea with a dramatic bow. "I hope you have put my stuffs in there properly or else I'll have your head"i retorted my voice muffled from the food in my mouth.

"Bitc-."..."Language girls"warned my father eyeing us both. "But dad she sa-"Thea whined. My dad waved a hand in dismissal.

"Now girls I want to tell you something very important so listen to me carefully"my father said in a serious tone.."YES SIR"we both said in unison marching our legs forward.

"The venue of our stay has been changed.Our family farmhouse had already been packed with plenty of people and stuffs so we-"... "That's all your fault D",Thea said cutting our father "Because of you we all suffer.Oh you are such a bad luck" I folded my arms across my chest and rolled my eyes."Look dad now she has the courage to show us that attitude"

"Girls stop fighting like cats and listen to what your father has to say"my mother said appearing out of thin air beside us.

My father sighed and rubbed his temple trying to control his temper. He has always been very strict to us and we would never even dare to talk back to him. At least I wouldn't but Thea always has the courage to voice out herself in front of dad whereas I just stay silent.No doubt my father liked Thea more as she was perfect in everything.She has this confidence that I envied.Ever since childhood I have been compared to her.Yes she was prettier than me,she has a perfect figure with a pale face and Blondie straight hair.She had the charms to enchant any boy she likes.She was a real heart breaker.

"Diana are you listening"my mother said shaking me and snapping me out of my thoughts."Oh ye-yeah","So do you agree? "

I have no idea what's going on but let's just pretend like I do. "Yeah of course"i said with a nervous chuckle."Great then the car would come to pick you up anytime.Take care honey and don't get into any fight" wait.. Another car?"huh but why"i said more to myself..sometimes I really think I need to work on my concentration...I panicked seeing that she is actually taking my suitcase out from the trunk of the car.

"mom mom mo-"I moved forward to reach her but my dad held my wrist rooting me to the ground. "You really make me worry for you"he said with a concerned look. "I know you heard nothing so let me tell you they two are going to the farmhouse and we both are going to one of our friends house not very far from that to stay"my dad explained. "listen I want you to behave the whole time we are there.. I would have just taken Thea with me but knowing that you won't listen to your mother I have to take you with me.. "I nodded looking down at the ground. My father phone buzzed from his pocket and he let go of my wrist and picked the call up"yes where are you.. Oh... From there turn left... Yeah straight... Yeah yeah..okay... Yeah we are out"he hung up the call and looked at me sternly"No.Funny.Business.!"I blinked at him. "Is that clear"he said putting emphasis on the word 'clear'i nodded giving him an earnest look.

"And also"he said pulling out a handkerchief out of his pocket"i have a reputation to keep so I hope you will act more mature"he showed me my reflection in the phone black screen and I smiled sheepishly taking the handkerchief from him and wiping the cheese off my lips corner.

"Honey we are leaving"said my mother to my father.He went to hug her goodbye.Thea poked her head out of the window and sticked a tounge out at me.

I just yawned,i hardly slept last night with the excitement and anxiety.I was feeling like Rapunzel who was going to see the world for the first time which was partly true.I didn't had many friends or I must say I just had one best friend Chloe Howard which was basically because we mostly were assigned together for group projects and we had many things in common.The talker in me only came out in front of her and she always listened to me intently.One more thing I liked the most about her was that she liked me for me.She always made me comfortable.I always texted her anything that bothered me or came to my mind which were mostly nonsense but she always replied me which was actually nice because she is the only contact I talk to.

"don't worry mom I'll take care of father"i said to mom as she was giving a never ending speech to my father which didn't looked like it would end anytime soon.

She smiled at me and said"ofcourse I can rely on my smart daughter right?" I nodded and hugged her. She went in the car and Thea waved at us as the car started driving off.

As their red little car went out, in came a long black SUV with black tinted windows. I wondered if it was of any celebrity as the car stopped in front of us.

"Shall we"my father said."huh um yeah yeah"i said hesitantly.

The driver came out in all black clothings and also black sunglasses adding in the look of a typical bodyguard of the underworld.He lifted our bags with ease and put them in. He had a build frame and his muscles were bulging out of his t-shirt.

He came back and my father and him talked at a little distance from me in whispers.I narrowed my eyes at them as the Sherlock Holmes in me woke up. After a minute my father seemed satisfied and they both shook hands. He gestured me to come over and I sat in the car. It was luxurious from inside.

The car ride was mostly silent expect for that my father kept checking up on me from the passenger seat as if I would go missing from a running car.It was going to be a long ride so I decided to take a small nap.


I woke up suddenly as the car came to a sudden halt."We are here",announced my father. I rubbed my eyes and looked outside the window. There were some more men dressed just like our driver inquiring something with him who was currently out.After a moment he came back in and the front large black door opened revealing a big garden.

"This is my friends house we are going to stay in"my father said pointing outside. Wait!did he say house? In front of me was a castle like mansion surrounded by gardens and a large fountain.

"Oh I forgot to tell"my father said again turning to me."You will be rooming with Katherine"

Who? What? Why?

Okay Diana this is going to be fun.