chapter 2

later that day Angela visited her father in the cemetery and went straight home with the help of Alex. she did the house chores watched a few reality movie at that time it was 4 p.m. in the evening her mum prepared dinner and the ate peacefully. sorry tying to bed Angela told her mother about her new friend in school (Alex) her mum advised her to be careful "not everyone is as friendly as they look"her mum said before entering her room "here we go again" Angela said while closing her door."hey I can still hear you do your homework and go to bed" her mom voice came again"yes Mom"as she wrote her assignment she kept thinking of Alex she was distracted by the sound of phone "hey can we hang out tomorrow" Alex voice from the phone

she blushed hard "yeah sure " she said. Alex wished her good night and ended the call for the whole night she kept thinking of Alex

The next day while preparing for school she took her time to prepare by adding a little lip gloss on her lips rolling her hair she put on a black pants and crop top with a jacket which huged her body and and her perfectly slim shape was exposed, she looked at herself in the mirror satisfied "that's perfect" she complimented herself. "what's really wrong with me" she asked herself while packing her books she sat down on her bed still thinking of Alex"oh he's cute eyes his mouth to a very cute." she told herself while smiling she didn't notice that her light skin chain-mail ready pink

"Ela!! it's 7:30 in the morning aren't you going to school."she jolted back to reality "I'm coming mum give me a sec" she wore her shoe and rushed to the mirror to take a glance at herself

"ok tell me what's going on" her mum asked while walking out of the kitchen.

"I don't understand mum" Angela said still smiling at herself."you said you won't fit in here that you hated in here but here you are wearing your favourite clothes so tell me what's going on."mum can't I wear anything I like and besides I promised you that I will try and adapt and already adapting already" her mom was very surprised by her daughters words "thank you so much sweetheart you don't know how much this means to me thank you" "no problem mum lesson forget I won't be home early today I'll be hanging out with my friend Alex"

"I knew I had something to do with that boy Alex but remember"her mum cuts her off "not everybody is friendly as you think" Angela said while waving her hands in the air as a quotation"I know mum don't worry Alex is a good guy ok." she said that in her mother's shoulder come on mum let's go it's already late

*******************************************"hey I'm lucy"a tall light skin girl with brown hair said while extending her hand towards Angela "hey I'm Angela." Lucy Wilson the second child of Mr and Mrs Wilson and also a sister to Alex." do I know you?" Angela I asked with a confused look on her face "I'm lucy Wilson's Alex younger sister" she said "oh I see you look exactly like your brother except that you're more cuter than him" Angela said while smiling "hey don't don't get comfortable, I came to warn you to stay clearly away from my brother he's not your class you are such a loser and you're very poor so I can't even find a way like you and your brother can be friends so stay from him you gold digger" Lucy said with so much irritation "don't say I didn't warn you" she said hitting her hand hard on the desk "have a nice day miss Angela Smith" Lucy said while leaving the class."what the f*** did you just threaten me" Angela said "wow she's got some guts who do she thinks she is and besides who told her poor my mother's a banker hello!!"

*************Angela POV*****************

"come on Angela is lunch time let's go have lunch in cafeteria Alex whispered into my ears which says she was around my body "I can't I'll just eat here." I said while trying to get his bed of my neck cuz it's really making me feel weird "why?" he asked you "nothing serious I'm not just in the mood." I said packing my books "ok then I'll bring my lunch here so we'll eat together." he continued "no no." I protested "well I just don't want to eat in the cafeteria ok!" I said almost screaming "don't worry I'll just stay here" trying to find my voice I don'it want him to get mad. and I can't even look at him because I might change my mind." hey is there something you're not telling me" he asked i said "no I'm just." I waved my hands looking at him but I was caught off guard by his cute slim slender handsome face "ok fine your sister was here and she said a lot of things so I decided to stay away from you." I explained"hold on a minute you mean my sister was here!" he asked almost screaming pressing his fist against his fingers I nodded " I'll so deal with that....""no don't do that she's your sister and I don't possibly want both of you to fight cause of me ok, I'm just a friend I don't want to be the reason why you have a fight with your sister, she's just like you don't mind her but I think I should better stay away from you so that I even resort to anything bad ok." I explain smiling to myself "way to go Angela you're such a perfect drama Queen" my mind was Hailing me don't mind him he could go ahead and kill his sister okay" my mind kept blabbing"okay fine I'll go with you are you happy now? just don't quarrel with your sister."we went down to the cafeteria together we had our snacks after we went on a walk around the school garden." Angela I want to tell you something" he said looking into my eyes oh those cute eyes I can't even resist I give up "what's up"I said almost stammering." I know it's too early and I know we just met and I know you really weird but this is how I feel I really really like you Angela, you may think I'm stupid or something but that's the way I feel I said to tell you cuz I didn't want to keep it to myself anymore." I almost choked with the soda I was drinking "sorry" he said softly OMG my heart was beating mind was telling me to reply but my consciousness keeps saying not "all friends and family they're not really what they think they are."" that's really weird but I don't know what to say okay we're just friends so can we take it slow and steady okay" I said my mind was scolding me , Angela you're very stupid your one chance of getting this handsome cute and amazing boy as a boyfriend. that's the Bell I think it's time for class see you after school." he said while are heading to the class. the whole day I kept thinking of what Alex just told me, I could not even concentrate "hey earth to Angela, Angela you ok the class is over and, it dismissal time" Victoria my seatmate told me while waving her hands in front of me "I didn't know." I said spill it what are you thinking" she asked me "it's not that important."I replied or "nothing important that make my friend look so durable." yes you heard that right you may be thinking of how I made friends after my first day I and Victoria shares a locker in school so maybe that's why she could be her friend or "it's really nothing." I said is running out of the class.

**************Alex POV***************

"hey man I see you around the new girl do you like her." Kelvin my best friend asked while throwing the ball at me "yeah she's my friend but I really want us to be more than friends but I don't think she likes me." I said sadly "see man no girl can refuse you she's just playing hard to get but why do you like her there a lot of beauty Queens in our school why this girl?" Kelvin asked "well her smiles are cute even the way she talks I can't explain man I really can't." I said while cleaning myself up "hey do you think she's really a good girl or just pretending cuz that's how some of these girls do these days" Kevin asked "I know her even if I just met her yesterday she's so adorable how she's a lot more than anything you think ok if you get close to her you understand what I'm saying much better "is she a virgin?"Kelvin whispered "what! are you okay are you stupid why talking does your thoughts about Angela. and to answer your question I don't know and I don't care, I just want her to like me back and then I'll ask her to be my girlfriend and if possible marry her in future" I explain " are you for real? that b**** that I can't let you for God's sake she have no class she's a gold digger" I glared at him "hey don't call her that name and besides you are not my parents or something" I'm your friend that it was best for you" Kelvin interrupted while panting my back "see man I like her and there's nothing u can do about it" I said "I will show you that she's not worth it I promise" Kelvin said while leaving the room leaving the room.


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