" Ding! Great job! Congratulations to the user you've become a cultivator! as a gift you can now access a pocket space as your inventory. You can put any object you want just by simply touching the item, Just mentally command it ."

"Great this inventory will be useful for me, I will put the old summoning jar inside and the cleansing pills for safety "

I excitedly ran back in our small house, now that I am a cultivator, I need to integrate a soul beast for myself.

As I face the old summoning jar, I can't help but put my hands in the air and pretend to hold an imaginary piano. I started to sing with all my heart,

"This is the moment....

"This is the time...."

but I was suddenly interrupted by a giggling voice of someone behind me.

" Hi bro, looks like you're having a good time there. I won't disturb you, just do what you want with that jar but remember it's a special jar because our parents treasure it so much. I'll go cook the rabbit you hunted for dinner, okay?"

" Yes sis, don't worry "

Anna walked away with a smile on her face. She was happy to see the childish side of her brother.

After their parents died, they were forced to be mature and survive, even though they were only 14 years old, that's why this is a rare moments for her.

I reached the old summoning jar and grabbed the body. I wanted to experiment if I could upgrade the jar on top of the last upgrade. If not, then I would use it and save my upgrade points.

" I'm not getting any notifications from the system, so that means that, I can't upgrade it anymore,as expected then Let's try to use it then."

I concentrate my full attention on the old summoning jar and slowly pour my soul force into it.

The jar's body started to vibrate, a strong light started to form inside as if it wanted to scape.

I immediately hold the jar tightly until the vibration stop.

Large portion of my soul force suck into the jar.

When the jar calm down I slowly lift the cover and peak inside, to my surprise a small transparent blue orb float out and hover in front of my face.

It is the same size as my palm and when I look closer at the orb, I got mesmerized into it. It was like a small world.

There's a blue thick clouds inside of it. I can also see a thunder inside the clouds and it makes the orb illuminated.

My heart jump when I saw the snake-like beast that was swimming into the blue clouds, It is dancing with the thunder.

If a newbie see this, they'll probably think it's a dragon. But actually its not.

" I'm so lucky! its actually "snake thunderbolt"!

The snake thunderbolt usually found up above the sky, this beasts are born from a large collision of Thunders.

If I Integrate with it, I will be immune to electricity and my overall movement will dramatically increase. "

I immediately sat down and crossed my legs. I swiftly meditate while holding the blue orb in front of me.

I just followed what I know in the game. I circulated my soul force base to the way that I know.

The beast soul detected my presence and attack, that time I was lost in what to do, but when it was about to bite me the beast suddenly stop.

The beast detected another presence with in my soul. That unknown presence terrified it.

I immediately seized the opportunity and immediately bind my soul into it.

Surprisingly the Beast soul didn't put any resistance this time. I don't know what kind of existence that the beast saw in my body but I could not careless for now because I need to focus on merging my soul into it.

My body start to change, which means that the skills of the snake thunderbolt were slowly merging with in my soul.

My hair grew longer till it reach my shoulder, my ears gradually shrink till it totally gone. Silver scales started to grow in the back of my hands and my nails got longer and sharper. My hair gradually turned white along with my eyebrows and eyelashes. My muscles twitch and became more finely toned. I also grew a few inches taller.

I inspected myself but became startled when I couldn't hear my voice.

" ah.. my ears are gone.. ah right... Snake thunderbolt can't hear because they don't have ears, but its lightning-quick reflexes makes up for it. Plus, it have a very tough skin that helps it stay safe from any harm."

I looked around and notice a big difference in my senses. I guessed it was because of the light – I could judge all the slight movements based on the lights, including the insects flying in the air..

" Even though I can't hear, my reflexes went top-notch. It's very different in a game where you can only see the characters you have. I can feel my power all over my body.

With my reflexes and my control of electricity and light, I can make myself a powerful opponent in a battle. If I can store the electricity inside my body like " killua" from hunter x hunter, and blind my opponents with a shining armor, I'll have a huge advantage. That sounds really awesome! "

That time I noticed someone coming towards my room and quickly revert back to my original appearance.

" Ron, come over here and let's eat the rabbit you hunted. I'm sure you'll like it. "

" ah. yes sis" I excitedly answered back

We had a peaceful and happy evening that day.

The next 3 days, I just continue to hunt rabbits for our food supplies and with that I also earned a decent amount of experience.

And also my transformation state is getting longer than, It can actually last for 5 minutes, that proves that I'm getting used to it.

I am not planning to hunt another beast besides the rabbits for now, its because of my low cultivation, its holding me back. I need to level up more so that my stat points can keep up.

Ron does not know that a normal cultivator cannot integrate a soul beast before reaching foundation stage. That is because for you to integrate with the beast you need enough strength to defeat it and convince it to submit to you.

There was special case however which the cultivator seek help to their elders to defeat the soul beast for them.

After Some time I finally heard the notification from the system.

" ding! Nice job reaching level 20! And congrats on reaching Disciple rank 3- you've earned an extra 10 upgrade points."

" nice let me check my status now"



Level: 20 (0/2000)

HP: 500/500

Strength: 13

Agility: 13

Magic: 12

Constitution: Human -> Disciple Rank 4

ACTIVE Skills:

Snake Thunderbolt Transformation


Remaining Points: 38 Points

Remaining Stat Points: 0


" My growth is steady, and I'm sure I'll be able to fight another beast in a few more levels.I've accumulated upgrade points, so I need to find the right items to upgrade. "

The next target on my list to kill is the beast bore, the bore is as strong as four men. It is a large red devil bore that loves to sit on top of any trees, it has long red wings on its back. At the end of the wings is a poisonous sting, and if you come close enough, the wings will shoot you with it. The beast bore is an extremely dangerous beast, and I would not dare try to challenge it if I amnot confident enough.

" First I need go at the market, and I can't help but be excited, as I remember when the protagonist went to the market, he always finds a rare treasure." Ron's face lit up with smiles.

Next morning together with my sister we walk towards lorencia's market. We have a large bag in our hand, in the bag a beautiful hand made hats was there, that hats was made by my sister to sell.

Along our way my sister started to hum a song, the song was not familiar but I hum along with her.

" it felt nice to be young again." I thought.