Finally Ron brought back the topic into the beauty pill.

" When i'm coming here, I noticed that the crowd gathered in front of the store, that means that the pill sold considerably, forgive me for being frank but as of now i really need money"

elder tang spoke. " we understand money is not a problem for us, we are ready to help you with that, actually for the beauty pill, we will give you a royalty of 80% of it since the recipe is from your master, we are just making the pill for you and your master, as of now we have a profit of 20000 gold, and after the public sale the price of the pill will more than doubled especially if the pill introduced in other place, i believe it's easy to make a million profit of it "

Ron cannot help to suck a deep breath when he heard a million profits, back in his previous life he was just a nerd and he didn't have that much money, but it seems that he will experience to be a rich boy in this lifetime.

Elder tang continue with his explanation

" we will give you a storage bag so that you can store all your money in a safe place, that storage bag will be free of course now are you satisfied with our arrangement?" ask by elder tang he wanted to finish the deal as much as possible so that he can speak about his next goal.

" Yes i am very satisfied " replied by Ron

" Young man i want to ask something."

" go ahead elder" ron respectfully replied

" Do you and your master belong to any organization? if not, can we introduce our organization to your master, as a benefit you will become one of the core student of our alchemy Academy, although you have a great master to teach you, competition is needed for someone to grow right? What level are you in your alchemy if may I ask? "

It's clear that elder tang is trying to pull his master into their organization, his trying to hit two birds in one stone, since ron has the snake thunderbolt as his soul beast, he is sure to have a bright future as an alchemist.

When Ron heard about their organization he immediately wanted to decline, but when he thought about their resources he hesitated, it will be a great help for him if he has enough resources to make pills.

" Elder i'm just a beginner in the world of alchemy, i need to ask my master first. "

Ron just give a vague answer.

" That's all right, here" elder tang stood up and handed a wooden plank with his symbol ingrave into it.

" If you decided to enter with our academy you just have to show that wooden plank to any of our security guards"

Ron cup his fist and bow.

Ron made a successful deal and left the room with a smile on his face. He got a really big sum of money and he also got a free storage bag, although he has his on inventory in the system it cannot be the same with having a storage bag. Not only that, he also got his knife back, as Sarah's promised it is now embedded with his rare spiritual stone and he was eager to try it for himself.

when the door close elder fang spoke and ask.

" Core disciple? We can directly promote him into a honorary disciple if his master is really true?"

" actually i'm really sure his master is really true by now, the snake thunderbolt itself is big a evidence. I'm just worried that if he told our offer in his master and immediately promote him as an honorary disciple his master may become somewhat displeased with our arrangement, the child said he was a beginner yet we will put him into a very big competition where his life might be threatened " replied ny elder tang

The two elders nod with his thoughtful decision.

Before going home, Ron wonder at the market for a bit hoping for another awakening stone, he really got another 5 of it and that makes him more delightful, he then spend another hour searching for something good.

After that he decided to come back home, but when he was about to reach their house his eyes went wide in shock when the home he expect to see was burning on fire.

Shock envelopes Ron, his heart beat quicken and nervousness crept into his body, he quickly Integrate with his soul beast and used his fastest speed to find his sister in the burning house.


he forcefully break the door and shouted with all his might.

" Sis! Sis anna! Where are you!" His voice is shaking, he is so nervous, he badly want to know if his sister is okay.

" brother? is that you?" a crying girl replied in his voice.

Anna cannot see because of the suffocating smoke and burning woods, since the house is made of wood the fire devour its every corner.

fortunately Ron's vision was not that affected, its because of his light sensitivity when he transformed, though he doesn't have ears he can see every corner of the burning house and when Anna Stood up he immediately discover where she was.


Lightning spaks in his foot and he immediately grabbed Anna's body, he concentrated his lightnings in his feet so that Anna wont be affected with it and he dash out to the burning house.

She immediately put Anna down and inspected her wounds.

Anna cannot open her eyes because of the smoke fortunately besides a minor burn to her shoulders and legs she doesn't have a grave injury, thanks to her cultivation she lasted long at the house.