Darry Said Miss Shally moon is my Women

There are not much people in the first floor, But who can enter the first floor are not ordinary people they are the people of first and second class Family, When they hear miss Shally laugh out so loud that they think they have an illusion, they never think that, today they saw miss Shally laugh so happily , But they don't know that she laugh out laugh not for happiness, she was want stun and angry so she just laugh out loud, She whisper to Darry are you not afraid that I will kill you now, Darry smile if miss want to kill me she did not need to laugh out loud, she will do without blinking an eyes, What I asked is not that I am shameful, I need to protect myself, and you have so confident that I will agree to your request, I am also the first class family, we too have 10 seat to enter the TREASURE MOUNTAIN, did not I miss shally. Shally stop talking for a moment and said, do you really think that you will get quota in your clan, as far as I know about you, your clan did not treat you well, as you know your cousin and elder lookdown on you, they want to expel from the clan Long ago. you should think about my request, Darry stop for a moment, yes she is right about that, and also he did not have any felling for the clan. I will think about it miss Shally if you agree to my request, YOU really think that I will agree to your request, miss if you don't have any difficulty you will not take initiative to asked for me to accompany you to the TREASURE MOUNTAIN, there are many talented and high level martial arts in your clan you will looked for them, but you didn't, you have to asked me for help, that means you have difficulty that know one can know in your clan, am I right miss Shally, Shally was stun, is this young man who they called waste or a loser by the other, if she asked other clan young people they will happily agree to her request, but She never thought that she will be rejected by Darry Continuously, But she was never Disappointed, she choose the right man, he looked at Darry greeted her teeth and said yes, when Darry hard she agree, HE was stun, he never though that she will agree, This is the dignity of women, how could she agree, you agree, She reply yes, She blushed and her face turn red, But if you could help me in the treasure mountain, if you could not help me that I am sorry that will be invalid, Darry reply calmly ok, Miss Shally looked at him and said I will inform you the details when the time to open the TREASURE MOUNTIAN, Darry nodded his head, both of them walked around the first floor unfortunately Darry did not like anything from the first floor, he was Disappointed, when Shally moon See that Darry was Disappointed, She said I can take you to the second floor, when Darry hear what shally said, He reply if that is possible than that may be my lucked, I should thank you first, She reply no need you and I will be came companion in future, if you grow fast than I will be happy to, she smile, both of them walked toward the second floor , when Darry step in to the second floor there is strong Aura attracted to him, and the second floor is fill with strong energy, he look refreshing, he smile and said to Shally the second floor is full od strong aura and energy, Shally smile, but she did not reply, when Darry walked around for sometimes, he pay attention to the sword that was keep in the corner, Many people did not pay attention to the Sword, because the sword did have any Aura and it was old and fill with iron rush, but Darry did not think so, he walked toward the sword and looked at the sword for sometimes, but was interrupted by miss Shally, there are many good sword there why don't you try at them first, Darry reply; I am oaky with that sword, a big laughter came from the corner of the room, hello brother Darry, how can you came in, if I know that you can came in too, than I will wait you in the door, the word is just like a poisonous that can kill people, but for some other it just like a praised, the person is not other than his Best friend Dore Clief, he walked like prince and came toward Darry brother Darry you like that sword, haha it suit you, you know the sword is a waste and you are a waste as well , it can became your best partner, he ridiculous him in every word and every sentence that he speak.

Haha, haha,

Another sweet sound came from the crowd Brother Dore why did you just left me, I thought you find Some good thing but you find a loser, haha, she walked toward Dore Clief and hold Dore Clief hand to ridiculous Darry Skips, when Darry Saw both of them, came together to mock him, he was not angry but sneered, today I will pay you back something that you gave me before, Darry turn around and said to Miss Shally moon your man was insulted by someone, You don't take initiative to coverup your man, people will eat me, they will not left any bone for you, you wil lose your face if you don't came out to speak for you man,

Boom ............Boom..............