Unknown character of DANYE SKIPS

They have 10 Quota but to select 10 from the clan, all the genius together they are many in number that means, in the small country like STAR EAST COUNTRY,

This became first line family.

But who know after entering the treasure mountain, how many people will stay behind the treasure mountain, therefor they are very caution to select the people, this is also the opportunity for the clan to rise in the STAR COUNTRY,

This star country was divided in to NORT, EAST, WEST AND SOUTH.

The clan patriarch toked very serious in this matter.

All the clan genius was gathered in the practice hall, and all of them stand in the square, at that moment Darry skips and his grandpa walked in,

Darry skips left his grandpa and walked toward the crowd, his grandpa walked to the high platform, and take his position,

Watching the attitude of DARRY SKIPS grandpa, many elder were very dissatisfied but no one dare to complain, and the elder make a sound let begin the contest.

Before they start the contest one of the elder stand up and said, to the patriarch, clan head we don't need to test the strength of JACK SKIPS, WEWEI SKIPS, both of them are in 9th LEVEL MARTIAL ARTS.

And other are mainly 7th 8th LEVEL MARTAIL ATRS, therefor all the members agree to this, and even the elder are agree to, the elder continue, we need to reserve the strength of our people,

the clan head agree to it, and the Clan elder thank the patriarch and take his sit.

And the host elder makes a loud sentence, today from all of you, we need to take 8th people, as you all know WEWEI AND JACK has reached the 9 level, therefore you all need to compete for this Quota. Do your best but deathly match are not allowed is this match.

All the participant nodded, lets start the test without any further discussion.

The elder make an arrangement, and then he start the match, the battle was going on.

After sometimes 15 people are left in the arena, the host elder makes an arrangement again, the fight was going on,

The battle became mores fierce, many are injured, all of them don't want to miss this opportunity, therefor they do their best, some are disappointed, some are happy some are arrogant, some are innocent.

All the elder are happy to watch the match, but for some reason some elder looked worried, because their son, grandson, are battling in the arena, one got beaten one get victory, after watching the battle.

One of the elder looked at the 3rd elder and praise him, 3rd elder your grandson is good in battle and he master some of tiger fierce punched, in the future if he masters tiger fierce punch than we will have more genius in our clan, and we can look up to him too.

The 3re elder touched his bears make a sound of proud

heeeemmm, SMILE ,,,

My DANYE SKIPS will inherit my years of hard work technique in the future So I trained him hard, with pain and blood, and I used all my resource to train him, so today what he is up to him is his hard work, not genius.

DANYE SKIPS release his Aura and rush to his opponent and release his Tiger boxing fierce punch, and blast away his opponent, his opponent has no time to react, he vomited mouth full blood outside the arena, and the referee stop the match and announce DANYE SKIPS won the battle,

Danye skips walked toward his opponent and said I am sorry brother and he bow, I just used to much aura on my brother don't take as an offensive.

When the elder and patriarch see DANYE SKIPS character they are proud and happy and all of them gave a warm smile and praise the 3re elder,

The third elder look at his grandson and very proud of his grandson, today his grandson give him a loot of face in front of the clan.

In the crowd DARRY SKIPS looked at DANYE and sneered, this kind of behaviors is the most poisonous, we don't know when he will poison you and bite you, so he always stayaway from him,

DANYE skips was one of the man who bullied him in the past and he know his character very well, today his behaviors make him so cheap.

He wants to win the sympathy and trust from the clan member and most important form the elders so that he can hold a high authority in the treasure mountain,

There are many opportunities who hold authority insides the TREASURE MOUNTAIN, like they can gain some advantage from their subordinates.

DARRY SKIPS know that DANYE SKIPS was one of the wise man among the clans member, he can predict what will he face in the coming days, and also he know what is good for him, that kinds of character are very dangerous for his enemy.