the secret between Darry skips and weiwei skips

Darry skips and Danyah skips walk together and happily having a conversation, tell me about your situation now adays,

I want to hears the whole story, and most importantly did they bully you again when I was not around,

Darry skips fill warm in his hearts by the words of Danyah skips, after telling the whole story Danyah comfort Darry skips, Don't worry that bitch Miss MOORE doesn't deserved you, and that bastard Dore clief I will teach him a good lesson, both of them are in a good mood.

But In the patriarch private room, the room seems to be in full of Anger Aura,

The patriarch was sitting in his chair on his left and right one was his bodyguard Night ghosts, and one is his Daughter WeiWei skips,

She seems to be very angry daddy how can that loser object your words, I am not convinced, I want to beat him up,

Daddy no none can object you and no one can make you unhappy, I will teach him a good lesson, looking at his Daughter care for him and love him so much that, the patriarch Calm down his anger and smile,

Haha haha haha

He laugh out loud, night Ghost was stunned, he never saw his master laugh, but today he saw it, he feel incredible, even Weiwei skips was shocks,

TIM SKIPS looked at his Daughter angry face, he was quite happy, heem, now my princess has grown up, he care for his father very much, today I am very happy,

My princess came here, and he touched his Daughter head and whisper, for the time beings Don't make fun of Darry skips,

He is Your cousin after all, and he is my only Sister Son, if your Aunty was present here he will be your fiancée, you know I will tells you a secret, that no one know.

He glanced at the night ghost and the night ghost bow down and he went a ways, TIM SKIPS looked serous and Weiwei skips don't make a sound and stand beside his father, waiting for his father to speak.

After some times, he speak up actually, Darry skips is your fiancée, by hearing the words of his father,

Weiwei skips was stunned want to object his father but his father stop her,

Listen to me first, and then he continue, your Cousin was the most brilliant and talented person, and the father of Darry skips is also the legend, other things now is not the time for you to know, when your cousin was there, she love you the most and take care of you, She let me promise that I will let his son marry you, so that she can take care of you, and I also promise her, you know your father love you so much that I don't want to let you go to another house that we don't know,

If your cousin can take care of you than I will feel comfortable and I can focus on my cultivation but sometimes the thing that we want doesn't happen, no one know that Darry skips was your fiancée accept me and your Cousin and Darry Skips Father but My elder brother may know but I am not quite sure.

After Sometimes, Miss wewei skips make a sound,

Dad I don't want to marry Darry skips, even you and my Cousin promise,

I can't marry a loser, I will kill him, her eyes I just like a devil, when TIM skips know that his daughter was angry, he said to Weiwei skips, Calm down, don't worry I will not force you, but I want to remine you,

Darry is not what he look like what you see in the face, he hide too deeply,

today I choose him because his I can't see through his strength, and he can even block the attack of your uncle Simon skips, you need to know this,

I don't need to explain much

you are not a kid anymore,

you decide what you want, and I will remind you,

The moon family of miss shally seems interested in Darry skips,

I heard that before a few day he make trouble in the MOON PAVILION but Shally moon cover him,

She also admit that she was Darry women, Now you know what I means, you are girls she is a girls too, but I will not interfere in your life,

But as a father I want you to be happy, and walked a ways,

Miss Weiwei seems to think some things, she was in confuse mood, after thinking for some times, she sway her proud body and walk a ways, no one know what she is thinking right now,

In the residence of the First Elder......

In the room , An angry aura was burst out,

He was so angry and slap the table and the table was smash in to pieces,

I will not let go Darry skips you little bustard,

Someone go kill him right a ways

go, go............