The evil first elders of the moon family

I summon all of you here not to quarrel, and makes the situation worse, I summon all of you to give me an idea, So that I can reject the great-Elder,

The great-elders agree to this matter, and give one quota to his Grand-Daughter, he has the right to choose and take away the quota.

Do you all understand, I hope you all know this. So someone can you gave me an Ideas so that I can convinced my daughter, this is not only for me this is for our Clans.

One of the elder stand up and walked toward the patriarch and whisper to his ears, the patriarch eyes lit up.

Okay do as you Said, but all the responsibility will fall upon you, if you success I will reward you, but if you fail you know what to do, okay you go and busy yourself.

And the patriarch stood up and said that for today, and he left the meeting.

In the mountain site, the mountain was full of Aura, the surrounding was nature beauty, the waterfall, the sunshine and the flower, that make the mountain beautiful.

Inside the residence of the house, an old man was lying in the bed and a beautiful woman was sitting beside him, and taking care of him,

The women is Miss Shally moon,

She holds his Grandpa hand and said grandpa don't worry I will find that things even if I risk my life.

His grandpa glanced at her and said fool, I don't say you risk your life, I say when you enter be careful,

The most important things is not that things but your life, you are the most important in my life do you understand, if you risk your life and I can't forgive myself, So when you enter take care of yourself. Okay Okay, Grandpa I understand.

Grandpa looked at her and said, why do you need extra quota for entering Treasure mountain.

She said I need that quota for one person. His grandpa glanced at her and said, who is that person, is he is your boyfriend,

Shally blushed and her face turned red, how can you said that, I know him only a few days ago, grandpa laughed


I know you like him, he may be very handsome and powerful person right. He will have a character like your grandpa. Grandpa if you mention again I will ignore you she pretend to be angry and looked a outsides. Grandpa laughed more

Hah haha hahah.

You don't like him but when I said his name you blushed that means you have a feeling for him, you bring him to me,

I want to see him, how can he take away my princess easily. And also I want to see him personally, can he protect my princess in the TREASURE MOUNATIN.

I want to confirm if he is worthy of my MOON family quota, grandpa he is very good, he can block again the night ghost, and defeat 8LEVEL MARTIAL ARTS easily.

She praised Darry skips time to times again, his grandpa looked at her and speechless his little princess is fall in love.

Stop praising my future grand Son-in-law, you bring him to me before the TREASURE MOUNTAIN open I want to confirm one things,

Okay grandpa I understand, you go and busy with your own things I want to take rest, Shally was obedient she left his grandpa,

After Shally left the room, his grandpa summon one of his loyal guard and said I want all the information of that boy, don't miss any things, okay master I understand he said and Despair,

In the secret hall, some of the moon family elders were gather together, and discus somethings in secret, one of the elders said how can we gave the quota to the outsider,

The patriarch family are too much, they don't put us in their eyes, we have many young talent but they ignore it, this is a rare opportunity for our young generations of our clan, how can we miss this opportunity,

The clan is a clan its time to change the patriarch, even his father is the great elder how can they control our clan as they please, we need to protest this and take this opportunity to elect the new patriarch,

We need to convinced the other elders too, did you support this, all the elders nodded their head. The first elder laughed evilly it time to change the blood line of the patriarch,

If I can became the patriarch I will not trat you all badly, tomorrow I will summon all the elders and we will have a discussion again this topic, you all go and makes an arrangement, don't disappoint me.

All the elders Despair, and the first elders laugh out laugh evilly again, I have been waiting for this moment, now the time is right..

haha haha..a