The arrogant shopkeeper of Zhao family

Darry skip was a little bit sad, because he had only two friends from childhoods, today When he saw feng Zhao he was very excited in his hearts even do he don't saw it to others,

But when chatting some times with him, he know that what today Feng Zhao visit him was not because he miss him as a friend,

;But to came and mock him'',

Even Feng Zhao has change for Darry skips, a friends never said to his best friend that he had many people to visit,

instead he will said to him let go and have fun or he will said let walk around toady and try to make some exciting, but when Feng Zhao speak to him there is a words of some kind of disgust.

After a few minute of walking to the main Market Darry saw Danyah skips, arguing with a shop keepers, he walk toward Danyah skips and said what the matters,

Danyah skips glanced at Darry skips and said, why did you take so much times to came here, looked brother,

I want to buy this scroll, at first he said that it was only 10k silver gold coins, so I was so excited, pay the price but after accepting the Money,

he said that the money was not enough, I need to pay more 10k silver gold coins, how can I accept that kind of behavior.

Darry skip looked at the shop keeper, the shop keeper was a middle age man, he glanced at the shopper and said what he said is true,

the middle age man reply, the price of the scroll was not 10k but 20k, I mistakenly said the price and your brother he just pay the money very quickly he don't give me a chance to correct my words,

Darry skips looked at Danyah and said give back the scroll and take back the money we don't need the scroll, Danyah skips was stunned by hearing the words of Darry skips, he was hesitate,

But after thinking for sometimes he decide to give it back,

ok I don't have enough money, please you give me back the money, and take back yours scroll.

The shop keeper was stunned by the words of Danyah skips when he first come in,

He like the scroll very much without thinking any things and pay the price directly, but now the situation changes after Darry skips came.

The shopkeeper was very angry by the words of Danyah skips and said pay the other amount or go away,

I will not refund the amount that you have pay, this is our rule,

when Danyah Skips heard the words of the shopkeeper he want to kick him directly but he was stop by Darry skips, if you kick him he will be dead on the spot,

Darry skips said to the Shopkeeper pay the money or give us the scroll, this is our last warning other wise it will be no good for you,

The shopkeeper was not scare by the word of Darry skip don't try to scare me, this is our rule, so pay the other amount or Despair form my sides, Darry skip was angry and slap the Shopkeeper directly,

I was good to you before because you are the same ages of my father, but your behavior doesn't need to be sympathy, now pay back the money or Give the scroll to my brother,

The shopkeeper was veery angry, you know this shop owner, these shop belong to the Zhao Family, you two will be finish, before the shop keeper finished his words Darry skip Slap him again,

I told you to pay back the money or the scroll, not to listen your nonsense, Darry skips continue and said, now I know the situation very clearly, you have cheated many other people.

The shopkeeper was not reconcile he was the shopkeeper of the ZHAO family, Zhao family was the first line family, many people respected him and fear him,

Until today he cheated many people but no one have the courage to fight back,

'',But today he was unlucky he meet Darry skips and Danyah skips,''

Darry skips give another words, give the money or scroll, otherwise,, before Darry skip finished his words, the shopkeeper give the scroll to Danyah skips,

Darry skips Said to the shop keeper, close down these shop, if I see you again that you open this shop again,

I will destroy your shop and abolished you, now close the shop and Despair form this City.

Darry skips Said to Danyah skips let go, I don't want to stay in this kind of Shop, Danyah nodded his head and both of them left the Shop.

After a few minutes of the incident the young lady of the Zhao family came when she saw that his shop keeper was beaten, she was very angry, and said who did this to you,

Tell me who did this to you, I will not finished with him until I take revenge, the young lady of the Zhao family was very angry,

Today the shopkeeper was beaten means that they beat the face of the Zhao family.

the shopkeeper reply, and told all the thing happen, they both left just now.

the young lady said tp her guard go and catch them back, tell both of them that I want to meet them she was really arrogant.