Doctor's wife passed away

Now away from that sea where human settlement was found lived a doctor with his family who was very generous and couldn't see anyone in pain but wanted to serve needy people and he even never used to demand for money but service and happiness in the face of patient mattered him a lot .Instead of money if someone would say thank you then that was thousand times more precious to him.

His wife had just passed away and now his young son was his responsibility alone .He used to love him very much .His son was regarded as bless from god because all after five years of long wait his mother was able to bear him so he was named Bless.

His mother was not able to bear him and that days when Bless 's dad was busy and out of hometown she herself signed in formality that if during or after delivery something happened to her then she would be responsible alone for her death.

But by luck she served for long time which was not less than miracle and finally her time finished and she died .Bless was very close to his mother because his dad used to be busy and he was grown up with his mother .After her death he became so depressed and was mentally disturbed too .His dad was very sad for him and now he started to pay more attention and spent quality time with him .He started to talk to him so friendly which he never did before .He used to take him to the beach of the same sea where they used to spend most of their time.

" Dad, I want to go to beach again ," said Bless .His dad was so surprised because that was the very first demand he made so his dad agreed easily and said , " why not my son ? Let's go." Bless enjoyed a lot there with his dad .After that his dad fixed a time that he would take him there once a week .

Next day when dad was going to hospital Bless with innocent look said ," Dad , I want to go with you ." Dad was unable to say anything to him because he was scared if his son felt bad so he took him to hospital .Bless saw the pain of those patient and the way his dad served them .He was influenced with that heart touching scene where an old lady was joining her hand in front of his dad and blessing him to have long life .

When they were returning Bless asked his dad ," Dad , What did she say to you? " So his dad smiled and said ," She blessed me that I would live long and be able to make you happy always ." The weather was so cold but still away from human habitation Sun was looking for Shine to come back .

Now again the scene shift to Bless and he always used to go to hospital with his grandpa after his school time and was so much attached to hospital and patients." I can predict that your son is going to be doctor after you ," said Bless 's grandpa to his dad.

Hearing that Bless' s dad smiled and said ," Why not after all he is my son ,isn't it ? "

Now Bless 's grandpa suggested his dad to marry and make Bless filled with love of mother again . His dad wasn't ready for that because he was scared if Bless 's step mother tortured him and he just wanted him to see happy and free from any kind of tension , worries and torture. But his dad blackmailed him emotionally and now Bless 's dad decided to ask Bless himself.

He went to Bless and asked ," Son,Can I ask you something? " Bless looked at him and with a big small he agreed to ask. "Do you need mother or I am enough for you .Just tell me without hesitation ." Bless started loving his dad too and was so attached with him now .He wanted to say that his dad was enough for him to provide love of both dad and mom but he wished to have a mother with a thought that his dad will also get a companion to walk the rest of his life.

Now Bless and his dad again went to beach of the same sea .Bless said ," Dad ,I want to be a doctor but I found that this profession is not profitable. " When his dad heard that he was so surprised that his young son was talking like an adult so he laughed and knelt down to match the height of Bless. Looking into his eyes dad said," Bless,I am so glad that you want to be a doctor and genuinely speaking I always wanted this but why did you say that this job is not profitable ?"On that Bless replied ," Actually ,Grandpa was saying that you often used to give free treatment to patients and it is useless ." He smiled and asked ,"Whom do you love the most ?" Bless was stuck and just bowed down and started weeping and now dad knew that he missed his mother so he just hugged him and apologized to ask such question but Bless replied ," I love you the most ,dad." His dad was so satisfied and happy that he also started weeping and his son said," Dad,you look so ugly while crying ." Bless was cracking a joke for making him laugh then dad said ," The way you love me the most I love my patients the most as a doctor .And after being in any profession we have to adopt us in that role very well and should discharge the role with full loyalty. "

"Then don't you take anything from them", he asked .And dad replied ," No ,how can I give them free treatment I used to demand them the ever most precious thing and do you know what is that ?"Bless was curious and he asked ,"What is that?" On that dad replied ," A thank you from the bottom core of their heart with a pure smile on face and tears of pleasure filling the eyes ." Bless was surprised and he thought that as far as he knew thank you was just a word to greet some one ."Thank you and most precious ...",said Bless with a surprised look towards his dad.