I don't want to marry

Twinkle was very happy now and she was thinking if she needed to accept his proposal or not .Bless was also happy that he get to spend quality time with her after all but he was worried to because Moon could harm her if he knew that she came to him.Moon was waiting for Twinkle in her home.When she arrived home, she saw that Moon was already here and he just came to her and hugged her unexpectedly .

She felt little awkward and disgraceful .He asked her ," Where were you for whole night? Your mobile was switched off ." She said ," I went to my friend's home because she was alone yesterday ." He came close to her and touched her inappropriately which she didn't like and felt uncomfortable .He said ," I was so worried .You must need to inform me dear .Your health is not well OK." She said ," I am sorry but I am fine ."

Then he kissed on her forehead and said ," OK now come we should take breakfast because I guess you must be hungry." She lied ," No I have already done breakfast and now I am getting late for my job." He said ," But you are not well and its better to take some rest." She said ,"I am bored of taking rest and its enough now .I can't run away than my responsibility. Now please excuse me."

Now the scene shifted to her parents who were regretting for forcing Twinkle to get engaged with that merciless man .They prayed to god that a miracle would happen and Bless and Twinkle would come together once again.Apart from everything they were happy for Bless that he was alive and now they were compelled to believe that love has super power which can make anything possible .After all Twinkle 's believe won and Bless survived .

Now scene shifted to Sun and she was getting ready for her sudden marriage but she wasn't ready for that marriage .Shine's mother appeared there and praised her beauty highlighting with that bridal look .But Sun was lost in thoughts and looked sad so Shine's mother asked her what happened .Sun tried to hide her feelings but Shine's mother insisted her and she finally said," I am not ready for this sudden marriage. Actually, I am not denying for this marriage but not now . I have just lost my mother and my kingdom is weak right now due to that unexpected war and how can I leave everything like this .And I have to accomplish a task too."

Shine's mother hugged her and tried to convince her .Sun said ," I have a good news for you ." Shine's mother was shocked and surprised so she asked ," What is it?" Now Sun finally said that Shine was still alive .Her mother was not accepting it .She rebuked her for such a disgusting joke .But Sun cleared her everything and said ," I will soon prove you that she is alive and trust me your daughter will be in front of your eyes but for that I need to go back ."

"Is it your task to accomplish ," Shine's mother was wondered .So Sun nodded .This news spread everywhere and now the celebration was doubled .During the marriage ceremony ,gathering all of her courage she finally apologized her groom and said that she was not ready for that sudden marriage but all she needed was some time to make her ready for marriage.

Her groom looked at her with a shocking expression and said ," I respect your decision and I can't marry someone forcefully because its against my principles and morality .So you can take your time after all its your right and I appreciate your confidence ." She was surprised to hear that because it was out of her expectation. She was very happy and she even said that he could marry someone else too if he wanted .

He smirked and said ," Long ago many brides from my kingdom committed suicide and among them some were close to my heart .Our kingdom bore a great loss and the only reason they did that was forced marriage and the cheap mentality their grooms had .So now we must change our mentality and marriage must be done by the proper approval of both bride and groom. Please my Lady ,take your time and learn more about me and I will do the same .If we finally find that we are compatible for each other then we will meet at the same place very soon."

Sun was so amazed and impressed with her groom and she just bowed down for showing her respect to him and his principles .He saw that she was crying so he tried to console her and she just hugged him and thanked him for understanding her .Everyone clapped and appreciated their mutual understanding. He whispered ," Its my pleasure my lady .I will be waiting for the day of our marriage and I wish our marriage will not be forceful marriage. " She nodded .

Now scene shifted to the cruel man and the businessman and they were talking about Shine .The businessman wanted to see that mermaid. The cruel man asked ," Sorry to ask sir ,But I guess you must have seen her before,Isn't it?" The businessman answered ," Yes I have already seen her but this time my son wants to meet her as he likes to explore the mysterious things and places ."

The cruel man said ,"Oh so he is finally here." The businessman seemed emotional and he answered ," Finally ,all after 5 Years he is here ." Now his son had a great entry and for no doubt he was such a charming and eye catching personality that the cruel man couldn't look anywhere else once he saw him. The Businessman introduced his son with that cruel man and his name was Hope .

"Nice to meet you son," the cruel man expressed his happiness and Hope replied the same .Now they all moved towards the restaurant and Hope was very excited to meet with such a mysterious creature as explained by his dad. Finally they reached the restaurant and it was actually so grand and royal that Hope was really surprised .He started exploring each and every corner in detail .

He started asking surprising questions to the cruel man about that restaurant and he even wished to buy that restaurant if the cruel man agreed .The cruel man was shocked for sometime and now Hope laughed and said ," I was just joking sir .Please don't be afraid." His dad said ," If my son wants to buy it then I will buy it in any cost .So what do you think Sir ?" Now the cruel man was all wondered .He said ," We will talk about it later ."

Now finally Hope got to see that mermaid .He was not believing in his eyes and he was just staring at that wonderful creature which was just so strange and unique and Out of his imagination. "Oh my god," Is she real?" he was literally shocked and wondered. So the cruel man replied ," Yes son she is a real mermaid."He asked ," I can't. believe it .Please let me see her from near so that I could actually believe it."

Now the cruel man informed him about the challenge in which he could participate and could get the chance to meet with her easily but he said ," You can meet with her without the challenge too ." Hope liked challenges and he believed that life without risk and challenges looks boring .So he agreed the challenge and went into that large aquarium .His dad was worried for him as he loved him very much .

Hope went into the aquarium and he easily won the challenge as he reached the bottom part and even shaken his hands with her .When he came out he was very happy because he saw such an unique creature nearly .He was very much happy and pleased with her .His father was looking at him and his smile and the way he was looking at him made him happy too and he just hugged his son .

Now Hope was in his home and he was just thinking about Shine and after thinking too much he came to realize that she must felt bored and captured into that limited aquarium .He now started the search about mermaids and he came to know so much things about mermaid that marine water was their usual habitat and they also had their own family and lifestyle as humans.

He was now very excited to meet her next day and to ask several questions that arose in his mind after the search .Finally he said," See you soon my mysterious mermaid " and just slept .Next day ,he woke up early in the morning and went for jogging with his dad . After that they had a breakfast together .His dad was very happy and got emotional too because after a all time he finally got to spend quality time with him.

His dad said," I waited so long for this special moment my son."Hope said nothing .His dad continued ," Now I want you to stay here with me so that I could at least see you properly ." Hope just stood up from his seat and said ," I am sorry dad but learn to live without me because you will just be hurt by expecting more. Its not in our hand ." Then he went from there.

Dad was still sitting on his seat and was recalling those happy moments he had ever spent with his son .Suddenly he came to remember the bomb blast and he just stood up from his seat as if it was a scary nightmare .