
"My Princess, can you hear me " Irene said

Ardis grimaced at first until the sudden thought of being in heaven brainwashed her thus causing her to put her teeth in full display for Irene who could only do nothing but bath in worry ....

" My lady are you dreaming " Irene asked unsure whether to laugh or cry at the sight of Ardis smiling in front of her ... If someone had told her that she was the same person who had committed suicide a while ago she would have slapped the person so hard that the person would have gone toothless

Ardis tried opening her eyes so as to confirm if she was still in heaven only to be disturbed by a perpetual familiar voice in the background forcing her to grimace like a baby who had just seen a bile. So as to get rid of the voice she decided to open her eyes in assurance that the disturbing voice would go away .. Doing so , she almost jumped from the bed as she stared at pale Irene's face who was only centimeters away from her

Ardis sat up immediately and stared at her maid who looked like she had just saw the strangest thing ever . Ardis felt seriously guilty and shattered wondering why she was still alive ... She looked at her stomach and only a little scar could be seen proving to Ardis that it was real and not just a night mare

"My princess I am disappointed at you " Irene said her mouth curving downwards

Ardis sighed still recounting everything thing that had happened like it was just yesterday

" I am sorry , it was just hell _"

" Hell is a very strange person and though I had thrown a tantrum and threatened to kill him and punch him after seeing your lifeless body he didn't say a word , Though he didn't bring you back to life but I am sure he must have done something for you to be hale and hearty like this as myself didn't even use much herbs and medicine. It was the doctor who had handled it , but still princess you shouldn't have done that to your self , You didn't think about me ,nor did you think about our kingdom and the price they had to pay to gain their freedom " Irene said not stopping one second to catch her breath

Ardis felt the word 'SHAME' engulf her entire being as she stared down tears blurring her vision.... Truly she was very foolish and naive

" I am sorry Ylvia , I am really sorry " Ardis said hiccuping , biting her lips to stop the sobs from escaping her mouth .....

Ardis sighed relishing in the hug that Ylvia was giving her at that moment .....

Days passed by and Ardis had already gotten used to the routine which was Sleep wake up eat and sleep ..... Though she felt suffocated she still couldn't thank Irene for staying with her even though Irene was being extra protective and always nagging at her if her herbs and medicine were not taken ....

" The master has requested for your presence downstairs immediately " The servant said before walking off ....

Ardis stared at Irene wondering if she had just done something wrong .. More so she was embarrassed to face Hell ....

Ardis and Irene got downstairs with Ardis almost turning to ice due to how cold it was outside , Sometimes it was strange to both of them as at how it happens normally it was cold out side and then inside was just warm and cool just like her kingdom ....

Ardis was surprised to see two carriages waiting outside the palace gate ... Hell never told her that she was traveling nor did he even visit her in the past few days ....

Hesitantly , Ardis walked towards the carriage and got into it and as if understanding the message Irene took the other carriage after one last worried glance at her princess....

Ardis immediately welcomed the nerve cracking aura that surrounded her , goosebumps making it's home on her skin .... She was feeling a little bit uncomfortable as they had never rode the same carriage before ....

She stared at his face and as usual his eyes carried large amount of glaciers that even a furnace couldn't melt... His face expression was as blank as ever and his raven hair was a bit disheveled .

Ardis couldn't help but drool over the man sitting next to her ... His thick eyebrows were taut a little and his pink lips tilted into a frown .. His sharp angular jaw clenched for a very long time making Ardis wonder if anything had gone wrong.

"I didn't bring any clothes with me " Ardis said with a voice merely above a whisper fiddling with her silky gown as she waited for a response like a desperate woman

" They won't mind if you stay naked " He replied in a eery voice shocking naive Ardis