Mosquito Girl

- My Pov -

Even though I used a lot of cringe and cliché words earlier, it appeared sufficient to shake the pure heart of the female character named Lily.

"Not bad," I muttered.

I honestly thought this slow-paced approach would bore me to death, but it seems the opposite because I really enjoyed it from start to finish.

It's possible that this is because I've actually had conversations with the characters that, up until now, I've only been able to see on the page or on the screen, but now I can have actual conversations with them.

Even the physical appearance of these female characters I met in person surprised me by being more alluring and attractive than I had anticipated.

"The supporting character known as Lily, who I had the pleasure of meeting earlier, really does have a stunning appearance. I still find it hard to believe it even now."

"I can't wait until I get to see her the next time," I said.

After that, I walked into an empty alley, and the bright white light shone again. In an instant, I vanished once more without leaving any traces behind.


A very strange and puzzling event takes place in a forest close to the city of Z. It is reported that many animals in the forest suddenly die unnaturally, Their bodies appear to be dry, and when the animals' bodies are examined, it is discovered that all of the blood in the bodies of the animals has vanished.

This peculiar occurrence was quickly reported on television, and even the Hero Association issued a plea to the people of City Z, urging them to remain inside their homes for the foreseeable future unless it was absolutely necessary to do so.

"I hope I'm not late."

Shortly after the appearance of a flash of white light from somewhere within the forest, I made my way out from hiding behind a tree while maintaining my unconcerned demeanor.

As you are aware, I am currently in city Z, also known as the town in which Saitama resides. This is the city that has a reputation for being extremely hazardous for both humans and monsters.

"My target this time is Mosquito Girl."

Yes, you did hear correctly. The name "Mosquito Girl" appeared on the system list, and she was also a heroine that I needed to snatch, or you could say that I conquered.

At first, I was a little surprised, but then I remembered again, and it turned out that this Mosquito Girl had quite a high popularity. She even entered the top 10, according to One Punch Man fans.

Consequently, I suppose that it is reasonable for her to be included on the target list that is provided by my system.

Therefore, I hastened to get to town Z in order to rescue Mosquito Girl from the disaster that was going to befall her.

Because as you are aware, shortly after Mosquito Girl made her debut at the beginning of the story, she immediately captured the audience's attention when she engaged in combat with genos. Alternatively, you could say that it was her voluptuous body that captured the audience's attention.

But all of that vanished within a few minutes of Saitama's arrival because Mosquito Girl died instantly from one slap delivered by Saitama. Her blood could even be seen spraying everywhere when her body exploded.

"I won't let Saitama kill Mosquito Girl this time."

Even though I don't know for sure what will happen if I let Mosquito Girl die, I don't want to gamble with things I don't know because I don't want to have bad consequences after letting the heroine on the system list die.

[The distance between Mosquito Girl and the Host does not exceed one hundred meters]

I believe that Mosquito Girl is still busily sucking up all of the animal blood that she can find in this forest, and I guess my assumption was correct because I saw a cloud of mosquitoes that filled the sky flying towards me from a distance.

I could only make out a silhouette of a human figure moving through the thick cloud of mosquitoes. I was certain that I saw a Mosquito Girl flying among the dense swarm of mosquitoes.

The fact that this swarm of mosquitoes flew towards me made it simpler for me to avoid having to look for them any longer, and in addition, this forest proved to be an ideal place in which to persuade Mosquito Girl.

My entire body vanished in a single bright flash of light, and it suddenly appeared on the top of a very large and lofty tree.


I spoke to Mosquito Girl in a low voice while maintaining a smirk on my face and advised her, "You better not go into the city."

Despite my voice not being particularly loud, the swarm of mosquitoes stopped, and it was possible to see Mosquito Girl opening her eyes and yawning.

"Huff... who is that... I didn't expect that in the middle of a forest like this there would be a human."

But I remained silent and simply looked the Mosquito Girl in the eye without making a sound.

[ Dr. Genus of the House of Evolution is responsible for the creation of the prototype artificial mutant known as Mosquito Girl. ]

[ Because Mosquito Girl was composed of insect parts, the majority of her body was composed of an exoskeleton, making it light enough to enable wing flight. Her entire body was elongated, and each of her limbs terminated in a pair of hooks. Her lower legs were digitigrade, and she had additional forelegs. Her biceps and shins were covered in long bristles, and her body was striped in a manner similar to that of a hornet. She also had a figure that could be described as rather voluptuous ]

[ Beyond her long hair and an unmistakably human face, her head is reminiscent of a mosquito's, with a second pair of compound eyes, two sets of antennae, and a proboscis significantly reduced in length. She still carried a banded abdomen from the small of her back, despite the fact that she had a humanoid body with a lower torso ]

[ After she underwent the transformation, the banded stripes that were already present on her body became jagged and more pronounced, and the bristles that were present on her mosquito headpiece changed into sharp spines ]


I didn't anticipate the information provided by the system to be this lengthy, so I said to myself, "stop," as I massaged my forehead, which was beginning to feel a little dizzy.

"I believe that the more significant the character is to the story, the more information I will get about that character."

Nevertheless, if I were forced to take in all that information at once, it would make my head spin like a top.